
"You must be strong dear, Must be strong. For me, and our children." Said Dennis hoarsely, then kissed Aura's pale lips.

"Dennis, t-this hurts so much. I-I-I'm not strong enough." Said Aura softly and stammered.

Hearing that, Dennis shook his head, his tears fell. No, he didn't want to lose Aura a second time. Just enough first, not anymore.

"No dear, no. You have to be strong." Said Dennis, then raised Aura's palm and kissed it. It didn't matter even if Aura's hands and hands were covered in blood.


"Do your best, Doctor. I'll pay anything!" Said Dennis excitedly.

"Sorry, sir. We couldn't save both of them. You have to choose one of them, Mother or Son?" Said Doctor Satrio.

"WHAT YOU MEAN? I ALREADY TELLING, I WILL PAY YOU ANYTHING FOR THEM AND BOTH HAPPY, I AM A RICH MAN!" Said Dennis angrily and grabbed Doctor Satrio's shoulder.