Lasting Promise (End)

It was a bright, clear day, as if the weather was matching how I felt inside.

It's the day of my wedding.

The day of my wedding dawned bright and clear. I knew that from the moment I woke up, it would be a perfect day for us.

(Azrael and I are going to get married soon and we'll become husband and wife!)

I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, and then I heard a knock on the door as I quickly turned toward it.

Cristo stepped inside the room and stopped the moment he saw me, his eyes went wide.

(Eh... Do I look weird..?)

I suddenly felt nervous and self-conscious, I fidgeted a little waiting for him to say something.

He took a deep breath, a gentle smile graced his lips as he walked towards me.

He stopped in front of me, his smile gentle as he leaned toward me and I caught my breath, tilting my face up.

"Do I.. Look weird?"

I asked awkwardly, forming a hesitant smile, but Cristo shook his head.