The book psycho part 2

"Good morning Doctor." Greeted jessica heading inside the laboratory.

"Will you ever knock? Ever?" Vivana asked as she continued with her work.

"Why does that even bother you Carter? It's not like you're hiding something."

"Like you are? You bailed out on me last night."

"I had some important errand to run and by the way. It's not like it was a date. Who is she?" Asked jessica getting close to Ms. Williams' corps.

"She? Beatrice Williams.  Twenty seven and married to Jonathan Joseph Williams. Victim of harassment. "

"I think you shouldn't be a doctor?" Asked Jessica as Vivana kept on explaining herself.

"I told her." Snapped Danie heading inside the lab. "Good morning ladies? She was married to Jonathan for four months now and a few hours. Yesterday would make there four months anniversary as a married couple."

"Oh. Newly weds. What do you think killed her Carter?"

"Based on the bruises around her naked, she was obviously strangled but then this hole through her nose must be the reason why she died fast."

"Nothing else happened to her. No DNA of some male Individual?"

"No. She was harassed too. When I looked inside her vagina. Something was forced inside her after she was dead."

"How do you know that?" Asked Jessica.

"Well. It wasn't like she was turned on and the material they used was of a small pen size or a pen if I may say. The only DNA I found on her was that of her husband."

"Then he is the one who killed her you say?" Inquired Danie getting close to the corps.

"You can say yes. He did. But why would he kill his wife and live so much evidence. It's like he wants the police to go to him."

"Then we shall." Answered Jessica moving out.

"She is a wild officer." Snapped Danie smirking.

"Can't say I deny it." Responded Vivana.

 Hurriedly back to the police station Jessica walked to the commander's office who was already looking at her come in.

"Detective Carriewhite. How can I help you this morning?"

"Good morning sir. Why am I on this case?"asked she angrily.

"The Williams' case? Someone wanted you on it. The chief of police Mr. Canary called me himself and he ordered me to put you on this case." He explained.

"Did he tell you to tell on him to my face?"

"He didn't say it was confidential." Smirked the old fat guy. " what do you have."

"We want to question Mr. Williams right here. So. You know what brings me around your office sir."

"Yeah. Of course. I will get you the warrant in a few minutes. How is your partner Danie?"

"He is alright. I shall be waiting outside if you don't mind me.

"Of course. Of course. Go on." Replied him smirking faintly.

Jessica walked from his office leading outside where she turned to call someone.

"Hello." Muttered she when the person answered. "Mickey. I need a favor from you."

"What ever miss."

"I'm handling the Williams case and I thing Williams himself wanted me to look for him. Get your boys to follow his steps everywhere. I need to know the people he meets everyday and of those, who do I know."

"On it. Don't you find it a trap ms. Jessica."

"No. Maybe. But then it would be a step for me. I know he knows something. I just hope he wasn't the one who killed my wife. Because, I will reap him apart and feed his corps to the dogs.

"Don't get overwhelmed. You need to think. He might be a copy cat trying to see why the real killer was on to you."

"Why would you say that?"

"Well. I did look into him. He and the dead woman had just married. he had a very petit criminal record. Raping women, stealing on the streets. They say he hit a jackpot. Served  eight months in prison after being sentenced for ten years, he disappeared. They say he returned five years later after hitting the jackpot in th military. Bought three hotels in just two weeks after his return."

"He does much my criminal."

"No. He is a bait. Or maybe he is the one who does the dirty work and there is someone else out there looking at you."

"Let's get the rat. It will lead us the cats."

"Be careful though. I have my boys looking after you and please. Medication."

"I do take my medication Mickey. You don't need to worry." It wasn't that long when Danie came out of the police station with a piece of people.

"We got it." Muttered he loudly.

"What are we waiting for. Let's go."

"Should I ride in your car?" Inquired Danie swiftly.

"Don't even think about Danie."

She walked to her car as Danie did to fastened off. It was in no time when she arrived the big house.

Mr. Jonathan was on the inside watching them through the cameras and when Jessica took out her budge and warrants showing them into the camera, the men on the inside opened the gate.

"How can we help you miss?" Asked the guard at the gate.

"We need to see your boss. Mr. Williams. Is he must home?"

"I'm right here. Please come in if you don't mind." Suggested Mr. Williams.

"We aren't here for tea Mr. Williams. We have a warrant out for your questioning." Stated Danie.

"What did I do?" Inquired he softly.

"For the murder of your wife Mr. Brenda Williams."

"My wife?" He snapped in surprise. My wife is alive. She's inside the house."

"This is no joke Mr. Williams. You need to cooperate with us." Denoted Jessica.

"Of course. Honey!" He called on the inside and a lady came out looking exactly like the dead woman.

"This can't be?" Snapped Danie.

"You need to come with us though mister. With your wife too." Ordered Jessica taking Williams by the hand.

"You can't be taking us." Snapped Williams' wife when Danie asked to talk to Jessica alone before they proceeded.

"What are we blaming him then, for the dead wife who isn't really dead?" Whispered Danie.

"Just follow my lead Danie. We shall find out the true. The only people who know about this murder must be these two."

She walked back to the couple and politely asked them to get inside the car.

They both took off straight to the police station directing the couple inside the interrogation room.

Sat quietly inside the room looking at each other for a while when Jessica headed in with an envelope.

"You killed your wife." Started Jessica taking a seat at the table.

"You're crazy miss. My wife is right infront of you." Answered Williams as Jessica opened the envelope.

"Take a look at that? Who is she?" Questioned Jessica when a knock took them off topic. "Come in you." She said having Danie enter as he grabbed a stance right behind her.

"This is a joke right?" Said Williams gazing at the photos.

"We do have someone who saw you go in with your wife inside the hotel room where she was found dead."

"I want my lawyer."

"It's not like your under arrest Jonathan. Why would you need a lawyer. You say you have your wife. And he is right infront of us. Isn't that enough evidence."

"Then let me go. I know nothing about this."

"You came back yesterday with a stained shirt. I did notice." Stated the lady having Jessica question why she was giving her husband away.

"What's with you honey?"

"The lady in that photo is my sister officer. Her name was Brenna. She told me about my husband here threatening her."

"Go on miss." met Jessica listening.

"I have a recording from last monday where she told me that my husband wanted to use her."

"Is it possible the recording is here?" Asked Jessica.

"Yes. In my phone." Said she taking her phone out of the bag having them all quiet. Williams though was staring at his wife in wonder of what was going on.

She took out her phone and played the recording out loud as it started.

"Your husband isn't a good man Brendah and I don't know why you married him. He's been going out around my apartment and scaring me with guns. He wants me to sleep with him. Or else."

"What do you say about that Mr. Williams. "Asked jessica

"I didn't know she even had a sister Detective Carriewhite. What are you saying Brendah!?"

"We are going to keep you here until further notice. You're entitled to a lawyer and anything to say will be used against you in court." Muttered Danie.

"No. No! You can't be serious detective. I have no fuckin' idea about what she's talking about."

"Thank you miss Brendah. We shall need you to testify about this in court."

"Of course detective. Can I see my sister." Said Brendah wiping tears off her chicks.

"Sure. Come with me."

They both walked out of the room as Danie had to put cuffs around Mr. Williams drugging him to the cell and Jessica showing her Brendah to the forensics laboratory.

Carter was inside reading a book when Jessica knocked her way on the inside.

"Twice in a day?" Smirked Vivana closing her book.

"If I could, I wouldn't. Please proceed in miss Brendah."

"Wow. Wait. She is the same person laying dead on my table. Isn't she?" Looked Vivana startled at the resemblance of the woman.

"It isn't that surprising." Smirked Jessica leaving them in the room and she led back to the station.

"Sorry for your loss miss." Snapped Vivana at miss williams as she got close to her trying to take a clear look. Is that your real hair?"

"What does that have to do with my sister's death lady. Can't you be a little compassionate."

"Sorry. I'm sorry." Passing from her back, Vivana cut a slimy piece of hair from the woman before she could ask for some time alone with the dead sister.

"You think we have our killer?"asked Danie from Jessica.

"I believe it's a set up. They used so much input. You can't find out. I need to talk to someone Danie. Please give me a minute." Jessica departed from Danie towards the car dailing her last call. "Mickey. It's not the guy we are looking for."

"We are looking for a similar face but adifferent person. The one we need to look for is Jake Blake. He disappeared three months ago and he was found dead with a dispatched face."

"I might know who this surgeon is. But why would he choose this man? And the lady ms. Williams?"

"She is dead." Mentioned Mickey.

"No. She is alive and clams that the dead one is her sister."

"She is an impostor?"

"She is supposed to frame Mr. Williams. So that everything points at him. The real ms. Williams is dead. The one we have here is playing a games. We need to know who sent her."

"I will do that miss. I sent you something at the house. Hope you like it." Replied Mickey.

"I'm greatful son. Thank you."

Ms. Williams had yet finalised with her visit from the laboratory and almost caught Jessica speaking on the phone.

"I can't believe my husband." Sobbed Brendah. "But I had to stop his brutality."  

"I understand you Ms. Williams.  Please take my card, just in case you need my help. And I shall be contacting you very soon."

"Thank you detective. "

Jessica saw brendah to a cab and bid her goodbye then briskly went back to the forensics laboratory rushing up the stairs. As soon as she was on the inside, she uttered.

"You got it?" 

"Who do you think I am Detective. Of course I got it. All I need is to examine and see if she is the real Brendah. 

"Great. For the first day you didn't disappoint me."

"When have I disappointed?"

"These day. You've been all over me and I don't want it when someone rubs me so hard Carter. You might rub the wrong wound."

"You're not threatening me, are you?"

"Am I."