
Aura sat on Dennis's lap with the arms hugging her neck spoiled and did not ignore someone who was in front of her.

"Don't rub it on and it will hurt." Said Dennis by removing the tiny hand slowly then blowing his wife's eyes.

"Still sick hmm?"

Aura shook her fist and then buried her face even deeper in the recesses of her husband's neck.

"I'm afraid to sleep alone." She muttered softly.

Lisa didn't want to spoil her eyes seeing the scene before her. Lisa immediately got up from her seat, looked away with her suitcase annoyed.

"Excuse me, sir. The order you requested has arrived," said Abdel who was now in front of him. By carrying enough crackle which is certain it is ice cream for Dennis's wife.

"Just put it in the refrigerator." Said Dennis, after which Abdel passed from in front of his master to put the ice cream.