Noah's Message (1)

When I was already standing in the hall again with Gael, I could only find myself stunned by the situation in front of me.

It was the fact when I realized my team is not the only one who has dead members.

The other teams that I have seen through the hall are left with one member or three members, which the surviving members barely made out alive based on their heavy injuries.

What makes me more infuriated is that there is even a whole team that didn't make it out alive from the hunting ground.

The truth in front of me was enough for me to stop being positive about all the things that we have been through.

Despite that we had gathered once again in the hall, I couldn't find those bastards that wiped off half of my team members.

Even though the other teams suffered many great losses, they still hope to gain the map as I know how much that the map is an absolute great prize.

"Team #25 in a total of 39 hunts!"