
Aura stood up from her seat and immediately hugged her mother, for some reason she, who is usually cheerful, became gloomy. Yes, she is Anni, a most cheerful mama who likes screaming and bossing her daughter and also possessive of her daughter.

"Mama hiks ..!" Aura cried in her mother's arms.

"Why are you crying Ra? Hey, why are you?" said Anni, occasionally wiping her tears.

"I sniff ... I don't want to be separated hiks ... hiks ... with mom!" whined Aura.

"Hush, you will soon be a wife, don't be silly, you have to be independent, you have to be able to take care of your husband, obey your husband, don't be like your mother arguing," said Anni half-jokingly though she was also said that she had to give up her daughter to be taken by her husband.

Anni's words did not comfort Aura, they seemed to be a boomerang for Aura, and made her cry even more.

"Don't cry. The make-up will fade, dear, you pay dearly for this!"

"Hehe emm okay mom," replied Aura while laughing with her mother's words.

"That's right, smile. It's hard to see you all cry." Daryl's words annoyed the two women who were joking.



Said Anni and Aura together.

"What? Why? You are compact haha" teased Daryl.

Dug ...

Aura's 'temporary' room door opened violently and revealed the silhouette of a man in a black tuxedo with his trademark slightly disheveled hair.

Suddenly, everyone in the room was shocked by the sound of the door banging.

"It's great! Rio is tired around this building for you to look for, but it turns out you guys are doing it here! That's great!" annoyed Rio.

"Oh hero, pissed off, hugged here and there," said Daryl with his hands wide open as if he wanted to carry a 2-year-old boy.

Suddenly everyone in the room laughed except Rio, of course.

Rio shuddered with amusement at his father's words.

"Already ah come on! The groom's party arrived in 15 minutes."

Then dad went downstairs to meet guests while Mama called a makeup artist to fix Aura's make-up.


"I received the marriage of Aura Amalia Anthony with a dowry of a set of prayer tools and 4.5 million in cash paid in cash!" said Dennis firmly.

"How about a Witness?"

"Legitimate!" answered all the witnesses who attended Aura and Dennis' contract.


Aura then extended her hand to Dennis to greet Dennis. But, he is stupid, the sensitive guy, he even raised an eyebrow with the most annoying face that wanted clawed Aura.

"Dennis, that's Aura who wants to greet you, bro." said the headman.

After hearing the instructions of the headman, Dennis held out his hand and Aura greeted him. Then Dennis kissed Aura's forehead.

Aura relaxed at once because she felt a lumpy object sticking to her forehead. Then, Aura quickly lifted her head and ...

Duh ...

"Ouch." Said Aura and Dennis together.

"What the hell, you are following me!" scowled Aura.

"Hey I'm human too, have pain!" Annoyed Dennis.

Aura & Dennis's marriage contract has gone very smoothly. Tonight it remains only to start the reception.

Now Aura is in the room and intends to take a shower to clean herself, but she is annoyed by the zipper that is very difficult to open.

* The sound of the door opening *

The door opened and revealed Dennis with a tuxedo in his hand, leaving only a white shirt on him.

"What are you doing in my room!" scowled Aura. I don't know her innate aura just wanted to get angry when she saw Dennis.

Instead of answering Aura's question, Dennis asked back.

"You need help?" asked Dennis.

"No, thank you! Watch out ah, I'm going out, what are you doing staying on the way out, you already know a big body!" annoyed Aura as she walked out of the room to seek her mother's help and of course, pushed Dennis in the stomach.

Crazy!!! His stomach must be a six-pack. -Thought Aura.

Hey! Wait!

What's with Aura? Could he be thinking dirty?

"Ish What's my brain!" grumbled Aura.

Meanwhile, Dennis who saw Aura grumbled indistinctly, of course, shook his head. Then he walked to the bathroom to clean the body which was very sticky with sweat.


On another place ~

Aura looked at the living room or you could say. There was his favorite mother talking with her in-laws.

"Mam!" call Aura.

Mama Anni, who felt called, finally turned to the sound.

"What? Why haven't you changed your clothes?" she asked.

"Hehe, open the zipper, mam," said Aura with a laugh.

These two mothers frowned at Aura's words.

"Well, didn't Dennis just go into the room?" Well this time, this is Mama Marista who asked.

Aura was only able to answer by nodding her head.

"Why don't you ask Dennis for help! It's just troublesome!" So, for these words, you know who is speaking, which is Mama Anni.

Although annoyed, Anni still does it. He then walked towards Aura, intending to open the zipper of Aura's wedding dress.

After opening the zipper, Aura went back to her room, intending to take a shower to clean herself.

When entering her room, Aura saw Dennis sitting on the bed holding the laptop. Not wanting to bother thinking about it, Aura passed Dennis as if he thought Dennis didn't exist.

Finally, Aura was in the bathroom safely.

After 20 minutes Aura took a shower, she just realized that she forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom.

"Ouch how is this, I forgot to bring clothes." Aura hesitated.

Feeling forced, Aura couldn't help but leave the bathroom wearing only a towel.

After feeling that there was no Dennis in the room, Aura then rushed to get the clothes in her trunk.

"Aura! Hey! Mama told to go downstairs, we have dinner first," said Dennis, startling Aura.

"HEY! IF YOU WANT TO ENTER THE ROOM FIRST KNOCK THE DOOR" shouted Aura, holding her kimono tightly.

Dennis just shrugged his shoulders indifferently as he went to bed to get his cellphone.

"I'm sorry," he said as he walked out.

Aura is very goofy with Dennis, if only Dennis wasn't her husband she would have burned him alive.