
Gael stared at the sight of the kingdom with a frown across his face, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

(I hate this feeling...)

"Hello Gael."

The soft, friendly voice of Selene caught him off guard as he turned his head to be greeted by her alluring violet eyes that seemed to observe him deeply.

"... Selene Cairo.."

He murmured under his breath, looking at her with slightly wide eyes.

"Good evening."

Selene greeted him, taking a seat beside him while enjoying the white cloud on the red sky above them.

"... I just realized.. the person that you searched for is Dorothy."

"Oh? Did that fact surprise you?"

Selen asked with her usual unnatural smile as if she could read his mind like an open book.

"... It sure did. You see, my name is actually Gael-"


Selene gladly finished his last name for him, gazing back at the sky.