Kong POV
Along the way as I went to the meeting room the last word of AIOON still echoing in my mind.
Arthit: I want you to have your own family.
I questioned myself, Do I really need to build a family, Do I really need to have a child, Do I really need to leave him. I stop for a moment… What leave him!!??
Why am I thinking of leaving him, I already decide that whatever may happen still I chose him.
When I'm in the meeting room I sit to the nearest chair beside my dad.
Kongpob's Dad: Good Morning everyone I welcome our new business partner, Mr. Mike Arawayut. He is the owner of one the biggest supplier of mechanical materials in China.
Everyone clapping their hands aside from me, I'm still confused about the talked we had. The time has already passed the meeting's end. They are all leaving the meeting room.
Kongpob's Dad: Stay here we need to talk.
My mind tells me to leave the meeting room, I want to talk with AIOON, I want to settle this things, and I want to know his feeling right now. I do hope that he's OK and safe.
Kongpob's Dad: Okay let's talk, Son do you have something to tell me? I saw your face earlier, your mind is somewhere out there. You knew that you can tell me about your problem right. This is the first time that I see you like this.
When he paused, I looked straight to his eyes. Should I tell him about us? What if he cannot accept us. The tears suddenly came out and the only thing I can do is to cry. My father get panicked as he see me crying, He hugged me very tight and try to calm me.
Kong: Dad thank you for your concern but as of this moment, I'm still confuse, Dad I knew that I love h…
I can't continue what I'm going to say, I'm afraid that my father will reject us and looked for AIOON. I knew my father very well he can do anything. The moment I open again my mouth he helped me to stand up and again give me a hugged.
Kongpob's Dad: Son you already grown up, I Knew that you can do better and I knew you choose what is right from wrong.Oh by the way we have an appointment later you need to fix yourself okay. And don't cry too much. You're like a gorilla.
My father left me and gave me a tapped to my shoulder. As he leave I went to my office, It's past 6pm, I need to checked AIOON if he already arrived in his Pad.
Arthit: Hello??
Kong: How are you AIOON? How's your work? Are you already home? I forgot to fetch you since the meeting finished late than we expect. Hoping that you are in good situation right now.
Arthit: Hey Kong! What's wrong, do you have a problem. Did you cry? Your voice is very low, where is the Kong that I knew? You can speak to me, right?
Kong: AIOON, I need you right now, I need to have courage to speak with my family about us, I want them to know that I already found my better wife. I want them to know that you are my sunshine and the one that I love. I want them to know that sooner we will get marry.
When I heard what he say, my face get red and I felt the love. This moron want's my full attention right now but I can't go to him.
Arthit: Shh, Kong stop right there.. YUCK !!!
Kong: AIOON?
Arthit: Hahahaha, let us stay like this for a while okay. When the time comes we can tell it to your family, and besides we already knew that, we love each other.
Kong: AIOON, this I promise you, whatever the future holds from us, I'm still here for you.
Arhit: Yes Kong, same I'm here for you always.
Kong: AIOON I love you, I need to go now. I'll call you later.
As I hear his last word, the tears burst. I want to help him, If I have a courage way back then, I think we can tell it to his family. But I'm coward and.. I don't want to lost him. I already decided that what ever may happen I'll fight for our love.
But right now,
I just don't know.
Arthit: Kong.. Sorry