Chapter 2: Vampire Fate

At last the Gate of Ninartic Chuckled the Mckay, its been ages since ive seen of this. You've seen this place before stuttered a slightly terrified Ashley. why yes my dear I have This was once my home. years ago Before the Dragos took over Ninartic my Family the Righteous Mages ruled The Kingdom. My father was the 11th Ruler of Our family, my mother came from the nearby kitchen coven of Darkious. deemed one of the most powerful witches of dark magic my father had to have her as his wife.

Life was grand back then, fields of the most beautiful flowers covered the land trees that were as tall as the sky, watercolored in a deep Turquoise color ran through the valley giving life to everything it took. everything was perfect. my Mother Birthed Three of us Apryl the Witch Hunter, Mckay the Mad Man and Ariah the Witch of Elements no one has ever seen Ariah since the KIngdom fell and our parents died.

what exactly happened to your parents Ashley asked, It was a rainy day us kids had been ordered to stay inside by our mother. I insisted that we go outside and play anyways, so me and Ariah went outside in the rain to play Foolopo all i went to catch the ball in the rain and i missed . the ball ran out of the protection fotress . i lifted the fortress wall to get the ball and when i turned around it was to late the kingdom was in flames and Ariah was gone. my parents where never found. if it wouldnt of been for apryl I would've suffered the same fate.

I'm so sorry to hear that my parents died when I was years old my grandmother raised me my whole life practically . with trust being built between them they headed for the gate. well, well, well what do we have here roared the Nate the Vampire GateKeeper. I sense humans trying to enter NInartic. I remember you joked Mckay you're the Vampire kid my father banished to the outskirts for killing his family. what was your name again was it Nate?

one more word out of you and i will hang you from your insides as he glared at Mckay. what business do you have here anyways, vistors arent welcome in Niartic slithered Nate. what if i told you that if you let us you can keep your pathetic life. hahahahah was that a threat beamed Nate. more like a promise Mckay smirked back at the Vampire. very well than Lets have a challenge if i win i get to eat the young girls friend you win and ill let you in to Ninartic. Ashley! you're a witch you're up to fight, me? I don't know anything about magic or being a witch. head down in embarrassment she stepped forward to fight Nate. everything was on her shoulders, if she beat the vampire they all lived and got into NinArtic if she lost her best friend Comet would become a delicious snack.

whats the matter little one you seem scared I can taste this victory gBoasted the Vampire. Nate had such speed she had never seen before. this match had gone on for hours and the only thing that had happened was she had bites from his teeth and bruises on her body from the extreme strength he used to throw her into the air before punching her to the ground. winded and about to give up she wondered why she couldn't get a spell to work, you ready for me to finish you off little witch Nate smirked. terrified for her life she had one last chance to light this awful Vampire on fire. Inferno she Screamed suddenly fire covered with her hands before combining her hands together to shot a ball of fire at the Vampire. Impossible belted Nate before becoming engulfed in flames and turning to ash. bravo, Young Roberts what a way to save the day clapped Mckay as the unlocked the Gate and entered the Magically World of Ninartic.