Unexpected Encounter (2)

Cristo's eyelids slowly opened, revealing his emerald eyes which were greeted by the swaying leaves of trees above him.

The breeze was gentle and nice when the natural force blew around the area, touching his bare skin.

From this point onwards, he could only remember Dorothy beside him and he was incredibly confused about the place he was currently at.

He rises from his lying position while scratching his head and lets out a groan.

When he turned his head around to observe the situation, he unexpectedly caught someone he was unfamiliar with.

It was a girl that has snowy white hair, the same as him, and has beautiful light magenta eyes focusing on the book she holds up.

She was casually reading a book with a calm and refined gesture.

He was immensely stunned by her beauty, which was nearly the same as Dorothy but with a different feelings.

But, he decided to shake the thought off with his eyes still looking at her.