
Today, Aura took the initiative to come to Dennis's office while bringing food for lunch. Only alone, baby Gav and baby Gi Aura purposely left them with their aunt. Luckily his aunt agreed.

When they arrived at the Alexander Group company, all employees bowed respectfully to Aura. Aura just replied with an awkward smile.

After arriving in front of Dennis's room, Aura first asked Dennis's secretary, namely his secretary named Abdel.

"Dennis ... Mm that means—" Said Aura nervously.

His understanding and smiled,

"It just so happens that Mr. Dennis is there. You can come in," He said respectfully.

Aura nodded,

"Thank you." Said Aura.

Aura opened the door to Dennis's room, which the man deliberately didn't lock,

"Excuse me," said Aura.

Aura saw Dennis who was struggling with several files piled up. Dennis is still focused in front of the laptop, to the extent that his presence is unknown.