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Aura Scene

Shocked, that one word Aura was feeling right now. Aura was confused as to why the person in front of her could be here, not that she should still be in Germany. And even if you go back to Indonesia, you should still be in a few weeks.

"How come you are here?"

Aura asked fearfully, but there was part of her heart that couldn't be denied that she was very happy to meet this person in front of her.

(Only part of it, nothing more. Remember)

"Why, surprised when I was here, huh?" Dennis replied.

Yup, actually who is the person who Aura calls him, he is Dennis Gilgeous Alexander.

It should be remembered, Dennis is a young entrepreneur whose business is not in doubt because it is everywhere. Even in every country in the world, there must be a barn of money (business).