A Heavy Guilt (4)

[Azrael de Revanche POV]





It's been a year since I often visited Lucretia for work purposes. I often meet the Crown Prince, Adiel, to discuss everything.

However, Marcus, Edgar, even Edward were nowhere to be seen along with the Princess.

Everyone said that the princess was continuing on her journey. But I was never interested in it. I prefer to mind my own business.

But, I ended up asking it when I was meeting with Adiel.

"Huh? My sister?"

I nodded my head casually with crossed arms as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"... Well, I will give you a piece of advice."

(Huh? Why would you give me advice?)

"What is it?"

Adiel stared at me for a little longer as he parted his lips, his eyes narrowed.

"Whatever you do, don't get involved with her."

"... Huh?"

"Or bad things will continue to happen to you."

I chuckled at his 'advice'

"Is she some kind of misfortune?"