Orceana never knew what hit her. She and the two orcs had hunted countless dragons. The very blade of her weapon even came from their fang.

And the one swooping from the sky was smaller compared to what she and her group had butchered. She faced the beast with confidence.

Orceana stood on the highest part of the wall and made sure to make herself visible. Red electricity crackled all around her.

The Twin Devils stood by her side. They unfurled scrolls—self-crafted artifacts they used to hunt bosses. Bright white light blossomed from them and caught the dragon's attention.

[Hellbring, Level 200, God-Rank Beast.]

The dragon seemed to grin when it showed its sharp fangs. It changed its course and charged at them. Smoke billowed from its flaring nostrils.

"Jablo, prepare to receive its flames! Jago, keep on maintaining that aggro!" Orceana said, whirling her cleaver while waiting for the right timing.

The bulky orc nodded and stood before Orceana. He then took out another scroll.

Just like what Orceana had predicted, Hellbring shot a ball of flame. It roared towards their direction.

Then Jablo opened the scroll. Its surface glowed like a mirror.

The fireball halted midair. Then it bounced back to the dragon.

But Hellbring simply swallowed it back. Then the beast stopped midair. Its neck bulged. And black chains crawled out of its maw and snaked around its body.

Hellbring roared, and its crimson eyes flashed open. Its body bursted into flames, melting the chains before they could reach its wings.

The dragon blazed like hell's reincarnation. It then charged at the three orcs with murderous intent.

Unmoved by their failed attempt, Orceana hurled her cleaver towards the dragon's head. But her weapon melted before it even touched the beast.

Hellbring snapped the three, burning whatever remained of their bodies. It then proceeded to its original target—Aildrin.

Projectiles bombarded the beast, but just like Orceana's weapon, they melted before touching the crimson flames. The water cannon from the Warheads did not even manage to dowse Hellbring. They evaporated and covered the beast in mist instead.

The orcs scattered under Ogni's command. They could barely maintain their defensive formation because of the fiery gusts coming from Hellbring's enormous wings.

Meanwhile, the flame golems and spirits had already broken through the first wall. The ranged units on the walls were distracted because of the dragon's arrival. Their attack force divided into three: those who attacked the dragon in vain, the endless horde, and those who were confused about what to do.

"Human, we've met again," said a deep voice in Aildrin's mind. He could not move his knees under the gaze of Hellbring.

Aildrin clenched his fists. He stared back at the dragon, who hovered over Lazybones like a conqueror waiting for them to surrender. Its voice was very familiar. "Kain!"

"Yes, human. It's me," Hellbring said. "I've sensed your arrival and have come to lend you my strength. You know what I can do. And without me, you will die in this war."

"And why would you do that?" Aildrin said. He gripped his necklace, hoping for Sars to lend him his strength.

"Because our fates are tied, human. You heard my call amidst the numerous spirits living in those weapons, and you've chosen me. You wielded my strength when you first came to this world. But that damnable Silas. He's a liar!" Hellbring hissed. "He broke our bond and poisoned your mind."

Aildrin's thoughts swayed. Hellbring's words sounded true. "No! You're the liar!"

Smoke billowed from the beast's nostrils. It then chuckled. "Hm. Your soul needs purification. My flames can help you. All you need to do is ask, and I shall return to you. We will slaughter everyone who dares to stand in our way."

"I'll choose death a million times than be your slave. Come here, you coward! I'll slice your head!"

"Very well," the dragon said. "I'll just be here if you need my help, human." Then it shot fireballs towards the walls.

Balls of flames like meteorites bombarded the walls, burning everything in their wake.

A cloud of black smoke billowed; the walls turned into ruins. Then the flame spirits rushed through the wide opening, and the clash between the two armies finally began.

The Warheads changed their targets and engaged with the Flame Golems, drowning them in a torrent of water. And each orc faced at least five flame eidolons.

Ogni's army held off the first wave. But then the Black Orcs started their attacks, swarming through the town like black ants.

"Fall back!" Ogni said while cleaving a flame spirit into two with his ax. "To the Shorkan!" Orceana's death was a heavy blow to their morale.

Ogni did not care about dying, for he could just resurrect along with his guild members. Wars were luxurious, but if it meant he could defend his turf, he'd die a thousand times.

But the NPCs around him won't. Once dead, they were gone forever. "Shield the NPCs!" Ogni said to his guild members. "Protect them at all costs!"

And when he turned back to his side, Papa Bear was nowhere to be found.


"It looks like that dragon is our ally," Brutus said, watching from afar. "Have you taken control of it?"

"Yes," Black Myth lied.

Karcel had long since started its infiltration within the Alliance of Light, planting seeds of strife and doubt. And the Orcs were his first victim after taking control of Alistor.

His Malignants—disguised as orcs—were the ones responsible for assassinating Lazybones, the Orcs' King, causing turmoil to Dethrak.

Without a King, Brutus, the leader of the Black Orcs, claimed the throne for himself. He was once a believer of the Alliance. But when the Kings of Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Divines subtlely fought for dominion through politics, he knew that it wouldn't take long before the Alliance crumbled.

The lack of aid when he took control of Dethrak just proved what he believed—that the Orcs were on their own without a King. They have the strength to fend off the invading Demons from the Helrak, so why would they send reinforcements to the other races when they received none?

Meanwhile, the two Malignants stood by Brutus' side, confident of their masks. They still thought Brutus perceived them as Orcs.

Little did they know that Brutus could see through their deceptive appearances. And for a long time, the Leader of the Black Orcs was the one toying with them.