
Dennis and his family just returned from Bandung. Aura was tidying their belongings, Dennis was checking the condition of the car. Gavin, Gianna, and Luna were asleep in the room.

After she finished tidying things up, Aura went to the kitchen to make hot tea for her and Dennis.

As she finished making tea, Dennis returned from the garage with an oil stain on his shirt.

"Den, drink the tea first." Said Aura.

"Yes. Later, after I shower, okay?" Said, Dennis.

"Yes. I have also prepared warm water and the towel." Said Aura.


After finishing the shower, Dennis did not see his wife in the living room or kitchen. As he passed the front door, Dennis saw his wife who was on the phone with someone.

At first, Dennis was confused. Why did Aura have to pick up her phone there? Is there anything she is secretive about, right?

To be sure, Dennis quietly tunes in to hear his wife's conversation.