14 - Brewing Storm

"Immortal Bloodline Sect, what a cunning name. Start your report!" MasterMind exclaimed. He's the leader of the guild 'Divine Hand',

"Immortal Bloodline Sect, no records in any gaming platforms. No established company. No sponsorships. No third-party supporters. First date to appear in internet is just a few days ago, from a video of a player named 'Mystic Warrior', which is the Guild Master of this guild, wiping 20 people." said a fair looking girl with crimson red lips.

"A new aspiring guild, I see. How about the other members?" MasterMind asked.

"Their Guild Master, Mystic Warrior, has two first kill under his name. This made him quite known, aside from that no other records. The other 9 core members are fairly known in the gaming industry. Especially Moonlight." replied the girl nonchalantly.

"Huh? Moonlight? So that's the reason she refused to join us. Seems like she already have a guild. Anyway, bring our people to mess with them. Don't let them grow peacefully. Also if you could steal talents from them, please do so." MasterMind said as he stood and decided to do a quest.

The girl nodded and started to do her work...


As days passed Magnus just stayed in the smithy. Doing nothing but Forging stuffs, he planned to exhaust his metal supplies before starting to do other things. The only thing he didn't touch yet is the two High Tier metal, Mythril and Obsidian. Both of this is good for armors, he didn't plan to use them just yet.

While Magnus is doing his stuff, Fiery Wing and company are doing theirs as well. As days passed, the ten member guild slowly grown. From 10 members its now over 500+ which is all pretty good.

That doesn't include Lifestyle Class yet, they also contacted those who registered before and let them in. Well those who have reached Beginner Level. Almost 15 Blacksmiths joined immediately and as of now there are already 30 of them.

All of them are assigned to create one Iron Tier, every week and this compulsory. They also has to pay two Iron Tier equipments for the smithy. This is very pleasing to all of them, two Iron Tiers are much cheaper than renting a smithy in the Crafting area. They could also be protected by the guild.

They could also earn Guild Points , which could increase their hierarchy in the guild, by paying items which is much easier than doing quests. All of the money earned will be put at the Guild Bank. But since there's no one that's managing the Guild Bank for now, the items are kept inside the storage rooms.

Magnus also deposited at least 20 items, under his name. And now all that they've waiting for has finally arrived. The Dungeon.

Dungeons are fairly easy to find, they would just need to wander around and you could find dungeons. There's already a handful of dungeons that's already cleared (claimed the first clear), but they're low level ones.

The Dungeon this time is a different one, it has a storyline. It was a plot Dungeon. Every opposing faction (excluded the Tinkerers Faction, for the reason of no player is there[1]) has a certain plotlines. For Magnus's Faction it would be [The Battle of Might and Magic], which a Dungeon especially created for both Southern and Eastern Continent.

Magnus is now in the top floor, with his 9 core members and 4 new core members. 'Mad Jester' a Thief, 'Forgotten Spot' an Archer, 'Unending Stream' a Knight, and lastly 'ImNeverLate' a Mage. These four are friends of Connor and Fiery Wing, Magnus already tested them and are qualified to core members.

With now 14 people, another meeting has now commenced. But before that the 4 new members introduced themselves, as what Magnus suggested. After that the meeting started...

"Fiery Wing any reports?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, some people are obstructing our progress. Some of our new members reported that they're being spawn camped[2] and thus resulting to them losing levels. Besides that no other issues." reported Fiery Wing.

"Okay, tell them to retreat immediately after encountering them, that's for now. Also find which group of people are finding troubles, I want results as soon as possible. We'll have to set our dominance. Any other questions or suggestions?" Magnus asked

None of them answered, they too found it quite helpless. But they can't do anything since they're currently a growing guild. Since no answered Magnus continued. "The new dungeon, [The Battle of Might and Magic], will finally open tomorrow. As the system says, there would be a Maintenance that will last for 12 hours. In that time I want all of you to do research to the new dungeons, after the Maintenance is done log in immediately and head to this area for another meeting. We'll tackle the dungeon in our small meeting in 12 hours. Our Guild will take a few first kill, if not all, in that dungeon. For now that's all. Dismiss!" everyone then dispersed. Though this guild is still developing, it has a solid core. Everyone knew their positions and stands. Everything went smooth.

After a while the system announced that the Maintenance will soon commence, interrupting his work. Magnus has been leveling his Forgery, its now on the early stages of [Forgery - Intermediate]. After reaching the next stage he would gain another skill called [Steel Will]. Next, his plan is to learn Apothecary and level it up to Advanced.

But now he has to log out. Coming out of the 'coffin' he went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. Its still noon, and he's getting quite hungry. Its been a while since he last ate, he always consume the food packs. Which he didn't even know what it taste likes.

He wore a black hoodie and a dark-blue jeans. Wearing his newly bought Vintage Round sunglass (he bought it online) and his dashing smile, he now looks like a man who could turn heads as he pass.

Finally leaving his apartment, he saw the sunlight for the first time in his new life. Around him, tall buildings, floating cars, and luxurious shops.He went to a shop, where he could rent self-driving cars. Its like how taxi works but without a driver. After setting his destination to a nearest extravagant restaurant he then grabbed his phone and checked the forums.

A lot of new contents could be seen in the forums and one of the hottest video is his. The one when he was fighting with the War God guilds and the other one is when he was recruiting Elite members. These two videos are on the hottest section with the most views, reviews, likes, and comments. There were even famous people who gave their reactions. The one most attractive reaction is the reaction video of one of the most famous Content Creator of all, Poodie-Pie.

As he said, "This guy knows his stuff. Not only he's good at fighting, he also has the right mindset. Huge PP, this guy is a certified Floor Gang!"

He also said a lot positive things on his reviews, though this person doesn't know Martial Arts himself, he strangely knew things like 'Proper Body postures when fighting' and even 'Vital Points of the body'. As a certified gamer himself, he knew quite a lot of stuffs.

His video has a lot of detail, analyzing every move the best he could. He also said that if possible he would like to meet Magnus and do some videos together (Poodie-Pie also plays <>).

Minutes have passed and Magnus arrived at the restaurant, it was an exquisite one just from the appearance alone. After arriving at the entrance he was greeted by a gorgeous chick, a receptionist.

"Good Day sir, Do you have any reservations?" a melodic voice came from her delicate mouth.

"I don't have any, can't I just dine now? Is it full?" Magnus asked politely. He still doesn't know how restaurants work in this world. In his past life, when he appear in a restaurant people immediately serve him food without questions. He was a very, very, very important person.

"Its okay sir, we have a few vacant seats..." before the lady finished Magnus interrupted her.

"Then just give any seats, I don't care how much it costs."

"Ahmm... Okay. Your seat number would be 12. Thanks you." said the receptionist.

Magnus just nodded and went inside, he found his table and sat down, soon the waiter approached him. He then ordered a 12,000 USD meal without even blinking. Since he was here to eat, then he would satisfy himself. Go big or go home.

As he was happily waiting for his meal, he heard chatters and couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"So how's the new game? The one called 'Legends Ascends'." asked a wealthy looking woman.

"Its really good, very realistic, and I had an amazing experience so for. The game is pretty balance too. Almost everyone is improving at the same time." said a youth, seemingly her son.

"Almost?" said the woman, "Why is that? A pro? Or a beta player?" asked her, seems like a gamer as well. Your mom is a gamer as well. How cool is that?

"Yeah,I don't actually know if he's a beta player. One thing is sure though, he's a monster. Can you imagine someone killing a World Boss an hour after the game started? Some people just started the playing, while he's already killing World Boss." he said enthusiastically.

"Wow! That guy is something." said the woman.

Magnus on the other hand couldn't help but grin. He's quite a sensation now, and that's just the start. That could be considered a warm up. Just a warm up.

A scrumptious smell then filled his nose as the waiter brought his 12 thousand USD worth of a meal. Its his first time seeing this kinds of meals. It smells really, looks really fine, and costs really high. Soon he started to eat, he couldn't just help it.


"Sir do you have any reservations?" asked the beatiful receptionist.

"Do I look like someone who needs reservations? Do you even know me?" asked a fat guy. He's wearing a purple gucci suit, a fancy one. His aura is filled with confidence and pride, a typical aura of rich arrogant guys.

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't recognize you. Anyway the restaurant is currently full, we suggests that you wait for a moment." said the receptionist, still wearing her beautiful smile.

"Since you're quite beautiful then I'll just excuse your ignorance." smiled the fat man as he touched the girl's face his swollen looking hands.

The girl responded indifferently, she waved his hand and stepped back avoiding the 'swollen' arm. With a smile she said. "Thank you for your compliment." though she said that, there's a hint of disgust from her tone.

"Anyway, I'll just head inside. I'm really hungry." said the fat man.

"I'm really sorry sir, but there's no vacant tables at the moment." waved the girl, interrupting him.

"Its okay I have my ways." said the fat man.

'If not for my friend's recommendation I won't even look at this 'rundown' place.', the fat man mumbled.

The fat man went inside even with the receptionist's begging for him to stay and wait outside. He only gave chuckles as replies. Infuriated, the receptionist gave up and called the security to stand by in case something happens.

Every full restaurant, whenever he arrived he always has ways to make space for himself. He's quite professional in this endeavor of him.

He then approached a woman with blonde hair and a youth sitting on the table. "I'm sorry guys, but the manager said you can't eat here. Please head outside or the security will come to drag you out." he said, with a serious and worried look on his face.

"I'm sorry sir, I think you've mistaken. We already booked reservations." said the woman with a smile. While the youth just stared at the fat man blankly, holding his laugh.

"I'm not mistaken ma'am, the manager really said that you can't eat here." said the fat man 'sincerely'.

The youth then laughed loudly, he said under his breath "Idiot."

Though it was not loud, the fat man heard it. His eyes flickering with anger, he grabbed the youth on the collar and lifted him. The youth was terrified. The fat man then said "What are you laughing at kid?"

The blondie is of course, infuriated. He tugged at the fat man, trying to make him loosen his grip. With her other hand he pointed at the man and said "Put my son down! Or else..."

"Or else what?" the fat man interrupted. "You'll report me to the police? Haha, naive." then he loosened his grip. With his other hand he went to slap the woman. Yes, he was about to slap her. Pretty reckless of him.

Fortunately before his 'swollen' arm reach its target, it was interrupted by a sudden block, twist, and lock. Now, bearing the pain he look at the man locking his arm from movement.

A guy in a black hoodie, handsome, tall, and most importantly fit. That's what he hates the most.


[1 - Tinkerers Island, its an continent where no player has yet access to. Even Lifestyle classes can't yet go there. Players would need to find it.]

[2 - Spawn Camp, when a player kills another and stay near the corpse/spawn point and killing the player again after it resurrects.]