
After accompanying Dennis to sleep, Aura wakes up and returns to the family room to meet Dennis's family. Surely Aura was worried about her two babies. And the guess is true, baby Gav and baby Gi are crying in the arms of Marista is mother-in-law, and Mita.

"Sorry, Mother, Mita, so troublesome. Earlier I accompanied Dennis to sleep first," said Aura, feeling uneasy.

Marista and Mita smiled.

"No problem, Ra. After all, I was helped by my aunt," said Mita.

"No problem, I'm even happy." Said Marista.

"Thanks, mom. Thanks, Mita," said Aura, then took over Gi's baby carrier and started giving her breast milk.

"Then I'll take baby Gav there first," She said then walked away.

"If he is thirsty, he will cry," said Aura by informing her. Mita nodded.

"Ah, I want to have a baby quickly," Mita said dramatically.

"But what should I do, Mark doesn't want to get married quickly, ishh," she said with a little annoyance.