The truck skidded to a halt in the middle of the highway. Its passengers lurched against their seatbelts. Passing cars honked; cursed words and gestures flashed out of their windshields.

"Are you serious? We're not even sure if she's really the one I'm talking about," Sophia said.

"Yup! I'm sure she's that person," Aildrin said. "We're fetching her." He then grinned.

"We will...if you can flesh out millions of dollars, a trove of high-end equipment, and other luxurious offers for her right now." Sophia pumped some gas and started to turn the wheel towards the side lane, giving way to the mad cars behind her.

Aildrin's face soured. "I don't need those things."

Sophia slapped her forehead. "Then what makes you think she'll join you? And what level and rank are you now? You're not even known in Wargrounds! Don't tell me you're capitalizing on your name? God, you're helpless!"

"Yup. Because she's my fan," Aildrin said.

Sophia stifled her laughter, but eventually, it got the best of her.

"Why don't you start turning the truck around? " Aildrin rolled his eyes. "Are you questioning my charisma? Remember when we were in high school? You easily accepted my invitation and became WisDoom's manager...for free! I was a nameless captain back then with nothing to offer but..." He pointed to his temple.

Sophia shook her head in disapproval, but said, "Aye, aye, nameless captain!" She then turned on the radio.

"Esports Live! Breaking news!" It was Ringo's voice.

Sophia was already halfway of the other lane when she stomped on the brakes.

"Are you killing us?" Aildrin said.

Hush! Sophia gestured.

"In the World of Wargrounds, the most sought out and the ever-mysterious player of the season, the Top Global Gunner, Baby Shark finally broke her solitude by announcing the creation of her guild. Some famous Esports Analysts already expected her to give in to Bermuda Bark's invitation, a Top Global Guild of Murlocs and a playoff contender, but her decision sent the public into a frenzy of cheers and dismay. And now, the once free but impenetrable fortress of Napalm Beach is owned by her guild...Lonestar—a controversial name by itself!

"When asked for the reason behind the name, she simply replied that she got it from the Random Name Generator. Is it fate or a mere coincidence? Stay tuned for more news updates!"

Aildrin was stunned.

"Speaking of the we're sure that she's the one! But it looks like we're a beat too late, captain." Sophia pulled the wheel back and returned to their original destination.

Aildrin swallowed a lump. "She's crazy..."

"Do you believe that it was randomly generated? Just like how you came up with that name back then in Battle Arena?"

"No. She deliberately used it. That brat..."

Sophia grinned. "Then, you should thank her for announcing your return."

"I have no intention of entering the pro scene. I'm laying low this time."

"Oh, really? But, it's really hard to hide brilliance, my dear captain. How long will you be able to hold it out? How long will you deny yourself of your gift?"

After an awkward silence of travel for half an hour, the distant cooing of seagulls and the crashing of waves replaced the city's noise. Aildrin and Sophia have arrived at their destination.

"This is it?" Aildrin said when he came out of the truck. He stood before a dilapidated warehouse with a rusty roll up gate.

"This is what?" Sophia said. She then smiled.

"This is what's left of our WisDoom?"

"Woah, watch your mouth, captain. What's with the 'our?' You've left, remember?"

Aildrin rolled his eyes.

"Yes, this is WisDoom's new base. It's not that much yet, but we could build it up again, right? Come, I can't wait to introduce you to the others!"

The warehouse sat on the far end of the port. Rows and columns of red container vans surrounded the building.

"Wait for me. I'll get some help," Sophia said. She then tapped on the gate with her palm. "Open up! Open up!"

A rectangular peephole opened from the gate's surface, and a pair of hazel eyes appeared. Sophia waved to the person inside like a child saying hello to a long-lost friend.

The metal creaked and a hidden man gate opened up at the corner. A burly man with a buzz cut hazel hair came out of it. He wore a black pair of rectangular spectacles and a white polo shirt—neat and clean.

"Sophia! Welcome back!" the man said as he widely opened his arms for a hug.

Sophia pounced on him and they hugged each other warmly. "Aildrin, this is my brother, Solomon. He's the one I told you about! He's a weapon maker for the army."

"Was a weapon maker for the army. You can call me Sol for short." Solomon offered a mutilated right hand for a shake. Four of its fingers were missing, only the thumb remained.

Aildrin shook it with respect.

"I've heard that you're quite skilled with weapon-making, Aildrin." Sol smiled.

"Oh, it was a hobby back then. Weapons for games, not for wars though."

"Nice! I think we'll work well. I'd love to show you my new designs for Wargrounds!"

"You're playing the game, too?"

"Yup. Post-retirement career." He wiggled his thumb with a grin.

"He's the one who bought this warehouse, and he's WisDoom's team manager now," Sophia said. Her eyes were full of admiration for her brother.

"That's great! WisDoom is in good hands. Thank you Sol, it means a lot to me," Aildrin said.

"No worries." Sol smiled. "It's getting dark, come inside. I'll take care of your things."

Sophia entered first, then Aildrin followed. Sol came in last, lifting the Battle Station's box with ease.

Red and blue LED line strips welcomed Aildrin. They illuminated the place like an internet cafe.

There were a lot of Battle Stations inside, filed in a row by the left wall and divided into stations. Aildrin counted at least twelve units, but only five consoles were on, and the rest seemed non-functioning.

Aildrin's attention then jumped to the huge yellow LED letters mounted at the far end of the hall. They served as a backdrop of what seemed to be the server computer on top of an office desk.


It was a sight to behold if not for the letter I, which flickered now and then.

Beneath the letters was a circular LED figure of a yellow owl. A pair of green horns jutted from its head. It was the team's logo.

"Brings back memories?" Sophia said. She bumped her shoulder on Aildrin.

Aildrin smiled. "Where are they?"

Sophia told him back in the road that WisDoom recruited some new members after the main roster left. Osho was the last one to go.

"Maybe they're having dinner below. I'll call them out," Sophia said. She waltzed through the tattered carpet of the hallway. "Guys! Are you eating dinner? Come out for now and meet the old captain! And he told me that he's gonna be taking back his rightful place!"

"Hey! What are you saying?" Aildrin said. He ran after Sophia, hushing her mouth with his hand. "I did not say that!" he said with bewildered eyes.

Sophia giggled. She removed Aildrin's hand. "Yes, you did! I can read it in your eyes! Captain Gentrix, follow me!"

At the right end of the hall was an entrance for a basement. A railing divided the descent into two—a stair on the left and a ramp on the right.

"What's in there?" Aildrin said. He inspected the entrance. It was illuminated by fluorescent lamps on both sides.

"The bunker! Come, you can slide through the railing if you want. For me, I prefer the ramp! Woo-hoo!" Sophia said. She skidded her way down; her rubber shoes squeaked with every step.

Aildrin grinned. "She never grows up, does she?"

"Yup. She's always that little girl," Sol said. "Go, Aildrin. Meet the others and get some dinner. I'll prepare your things if it's okay with you."

"Thanks, "Aildrin said. "That box contains my Battle Station." He then bowed before taking the stairs.

Closed blue doors facing each other lined the basement's walls like a dormitory. Aildrin counted ten rooms, and at the end of the hallway was the pantry. The area was well lit.

Sophia waved at Aildrin from the pantry. She sat with three men. "Come, captain! Join us!"

Inside the pantry was a long wooden table that could cater to fifteen people at most.

"Everyone, this is Aildrin Gentrix. He's the founder of WisDoom back when he was twelve!" Sophia said with excitement in her eyes.

Aildrin greeted them with a smile.

Seated on the left side of Sophia was a teenage boy. He wore a pair of circular black shades and his spiky hair was orange.

"Hello, Aildrin!" the orange-haired boy said. He then extended his left hand. There were six fingers on it with the sixth one stemming out of the thumb like a branch. "I'm Jack McHeart. If you could not tell, well, I'm blind! So I'd really appreciate it if you could see through the extra mile."

"Oh. Sure, Jack," Aildrin said. He shook his hand cordially. "It's nice to meet you."

"Aildrin Gentrix, I've heard stories! My name is Harvy Giddy. It's an honor to meet you," said a deep and firm voice from the far left. He was a blond, muscular man who seemed to be around his early forties. His forehead was wrinkled and blemished. And he sat in a wheelchair—his legs missing.

"He's a war veteran of the Peace Valley's Special Corps," Sophia said. "Sergeant Harvy Giddy. He's also the one who saved my brother when the enemies attacked their base. That's why he lost his legs."

"No need to add the formalities, Sophia. Aildrin, you can just call me Harvy," he said.

Aildrin saluted. "It's an honor to meet you, Harvy. Thank you for your sacrifice for the continent."

Harvy saluted back with tearful gray eyes that he tried hard to suppress.

"And this is Patrick Gadlock," Sophia said, referring to the plump and short man with a round nose to her right. Curly auburn hair and beard decorated his face.

"Nice to meet you, Aildrin. Call me Pat, I'm WisDoom's new captain," Patrick said. His voice was high pitched and demanded respect. He seemed to be in his early twenties.

"Oh. Thank you for taking care of WisDoom," Aildrin said. There was loneliness in his voice when their eyes met.

"What's your role in the game?" Pat said. His arms crossed over his chest like a skeptic interviewer.

"Ah, I'm usually in the frontline—a melee. But, I'm still new to Wargrounds. So I'm not yet sure of how this works," Aildrin said.

"Alright, you have nothing to worry about. As long as I'm here, you won't die. You got it?" Pat said.

"G-got it, captain!" Aildrin said, followed by a forced smile. His eyes asked for some explanation from Sophia.

"As you can see, Aildrin, we've met Patrick here in the port. He's a—"

"Nameless fisherman with a dream," Patrick said, finishing Sophia's sentence.