
Every corner has an ice cream machine for young children to pick up and that too is free. Each of the lights flickering illuminate this restaurant.

"Yes, I even built it myself without Father's help." Said Dennis, and his gaze was still straight ahead.

"You're great, Den," said Aura.

"Thank you, dear." Said Dennis, then the two of them decided to sit down.

Come along the Restaurant Manager, this is Aldhia, Dennis's confidant. Dennis appointed him as a manager because of Aldhia's excellent work and had accompanied Dennis to build this restaurant from scratch.

Apart from being the heir of Mr. Marco Gilgeous Alexander, he is also a very famous businessman.


"It is an honor for you to come here, sir," said Aldhia with his head down.

"Yes," Dennis replied coldly.

"Have the servants here prepare good food, Aldhia. And go away." Said Dennis continued.

"Yes sir." Said Aldhia, after that the manager named Aldhia left.