Escape (2)

'Time to execute the plan.'

While already thinking about the execution, I suddenly remembered when Cristo also asked me something about Azrael's whereabouts.

It's logical for Azrael to disappear on this day since he is a member of the Directive Special knights.

Despite the possibility that he wouldn't be around, I was still confident that Azrael would still be around since this is my execution day.

'I'm actually glad that the first part of the plan has been working well.'

I thought while I sighed heavily in response.

If I were, to be honest, this plan of mine is highly risky and could have seen as illogical when counted the sudden preparation, the enormous numbers of enemies that will hold us back, and we only have one chance.

If we fail on our only given chance, we will all be executed by burning and ended up dying.

But one thing for sure was that I have already calculated everything that has the possibility that could go wrong.

I will not die today.

Nor the next day and the day after that.

With the building slowly destroyed by the smoldering flames, Althea immediately went on guard with her hand shove to the two Directive Knights.

"Bring Her Highness to safety!"

Althea screamed rapidly to one of the Directive Knights.

The Directive Knight immediately grabs my handcuffed hands as they take me to safety when the whole kingdom is on fire.

Now that the Directive Knight has dragged me outside the Directive Center along with other citizens who are still panicking about the sudden flames, I took this chance for myself to escape from its grasp.

I glanced at the sword that the knight had and took a deep breath.

When his focus was on another citizen, I immediately kicked him on his knee with my hand swiftly took his sword from his sheath.

Because of the kick, he lost his balance and later fell to the ground. While he was still on the ground, I quickly grasped the sword and stabbed him on his leg.




I was stunned when I saw him as a shiver ran down my spine.

The knight didn't even react to the pain that I just gave him through his leg as he was just lying there.

"... What happened..?"

I slightly reached the unconscious knight that I just kicked on his knee.

With a curious thought of his condition, I grabbed his helmet and slowly removed it from his face.

After all, I have never seen one of the Directive Knights take off their helmets this whole time and all of them have the same body posture and attitude.

I was curious about what kind of creature was wearing this heavy armor.

But my expectations immediately betrays me when I removed his helmet completely.

My eyes widened at the sight.

Beneath the heavy armor, there, I saw that I could only describe it with the word,


Inside this armor was nothing but air and there wasn't even a body wearing that attire.

A shiver ran down my spine in which I started trembling at an abnormal sight.

Turns out there was nobody beneath the Directive Knight's armor with whom I have been talking to since I arrived here.

'... Then... where did the stoic and robotic voice came from!?'

Truth be told, I was shocked when I discovered this.

I had expected a hideous monster beneath the armor but the air greeted me instead.

There was nothing, not even a body.

It was as if the body vanished from thin air when I removed the helmet.

I trembled while throwing the helmet that I held aside.

It was horrifying to the point that I almost lost my mind and my way.

'How can this possibly happened!?'

I bit my lip as hard as I could to the point I could taste my own blood that had actually woken me up from the thought and helped me focus on my way.

I glanced around the body as I saw the key for me to unlock my handcuffs.

I took the key that was in the hands of the Directive Knight that I kicked and unlocked my handcuffs.

Without glancing back, I left the knight while holding his sword as I ran towards one of the horses that belonged to the Directive Knight.

When I sat on top of the horse, I widened my eyes when I realized something.

'Ugh, I don't know how to ride a horse!'

Because of the time that had kept me stressed, I just randomly hopped on the horse.

I sighed in displeased until I remembered that in my previous life I often watched people riding horses in movies.

'Hope this works!'

I prayed wholeheartedly.

In the saddle, I took a moment to make sure that I was in the proper position for balance as I also keep my back straight.

Once my legs are in the right position, I make sure that I'm holding the reins properly. 

I kicked the horse into a gallop with the horse just moving into a faster trot when I signal it to the canter.


I yelped from the sudden movement, almost losing my balance.

It's a bit challenging, especially because I don't know how to ride properly.

With that in mind, I tried my best to guide the horse to the Central Directive as fast as I could.

I keep my head low while running from town to town.

Along the journey between every town I went to, I finally noticed the mess that I had created.

The anxious citizens watch and witness flames licking the brickwork as the house is engulfed by the deadly flames in which the Directive Knights tried to help them.

There are dozens perhaps hundreds of Directive Knights around that are temporarily residing in every town because of the massive burning flames.

'If this is how you burn down sinner, then I'm just going to burn down everything, Directive Order!'

The entire town that I passed has burned into a sea of red, yellow, and orange flames following the cries of the people that echoed them.

I watched as the flames ripped my way and gazed upwards as I saw tendrils of smoke reaching desperately into the sky.

I looked at them stunned.

It was as if trying to escape the blazing inferno below.

"...I think I'm going crazy..."

I lightly smiled because of my thought while going through the ruins that I've created and promised that there will be no victim because I have put my trust in the Directive Knights that have the duty to protect their citizens.

I have finally arrived at the Central Directive a while later and was quite surprised that the building hasn't turned into ash yet.

'As I expected... the Central Directive must have been protected by magic. Well, it is also the only place where we can cross paths with the outside world.'

I know that all that's left for everything to finish are me and Azrael to get there.

I'm confident that Cristo has already freed Selene from her cell because I could sense that both of them are inside the Central Directive on the top floor.

'I'm glad that most of the citizens are attending my execution. Otherwise, I would be afraid if there are victims.'

Without warning, I just jump off my horse because I can't stop his movement.

The sudden jump causes me to fall on the ground harshly in which return hurting both my elbow and knees.

'No time to complain!'

I slightly grunted but I still focus on my aim and rise from my fall as I immediately run towards the building that no longer has any guards around guarding it.

When I look at the Central Directive building, it makes me recall something that the building has 7 floors.

Because of that, I have to go to the top of the floors.

The 7th floor.

'I'm sure that Cristo and Selene are already there!'

Looking at the situation, I am also sure Azrael is also around here.

When the flames spread more, I could feel the energy inside is being constantly drained out from me.

The smoke didn't help either but the building itself protects me from the flames.

'It is truly filled with mana.'

I can feel the tiredness inside me. My body felt like a worm that was slowly but surely is draining my life.

I can hear the bizarre flames and cracks, but I'm not really listening to it.

Everything seems to move at a dragged pace.

All of them submerged into a hazy fuzz with my current vision.

As I ambled across the hall in a daze, I observed glistening shards of glass cascading from the burning building from the inside as flames licked the luxurious window frames.

'If this building weren't filled with mana, I might die right now.'

One thing that I'm glad about the situation was that the flames from outside can't come inside the Central Directive hall.

I sighed tiredly but still struggling to move on because of my wounds.

When I walk a few steps more, I suddenly hear a pair of hands clapping in front of me.

I slowly lift my head and was greeted by the crimson eyes in which I recognize.

"... Azrael..."

"Well, well~"

He smiled casually as we stop on each other's track, staring into one another.

"... Azrael, let's go together! There's still time!"

I reasoned him with a wide smile.

The tone in my voice was like I'm desperate for him to come alongside me.

I have forgotten all of my troubles and tiredness to get here the moment I saw him.

He stood there, looked at me, and out of nowhere forms a really gentle smile towards me.

"... No one is going anywhere, Dorothy."

My eyes widened in realization in which the obstacle I must face has appeared in front of me.

'Ah... this is the hardest part of the plan.'


