7 - He's back...

Magnus knew the opponent's fighting style too well. Every charge Barthus does would be discovered before it was even executed. Thus the fight that was supposed to be 'impossible' to solo was now considered by Magnus too easy.

"D*mn you! Stop moving so I can shatter your brains!"

Without even a break he kept his frenzied attack. Barthus used Body Slam to get close to Magnus. But Magnus already knew he would do that so he moved to the side, a huge rock stood in the spot where Magnus was and tripped Barthus. With his head first, Barthus fall horribly leaving a dust of smoke.



Barthus immediately stood up, but right after he stood he was greeted by fist. Although the fist is small, it packed a lot of damage. It was followed by a Frontal Kick stunning Barthus for a moment. Then Magnus walloped the big head three times and completed a combo 5x.







Magnus cleared almost 10k HP in a single combo. After recovering by the slight fatigue from fighting, he clenched his fist as the fight went on. Barthus HP depleted in a slow but steady manner.

[99% HP...]

[96% HP...]

[90% HP...]


[72% HP...]

[69% HP...]


[38% HP...]

[30% HP...]

One and half an hour has passed, as Barthus HP reached 30 percent he immediately used Berserk. Unfortunately for Barthus he used a lot of skills trying to hit Magnus and now he doesn't have enough mana to activate Orcs Pride and Strengthen. Thus he only made the fight even easier as he HP depleted much faster.

But the toll on Magnus psyche is now much bigger as the Barthus's speed increased, nevertheless it was still on Magnus's ability. He can even last for days with a mere pressure increase.

In just 10 minutes of fighting the 30 percent of HP depleted and hit zero...

"Sure." Magnus is already happy receiving a total of 180,000 exp (from the quest and first kill reward) that shoot him to Level 38. With the additional 10 Skill points he already 226 Skill points( he obtained this by levelling up and reaching a level breakthrough in his Fishing skill, skill points could be used on upgrading skills and learning certain skill tomes) which he never used. Forget about upgrading a skill, he didn't even learn a single Pugilist skill besides Frontal Kick even though it could freely learned from a mentor.


"Woahers! He's back!!"

"D*mn! A level 40 Boss and a Silver tier one! Wonder what this man will achieve."

"The rewards should be abundant."

"I'm jealous."

As usual, the players reaction is again dumbfounded. Some of them is still in the beginner village yet this guy is slaying Level 40 Silver Tier Boss. Another common reactions is that Guild Masters are trying to find Magnus for the reason of roping him to their guild. Unfortunately for them, even if they encounter Magnus they would not know if he really is ' Mystic Warrior' thanks for the Bandit Mask that is.


In one room in the RealGame Productions, the producers of <> the group of developers is all speechless.

"D*mn, he's a monster." a high pitched voice broke the silence. All of them agreed by nodding while maintaining the silence.


"Why warrior? What did I do wrong?" lamented by Barthus. Sadness could be seen on his eyes.

"You're killing your own kind. Isn't that enough to judge you as evil?" Magnus replied. Though he knows that Barthus is only an AI, he's very interested on interacting with him. Not only it was a very realistic conversation, it also serves certain purposes. Like maybe he would give a quest or something.

"Yes, I know I am wrong as that is what others said. But why? Is it really wrong to be different? I only thought of ways to improve my kind. In order to survive in this world, we, Orcs, should be strong. We're inferior because of our intelligence. I was lucky enough to meet a mentor who taught me. And when I came back to share my knowledge, they rejected it, they even harassed me. Saying that I am a crazy Orc, I could not even retaliate. I only killed cause if not I would be the one who would be dead. Alas, here I am hiding in this cave..." Barthus sorrowfully narrate his story. From the voice alone, you could already tell the sorrow.But from his tone, not a single hatred could be discern only regret. Regret from being different. Regret from not doing what is the norms.

Magnus was deeply moved by Barthus's story. The sorrow from being alone, the sorrow of being different. Thus he said "Barthus, my fellow warrior, don't be sad nor be regretful. You're different from the norms but that doesn't mean you're wrong. That doesn't mean you can't live the life you sought. If someone beat you up, I dare you stand. If someone press you down, I dare you to stand. If fate won't let you stand, I dare you to be stubborn. Don't let others decide your destiny. If you're a warrior, a true warrior, I dare you to stand and face them with no fear!"

The vigor from his words could be felt, even a warrior Orc with the thickest skin felt it! Barthus started to yell, his war cry resounded in the whole cave. His tired and bleeding body vibrated as he tries to stand. A few seconds has passed he finally got up, he used his club as a support. His eyes is blazing with motivation, it could be said that he can continue fighting Magnus.

"Fellow warrior, you're right! Since I own this life, then I shall decide my own fate!" said Barthus.

Affinity is a specific version of Reputation. While Reputation can affect NPCs in a certain area, Affinity only affect a single NPC. Even if your Reputation in a city has reached Worship, if a certain NPCs Affinity to you is Hostile he/she will still try to kill you. For short Reputation could affect NPCs generally while Affinity could only affect a single NPC.

"Fellow warrior, your words has brought me realization and a new means of life. My gratitude can't be described by mere words. I shall gift this item to you, its the only thing I possess besides my club." Barthus then took out a sword with a broad blades. It has a black handle with a skull symbol on it. The sword itself resembles darkness, as it emitted black smokes.

"This is given to me by my mentor, he said that I can only gift this to someone if his interested in swords. My fellow warrior, are you interested on it?"

"Yes I am!" Magnus nodded his head vigorously.

"Then its yours!" Barthus handed it to him. Magnus immediately checked its stats.


"Twin Blades of Death, Retribution [??? Tier] (Locked Item)

STR - 1000

AGI - 1000

VIT - 1000

SPI - 1000

+10,000 HP

[Special Skill - Locked]

[Special Skill - Locked]

[Special Skill - Locked]

[Special Skill - Locked]


[Special Skill - Locked]

[Note - This sword is one of the Twin Blades of Death, it was personally forged by the God of Combat. It was used by His Eminence himself as he fought other Gods. It is cursed to cause bad luck to whoever possess it. The curse can only be mend by finding it's twin Vengeance.]

Requirement - Blademaster Class, Level 70.


'D*mn! Even the quality can't be seen. The stats is superb! However I need to be a Blademaster. Guess I can't use it, but if the right time comes its market price should escalate.' he thought.

Blademaster is class is one of the infamous Hidden Classes, one could only encounter it by intense questing. Not only a mentor would spawn on random place, the mentor would even disappear if no one approaches it in 5 days. Forget about finding its pair, you can't even use it.

"Young warrior, remember to be careful using that sword. My mentor gave it to me because countless incidents happened to him when that was in his possession. Even I, who didn't intend to wield it didn't escape. I sometimes think that, that was the reason why the other Orcs keep on hitting me." Barthus warned.

Magnus nonchalantly nodded. He could just store it in the storage room. He then approached and opened the silver chest that Barthus dropped when he was defeated. It has one silver tier, two iron tiers, and 200 Gold Coins.


"Silver Handguard(Silver Tier)

STR - 40

AGI - 15

VIT - 50

DEF - 110

[Special Skill - Defend, increases defense by 20 percent. 100 MP, 10 minutes cooldown.]"


The other two Iron tiers is both item for Priest. It isn't even worth mentioning. As for his Equipment set Gift pack, he didn't open it yet. He still have a good equipment set with him. He'll just keep it for the moment. After he equipped the handguard, he checked his stats.


ID - Mystic Warrior, [Lifestyle Class(Pugilist)]

Level 37

HP - 1354

MP- 866

STR 132, VIT 84, SPI 40, AGI 183.


Bandit Mask

Martial Artist Band

Martial Artist Gloves

Martial Artist Clothes

Martial Artist Shoes

Silver Handguard


Passive - [NPC Favorability] NPCs Mood and Favorability when interaction increased by 10%

Active - [Frontal Kick] Simple Kick. +5 Physical Damage, 10% chance to trigger Stun effect 1.0s. 20 MP.

Lifestyle Class :

Forging Skill - Beginner [Steel Will - ???]

Fishing Skill - Master [Calm Mind - Removes debuffs and stuns. Can be improved as the user's level improve.]


His stats is now over 100 which is pretty good. He still have at least 200+ Free Attribute points, he still didn't use it because he doesn't know what good will it do. Both Free Attribute points and Skill points isn't used since he entered the game.

After the fight he turned in his quest and receive his rewards. Without further a do, he started grinding for levels. As he plan to establish a guild.