
"You don't have to do what people do. I can still hire a few more servants to help you out. And I didn't marry you to do something like that." Dennis said.

Aura is very easily instigated by people, so Dennis does not allow Aura to meet his neighbors who like to waste time just to gossip. And told Aura to do that.

"But I want ..." Aura had not had time to continue her words, Dennis had already given a kiss on the pink lips of his spoiled wife.

"Don't ever do it again. I don't like it," said Dennis firmly and with a tone of tenderness. Dennis will be firm when in the office or outside, but Dennis will be gentle only to Aura. Just an Aura.

"Because of me. You're so late to go to the office and haven't had breakfast." Aura felt guilty about her messing up attitude this morning. She made Dennis worry about her and also delayed Dennis's work.