Chapter 7: Cave of No Return

As they arrived at the Door to the Cave of No return, Mad Man McKay Worn the girls of what lies ahead. I'm not exactly sure what we are going to experience I need both of you to promise me you'll stay close together as we descended into the cave of No Return. Both girls agreeing to stay close to the mad man they unlocked the gate to the cave and began their journey deep into the Ground of NinArtic in search of a book that had the secret of NinArtics Past The Enchantment Stone of Doom.

Now the Cace of No Return did not stray far from what its name suggested walls, Laced with cobweb-covered Torches, spider Like creatures ran up and down the walls. Everywhere you looked were rotting Corpses of Those that had to reach the Enchanted Stone of Doom. One thing for Was for this Type of place was not Ashleys or Comets type of Hang out spot.

At last, they reached a door that " those that chose to enter The Cave of No Return be warned that once you enter you will not ever leave this place "

What do mean we can't leave after we enter, you tricked us Mad Man Mckay. You told us it was an easy cave to retrieve a stone that was once yours. I'm not going in their stated Ashley, very well have it your way hands reached out the Mad Man Picked up Ashley and dragged her through the door Put me down, you can't do This isn't fair shouted Ashley I don't want to go in that door.

The door shouted immediately after they entered, " you have been warned" echoed through the hallway.

Now that the hard part is out of the way let's finish this expedition and find the Enchanted Stone of Doom. The newly entered Room was dark, a gloomy aroma hovered over them shadows of little kid like creatures jumped from wall to wall laughing and playing. Watch your steps were about to be walking up a path to the pillar that holds the Enchanted Stone of Doom if you're not careful one wrong step and you will plummet to your death.

I can't do this wailed Ashley, it's too much I don't wanna die. Just a little bit further and we can rest, don't stop now we are almost there.

As they approached the Pillar Holding the Enchanted Stone of Doom they were all relieved to be done traveling.

It's real, the stone it's real tears flowing down his face he fell to his knees. After all those years of research and study I I I can't believe its real. As he approached the White pearl-like stone a ghost as a figure appeared, he was, in fact, a mage, young pretty-faced young boy the kind you have on a poster on your wall, he had the prettiest smile that melted through anyone soul.

Step aside pretty boy you have something that belongs to me. Very well, if you wish to take the Stone of Doom from its Spot you must be advised that you must sacrifice something you care for or you will suffer the wrath or the Want and be chained to this cavern to spend the rest of your soul's existence here in the shadows.

Yeah okay, whatever you say joked the Mad Man Mckay, hands just seconds away from touching the Stone of Doom a voice whispered in his ears" you must offer a sacrifice to keep the order in peace " with nothing to offer he looked around frantically before resting his eyes on Comet. You come here, Comet willing to do whatever it takes to stay alive hesitantly walked towards the Mad Man Mckqy. Here is my Offering as he through Comet to the Sage of Doom. Very well than Sir the stone is all yours before their eyes dark chains started appearing from the sky and the ground each wrapping onto Comets' hands and legs, before binding her to the ground. What's going on Ashley screamed, as she tried to break the chains from comet and free her friend from what was about to Happen. Cold , shaking Comet , struggled to make up the last words before her soul vanished . Ashley , promise me you'll find away to save NinArtic from the Mad Man and restore justice before completely disappearing into the shadows of the Cavern .

With her friend gone and no one else to save her she was determined to Defeat the Mad Man McKay .