Chapter 22 - Hell Mode

In the entrance of the Dungeon, the members of the guild Divine Hand, with their twisted faces, gathered.

Its too f*cking much, if they already have the Activation Stone then why don't they use it immediately? Why would they flaunt and let us taste 'success'? Isn't it too much? Just calculating our losses is enough for a grown man to cry.

Not only they've been played but their funds was almost crippled. 50,000 Gold Coins, some of them even went down to 3 levels. Not to mention their equipments and the materials they used.

Alas, they couldn't do anything but to curse them in their hurts. Mad Man calmed down and said, "Proceed with our plans, 1,200 Elites enter the Dungeon with me. Others prepare for your turn. We'll let them taste our rage, they've only got the first enter prize. The prizes for each boss clears are still there so don't fret, we can win this."

Hearing their Guild Master's words all of their spirits went up. Yes, right other prizes are still unclaimed. We can still regain our pride. All of them agreed to this thought. Instantly they executed their plans.


Meanwhile all players and guild are travelling to get in the Mountains of Origins. Once the Dungeon Gate is opened the system immediately sent a message to every player in the Eastern Continent where its location.

Couple of major guilds started to march their way. Only Magnus and company is the only one's who owned a mount. Others still have to walk. Soon the Mountain of Origins will be packed by players.


Inside the Dungeon, Magnus and company is having an headache. They can't enter the first Dungeon instance. Reason is, they don't have enough members.

The Plotline Dungeon is a group dungeon. In order to enter one must have 600 members. Magnus' party lacks 17 members, thus they would need to wait for other members to be recruited.

Thus Magnus decided to message the World Chat.

After that, Magnus decided to let everyone enter either individual, 5-man, 10-man, and 25 man Mini-dungeons. Its purpose is to let players level up while on the Dungeon. Players could also practice their skills and get some relevant items.

All of them dispersed and decided to tackle small dungeons. Magnus went on his own, and entered an individual mini-dungeon called [Imperial Palace's Invasion]. Mini-dungeons doesn't affect the Plotline Dungeon whatsoever, however its all connected. This dungeon is connected to some events in the Plotline Dungeon.

Magnus entered it and summoned his Mount. The Dungeon is a huge Imperial Castle, upon entering he received a notification.

This Dungeon is when Roznok attacked the Emperor and took over the whole Eastern Dungeon before he became a God. As Roznok is a Blademaster, once a player enter this Dungeon they would also be one. The system will also provide some weapons and armors a player could use. The players also has an option to use a weapon or armor but it must be a Blademaster Class equipment.

This made this Dungeon quite a fair one as no OP class that could have an advantage in the Dungeon. Only Blademaster could be used inside. This could also serve as a practice if one wants to change into a Blademaster.

Magnus strided inside the palace, riding on his Warhorse while wielding Retribution. He's bare chested and wore a black loose square pants. Added with his mask and a red scarf around his neck, he looks damn cool and badass.

As he was now a 'certified' Blademaster he could temporarily weild Retribution. The system also provided an equipment set for this Dungeon alone. This a limited edition set for Blademasters, it could not brought outside either.

Inside Magnus saw an army of Imperial Swordsman. They were in a line, each line has 10 sword wielding Imperial Guards, there are a total of 20 lines. This is the reason why Magnus choose this Mini-dungeon. To complete his Blademaster Class quest.

All the them is a Level 70 Gold Tier mobs. With a damage of 5k each attacks and 20k HP. Luckily Magnus is quite tanky himself, a total 30k HP thanks to the help of Retribution, the Blademaster Equipment Set, his Level and his Warhorse. His attack also increased, its now over 5k.

Without hesitation Magnus pounced in the middle of the army with his Warhorse. As he arrived in the center of their formation he immediately activated the Dark Flame Domain. Slashing his sword and the middle of the army, taking damage and regaining some. Thanks to the special skill of Retribution which he can't figure the name.

There's also Skills from the Blademaster Class which he can't see the name but can still use the skill.

The sight of Magnus battling 200 men is quite Majestic. If not for his OP sword, even with his Martial Arts he wouldn't survive this. Add with the superb Legendary Mount's Dark Flame Domain. The fight went breeze, he got some equipments that has no use for him. He's now planning to be a Blademaster, getting Pugilist items wouldn't be worth it.

Inside the Imperial Castle Magnus go, there's only one boss in this Dungeon. After killing the 200 men army he would need to go inside and fight the emperor. But Magnus decided to clean everything, killing everyone inside before fighting the boss.

A few more minutes and his man slaughter ended. He got a total of 254 kills for his Blademaster Quest Task one. However he still haven't gotten a single True Warrior's Blood, which frustrated him. He still didn't know what the heck is that thing.

He then strided inside, finally he saw the final boss. An Emperor named 'Iscabar', Level 75 Gold Tier Boss, clad in a red Imperial Armor wielding a long thin sword. His sight locked on Magnus and his movements, preparing to attack at any moment.

"You dare to invade my home!? You have some guts, you peasant! If those dumd*ass guards can't take you down, then my sword will!!"

The angry Emperor charged to Magnus. Magnus has long dispersed his Warhorse, he held Retribution with both his hands. Preparing to battle.

With a strike the Emperor's swords has reached its target, unfortunately its attack was parried making him take a step back. Acknowledging that his opponent also has some sword skill, the Emperor started to take the fight seriously.

Magnus also felt the pressure which made him ecstatic. Finally! Someone with good fighting skills. He then took the initiative and attacked the Emperor with a normal slash. Which the Emperor evaded and counter attacked with a stab.

Flicking Retribution, Magnus skillfully blocked the attacked. They furiously exchanged swords, slash after slash. None of them successfully hit their opponent.

However the Emperor seems to have the upper hand as Magnus is having quite a problem dodging his attacks. Magnus is continuously taking a step back, giving the illusion of disadvantage.

But as his back reached a pillar, his eyes showed a hint of nervousness. Seeing that his opponent is almost at his demise, the Emperor used all his strength. Suddenly, Magnus made strange yet effective move. His Retribution was placed in a strange blocking manner, as the Emperor's sword hit Retribution it was deflected in a manner that his sword flew through his face hitting his eye.

This strange blocking was once a signiture move his. He can deflect any sword attacks as long as it has enough force. At first Magnus convinced the Emperor that he has the disadvantage. Thus the Emperor keeps pushing him backwards and each attacks is much more stronger than the other.

Once the Emperor's attack has reached the required force Magnus used his move and deflected the sword to the Emperor's face.

The Emperor staggered backwards, holding his bleeding eye with his left hand while the other is gripping his sword. Magnus immediately followed it with series of attacks. The Emperor has no chance of even retaliating by a bit, as Magnus attacks is ferocious and consistent.

A Blademaster's specialty is its combo, just like a Pugilist. However its combo relies on damage. If your attack is much lower than before then the combo would stop. For short, when Blademaster attacks it would be the lowest damaging skill before the highest one.

Not like the Pugilist that as long as its attack achieved the stun effect, the combo would continue.

Luckily Magnus is good on calculations. He first used his normal attacks at areas that has armors slowly damaging the flesh. Then when he reached the highest possible damage for normal attacks he would start to use his skills.

A whooping 83x Combo and a total of 5,045,808 damage appeared on the Emperor's head. Just like that the battle ended. The Emperor kneeled on the ground, his sword keeping him up.

With his bloody face he look to Magnus and said, "I have never seen a swordsman that could match you, I forfeit. I no longer have the right to rule the Continent. You can take the crown and do whatever you want to my corpse. It is my pleasure to die because of your sword."

The system then announced the end of the Dungeon, along with the first kill reward and the opening of the Dungeons difficulties.

Dungeon difficulties is divided to 5 levels. Normal Mode, Difficult Mode, Heroic Mode, Epic Mode, and lastly Hell Mode. Each mode has the same monster but differs on their playstyle.

Magnus the opened the Boss Reward Chest. He got a Gold Tier item, 4 Silver Tier, and 13 Iron Tiers. It was very generous. Well that's all thanks to his luck.

But that's all of it. After killing Emperor Iscabar he received 5 True Warriors Blood. All he needs now is only 4,995 more which is pretty... hard to collect. A single boss is only worth 5 drops of blood, and that boss is quite a headache to kill. If here to farm True Warriors Blood he would need to clear this Dungeon a thousand times, which is super excruciating and boring.

Suddenly, Magnus thought of an idea. He re-entered the Dungeon but in Hell Mode the highest difficulty.

Now there was 300 Imperial Guards, and their attack and HP tripled. Thirty Minutes after the sweaty and bloody fight he wiped all of the monster and another 300 Imperial Guards appeared.

His mana is already at 0 thus he have no choice but to attack them head on. Luckily he has the Dark Flame Warhorse, its HP is over 5,000,000 and has 10,000 attack. It only revealed the stats when he reached Respect on his Mount. Fortunately its very easy to increase its affinity which just require bringing it to battle.

Before when his Affinity is still Friendly, it would just follow his orders obediently and attack when it has opportunities. However when it reached Respect, it would take the initiative to find a time attack opponents and block some attacks for Magnus.

This made the pressure on Magnus to decrease, he was now much more focused on attacking and leave the evading and blocking to his majestic Mount.

Forty-five minutes has passed and he finally killed all the Imperial Guards. He then dispersed his Mount and started to kill the other mobs in the sides. A few minutes more he found the Emperor, but now he has 3 Generals which fought with Magnus first.