Breakable Bonds (4)

"Geez, what if they know their intelligent and confident Master is a crybaby?"

Raphael sighed deeply after wiping off my tears with the handkerchief he had.

I sniffled and pouted, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"... I'm just tired."

"Hmm, is that so?"

He hummed, positioned himself into a position that I could get comfortable.

"Why are you tired?"

".... Because of the burden on my shoulder. It's so heavy."

"... Pfft."

He chuckled as I raised my brow in confusion.

"Why are you laughing!?"

"Well, I mean- pfft, there's nothing on your shoulder beside your clothes."

Hearing him say that made my eyebrows twitch in annoyance and veins were growing on my forehead.

"Relax~ relax~ That's not all, right?"

I pouted and avert my gaze somewhere else.

"... Yes."

"So? What is it? Tell me."

He started to stroke my hair softly, as if comforting me so I could feel better.