Inferno Kingdom

The moment when all of us entered the Inferno Kingdom, a shiver ran down my spine and my eyes widened about the bizarre look the kingdom has.

(W-why is the sky... dark red?)

Instead of a clear blue sky above the many buildings, the one that greeted us was a dark red sky.

I only took a glance at the sky as it already seemed to turn my mood down.

Isla was clinging onto me and her body became greatly shaking upon seeing the horrid atmosphere around us.

Gael had a frown crept on his face with his head looking upwards towards the sky and hands clenched into fists.

Cristo was standing beside him and he... looked like the usual Cristo I know.

I twitched my eyebrows at the sight and hesitantly turned my head to the rest of my underlings.

They already shrugged before I could even say something as if they could read me like a textbook.