Forty-Four Point Five

Tonight Alexander's extended family will have dinner. Some so many families come for dinner, I don't know what may be a family gathering to treat the longing that never gets together because of their respective busyness.

Aura thought his father-in-law was an only child, but he wasn't. Mr. Marco has many brothers.

And they are now in the family room (dining room). The house that used to only contain servants and a few people have now become crowded like a market in a shopping center. Lots of small children joking around.

 There is one thing that makes Aura not believe that Rajon Prada, his high school friend, is Dennis and Mita's cousin. Oh, what another plan will God give. Why didn't Mita tell him?

 The dinner began. Aura sat beside Dennis, Rajon sat in front of Aura and grandmother sat beside Marco as well as Marista. And the other families sat in their respective places.

 I don't know why Aura feels awkward knowing that Rajon is Dennis's brother.