Special Days (2)

"Is everything ready for the trip?"

I asked Azrael and he nodded his head, patting the carriage in front of him.

Both of us decided that we should take our journey by carriage. We didn't use Isla's teleportation magic since we could have the chance to enjoy the journey.

With that knowledge, Isla changes our appearance, so Azrael's and my eyes become crimson and our hair becomes jet black again.

The demon race's appearance.

"Will you be alright going alone?"

Gael asked, crossing both of his arms as I chuckled at him.

"Isn't that a little too late to say?"

"Well, no."

He grinned, joking back at me and I looked at all of the rest.

"Seriously, all of you don't need to send us both off."

"Don't worry Dorothy! It's our duty!"

Isla cheered, giving me a thumbs up.

"... Be careful."

"I will, thank you, Cristo."

"And don't forget souvenirs!"