9 - Recruitment Phase

After selecting the area and Magnus receive a notification for designing the Guild House. He chose Castle type with blue roof, over all its a four story building. Inside are different room, A huge pub is on the first floor with a stage at the side and mission board, this part is where Guild Members can hang around. Second floor is a huge storage area, its for the guild stocks. There's also a couple rooms meant certain Lifestyle Class such as Tailoring and Apothecary, this one is part of Magnus's plan.

He designed the third floor as an office rooms for different Departments. One for the Stock Department, one for Recruiting, one for Guild Missions, and one for Managing the whole guild it self. He would, of course, need to hire AIs or just assign players with it. He also put a boxing ring in the middle. And for the top floor he designed it for meeting purposes, with an 8 meter long table and 50 chairs around it.

For the courtyard he made a Forgery, a pretty huge one, and a sparring grounds. The place is surrounded by stone walls at the boundaries with only one gate for entrance and exit. After tapping the 'Done' a sign indicating that there's still [3,839: 59 : 58] hours left before the construction finished.

He also received a Mission Notification. Its named 'Guild Defend' which is a dungeon mission. A dungeon mission is pretty simple, once you finish the dungeon the quest will also be finished. To finish a dungeon you just need to clear all the monster including bosses, the number of bosses depends on the levels, 3 levels also means 3 bosses. Its a 10 man dungeon, after finishing the quest the time needed to build the Guild House will be reduced by a lot of time(it will instantly be done).

After designing the Guild House, Magnus told the two of them that he received a mission and it needs 10 people to do it.

"Brothers, I once again needs your help!" Magnus said.

"It's okay brother Mystic, we will absolutely help. Its for our guild after all." exclaimed Fiery Wing.

"Yeah, besides participating the dungeon what else do you need us to help?" asked Connor.

Magnus pondered for a moment and said, "Recruitment! We need more people, obviously. Maybe you guys have people who has good skills as well."

The two of them looked at each other and chuckled. "Haha, yeah we do. I think your criteria would be hard to pass but I think there's a few of my friends who can."

"Yeah mine too. I got atleast 3 who might pass." said Mighty Connor.

"Nah, my standard in recruiting isn't that hard to pass. Besides if I recruit normal people without even filtering those no good, our guild would be filled with noobs. Especially when people knows that I'm the Guild Master, I quite made a name for myself now."

"Haha, true. My brothers are still in the Beginner Village some of them is already here. When do you plan to see them?"

"After an hour if possible, but if they don't have time lets just adjust the schedule. I also plan to make a huge recruitment program, I'll announce it to the World Notification."

"Hmm, seems good. I'll contact them now, let's see if they're up."

"I'll contact my brothers too."


This message passed in everyone's interface, it immediately cause an uproar towards the players. Some of them are happy...

"Haha, f*ck yeah! I'm at the Azure Dragon City I'll try my luck in joining Mr. First Kill's guild."

"Haha, me too! Me too!"

"That is if you can pass."

And some are frustrated...

"My luck is really bad, I'm in an another City. But, maybe if I run I can still catch up to their recruitment."

"My luck is even bad, I'm from another continent."

"Shut up all of you! I'm the unluckiest of all. I'm not even in a City yet!"

And lastly some are angry...

"D*mn this guy is stealing talents! Send some people their too and see if we can steal those whose not lucky enough to be recruited by them."


And just that, after an hour the Class Camp's sparring grounds is filled players. In the middle of the sparring grounds Magnus shouted with all his voice. Which draw the attention of everyone.

"For those people who's here for the Immortal Bloodline Sect's recruitment, I'm Mystic Warrior. I'm here to start the recruitment program, all you need to do is beat me us in a 1 v 1 fight. Very simple. For mages, the opponent will be this guy..." Magnus pointed at Connor.

Whispers can be heard among the crowd. This the first time they Magnus and company, they only saw them once when the three of them fought 20 guys, it was in a video. The mages who wanted to participate gulped. As they also saw the video they knew this guy's skills. Which is pretty agile for a mage.

"While for the archers and all melee class will fight me. The melee will have to beat me, just don't kill. Once I sense that I can't handle you I'll immediately surrender, I'll also won't kill you. But don't try dirty tricks cause you'll know how our guild punishes people. For archers, I only need you to hit me with an arrow once. If you hit me you win, I won't care how much damage you deal."

This again cause an another uproar, those who have seen the videos hesitated. They all knew how good this guy is in fighting. Some of them is also confident as they knew quite a bit of Martial Arts. While those people who haven't watched the video sneered. They thought that this would be easy.

Some people here just want the benefits of having a guild house as Immortal Bloodline Sect have it. While some is sincere in joining a strong guild.

"For those who can't really fight such as Priest and Lifestyle Class, I'll just see want Skills you have. For Priest, I only need those Level 40 or above. For Lifestyle Class, Beginner Level on any skill. If you have any questions please state it before the program starts."

No one asked any question.

"I don't have a name list, so I'll divide you in levels. Can someone state the what's highest Level?" Magnus asked.

People then started to respond...

"Level 39!" a player shouted.

"I'm Level 42!" another exclaimed.

Other players stayed silent for a while. It keep for seconds so Magnus said " Okay then I think 42 is the high..." before Magnus coukd even fish someone yelled.

"51! Level 51."

The players were dumbfounded Level 40 or higher players were already hard to find then someone barged in and said she's level 51. As players looked from where the girly sound came from they were smitten. Smitten by her beauty.

Tall, fair, beautiful face, long legs, with a small breast. Her hair is black as ink, she's wearing a leather armor with leather band on her forehead. She's also carrying a bow which indicates she's an archer.

Magnus chuckled and asked, "Haha, Anyone higher than 51?" It was again filled with silence.

"Then come here miss, we'll start with you. Level 51..."

Her ID is 'Moonlight', simple yet as beautiful as her. "All I need is to hit you once right?" she said as she went to the center.

"Yes, milady." Magnus smiled under his mask.

Moonlight smiled as a reply and wielded her Silver Tier bow. The distance between them is just 3 meters, for an archer to miss is really embarrassing. Very embarrassing.

She pulled the string of her bow, she aimed it at the smiling Magnus. She's pretty confident as the challenge is quite simple, but she didn't let her guard down.


She released the arrow. At close distance it almost impossible to miss. The arrow kept on going straight to Magnus's head. Everyone chuckled at this sight, it would be impossible to even block it at that distance. Some of them started to pay no attention.

"I forgot to tell you're only allowed to shoot 10 arrows, I'll this one slip." Magnus said as he tilted his head, missing the arrow by hair's width.

Everyone is again shocked. How can someone do that? That couldn't be cheating as they saw him dodge it. They started rubbing their eyes and looking at the arrow impaling the wall.

Moonlight was also shocked. She gritted her teeth, mildly infuriated. She quickly shoot three arrows in one breath.

"Pssst, Psstt, Pssst."

Magnus just smiled and stood their, when the first was about to hit him he just evaded to the side. Second one he docked while the third he jumped. Not even a single one hit him.

Moonlight is even more infuriated as she slightly turned red. She immediately shoot another 3 arrows and rolled to the side shooting 2 arrows and rolled to the other side and shoot 2 more. She did it in just 3 seconds, this impressed others. Especially, those who came here to also poach talents.

Magnus's eyes widened as he take things seriously. He no longer treat this as a game, instead a challenge. Out of the seven arrows, only 4 arrows is plausible for dodging. While the 3 should be caught mid air, this completely sealed all the blind spots.

Magnus already evaded the 4 arrows in swift movements, he was down to a second to catch all 3 arrows. In just one swoop he tried to catch all three at once. Unfortunately, he failed to catch the last one that's aimed to his leg. But, at the last milliseconds he managed to move his leg up a little barely managing to dodge it.

The arrow took 1 HP as it hit a little part of his skin. But the others including Moonlight herself didn't see the damage pop on Magnus's head. They're currently busy rubbing their eyes with their mouth open.

It seems to unreal, all the blind spots are sealed Magnus couldn't dodge it. That's what they thought, they didn't think its possible to to catch arrows. Those who already saw the video are still shocked. While those who are recording is happy as this video will surely get thousands of views.

Moonlight on the other hand, accepted her defeat. She bowed and said "I'm sorry for wasting your time, I failed." she then turned around started to take her leave.

"Wait!" Magnus said. Moonlight halted her actions and turned her head to Magnus, "What is it?"

"You passed." Magnus smiled.

"I-I clearly didn't hit you? And now you say I passed?" Moonlight asked. Suspiciously.

"Of course you pass! You're a beauty he could make you his girlfriend, as payment." a player shouted. And the crowd started to laugh and whistle.

"I'm sorry but I'm not that kind of girl. Hmmp!" she turned her beet red head and started to leave again.

"Haha, no you actually hit. You even damage me." Magnus said. And the crowd went silent again, they looked at Magnus intently. Moonlight halted again and turned her head.

"Look here..." he pointed at his head "I request someone to cast a healing spell to me." a Knight immediately cast Friends Support. A basic healing spell for Knight.

+1 HP