Game of Death (1)

Inside the forest that was served as the hunting ground, my team and I looked around our surroundings.

"Everything seems peaceful around us."

I murmured under my breath while putting my hand under my chin.

I turned my head around to gaze at my teammates as I cleared my throat.

"Alright, everyone. To be honest, I participated in this hunt to achieve something else."

I exclaimed my reasons for being there.

Among the members, it was only Noah who was surprised to hear my unexpected statement since I had already explained it to Zilera and Tenro.

All of them besides Gael nodded their heads.

Zilera later appeared with a pondered expression with her chin resting on her hand as she was curious about my intention to join the hunt.

"But, what is it that you want to achieve in this bloody hunting ground beside the prize?"

After asking that, Gael and I shared a look and slightly nodded.