A Loss Needs A Replacement

The Kindergartener Aiko Nishimura.

Chapter 6: A Loss Needs A Replacement.


"I see." Saburo takes a sip of the tea Aiko has offered before giving his opinion. "But shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"Well, I did think about it being the other way around, but I don't think it suits my… thing."

Aiko said as she gently poured Saburo another cup of tea, and even offering some cookies she just microwaved from the fridge.

Since her mom is no longer with her it's about time she deals with things her way, but due to her being a child still she made some mistakes when trying to offer Saburo some tea.

And the tea just dropped...you know where already, I assume you do. Luckily and for some reason, Saburo is just fine with it, everyone makes mistakes. But earlier he seems a bit too optimistic and proclaims that he has an invincible ability that no one can counter, but now he seems a bit more the same and acts like a human rather than a deranged stalker who yearns for more power.

"Anyways, why don't we recap what I said earlier? So you can remember them." Saburo says as Aiko nods.

"Well then. Firstly, there is a creature inside you, or to make things more clearly, you're part of that creature and the creature is a part of you. An alien to be exact."

He said as he summons a clone of himself and the clone picks the tea cup and drinks it while the original him continues to talk.

"As you can see, this is my power, which is cloning. I can make them do whatever I want. I can even turn them into the opposite gender."

"Huh, that's really cool! Too bad I don't have something cool like that."

The Saburo's look at each other before looking at her. "I mean, for you it must be boring. But for me, I'm quite astonished. You possess something quite strong."

Aiko's eyes lit up as she looked at Saburo. "Really?" He nods with a smile.

The clone puts the tea down as he disappears.

"Now that you've told me your reasons for your alienation, I guess I should tell you mine." He says as he summons two clones and they make a human chair out of themselves and Saburo just sits on them. The clones are a bit uncomfortable, but that doesn't change him.

"I'm a human alien who got the powers of cloning and illusions by my parents genes." He says as he makes himself a bit too comfortable on the Saburo chair.

"It was a long time ago, but everything changed when the government attacked a village. My mother and father managed to escape, but due to my… behavior, I summoned lots of clones, disturbing the peace and soon enough the government found where me and my parents live."

Aiko nods, even though she doesn't understand half of what he's saying she's still nodding in agreement.

"They escaped, but for me I was hidden, and distracted the people with my clones and escaped before they realized what my power was."

"I then hid in that abandoned house, the one you destroyed to put in sense. I stayed there for years to come, only to come out every night to steal from my neighbors in order to survive."

Aiko looks at the clones and they seem to be sweating so much that maybe she has to clean the floor later. But since Saburo is here and he's staying, maybe he'll do it using his clones?

Saburo continued despite the fact Aiko is looking at the clones. Aiko may not be listening, but her alien may be in order to understand him. Risky, but Aiko looks like a kid who can control herself now.

Speaking of control...

"I also went insane. I thought I was the most powerful alien to exist. My mind and senses tell me that I am a god. That only got worse when I killed a bunch of aliens like me and you, that is when I presumed I would never be myself ever again, but when you demonstrated your power earlier, It was like...I was free from a long cage, free from my own delusions, and finally seeing the sun with my own real pure eyes."

Saburo gets off his clones and makes them disappear, which he grunts and holds his back for a little before standing straight up.

"Now that I can think clearly, I think I can now live normally, a life without any lies that is being told to me. I shall live the rest of my days...with you of course."

Aiko nods as she turns on the TV by the remote. "Yeah. My mama isn't here anymore, so I guess it's not bad to have someone here to accompany Aiko."

"Ah yes, I forgot. I'm sorry for your loss." Saburo says as he sits down on the carpet. Aiko looks at him with a confused expression.

"Loss? What did I lose?- Wait- OOH! My favorite cartoon is here!" Aiko excitedly turns the volume up and puts the remote besides her as she bounces around to the theme song.

Saburo is convinced that she is certainly a kindergartener. She's no more than a mindless kid who wants to do what she wants as long as it makes her happy. Which is strange, a prodigy is expected to have high standards, but seems like she's not there yet.

Saburo is kind of jealous of the power Aiko holds, but now that he realizes openly about his power, maybe he can do something creative with it. Like shopping maybe?

He can also try and manipulate Aiko, but that almost caused his life, so he's certainly not trying that again. He has a feeling that the alien in Aiko is watching him very closely, every sweat he drops and every quiver in his voice…

Better be friendly with Aiko then.

Since they're now living together, maybe Saburo can be a big brother? He doesn't know what Aiko will think about it, but he's quite young, so it makes sense to be a step-brother for Aiko.

Whilst Aiko is swaying around to the tune Saburo sends a clone outside the house to get some fresh air. After sticking his nose too close to the tea for minutes he can't smell properly but-


The clone decides to go down the stairs of the apartment room and walks up to a strange looking car that's turned on.

"Huh? A car? What's it doing with the engines on?" He thought as the clone gets closer to the vehicle and takes a look inside by the windows, but it seems like nobody is there. He tried opening the doors but they were locked shut tight.

"Okay, who on Earth would leave their car running with the keys still inside?" He asks himself in a low voice as the clone looks around, before massaging his elbow and breaking the car window with his force. Once the window is shattered he goes ahead and opens the car to see the insides of the car more clearly but it's nothing more than a normal car running by itself with no one coming to even attempt to open the car.

This left him confused until his clone feels like something is crawling on him. His clone lifts his shirt up and he panics once he sees a white worm crawling up to him. He tried to shake it off but it crawled deeper into the clone's skin. Due to it getting hurt so much it disappears as Saburo just looks at the, unaffected, but worried and confused about that white thing that just buried itself on his clone's chest. And it felt like it burrowed inside the clone's heart, killing it. This made him worry as he sends another clone outside to make sure it's still there.

Aiko is still enjoying her show, she doesn't know what's happening. She's too focused on the show, happily singing along with the songs.

To prove his innocence to the alien of Aiko, he must protect her. And by doing that maybe he won't get killed during his sleep.

He decides to stand up and walk to the door. "Hey Aiko, I'll be back, I got...something to do?"

"Ohh? Well...okay! Come back as soon as possible!~"



"Okay soft squiggly white thing. Since you look like a worm, I'll call you a parasite." Saburo looks down to where his first clone died, and he sees the second clone being eaten in the insides.

He quickly makes that clone disappear and sends more to the white worm to attempt to squish it into nothing but white goo.

"It feels weird to act normal and be able to control my powers with no one saying inside of my head that I am some sort of genocidal god." He says as he covers himself with a clone in front of him so he won't get hit, just in case it jumps on him.

Saburo then has to wait for what the white worm has to do next, otherwise it'll be bad if his clones charge and the worm is secretly inside one of them, making it hard to kill and track…

"I always hated parasites… Ever since it got into my favorite chocolate milk when I was a kid, I almost always prevent myself from drinking chocolate milk because of those annoying little bastards…"

He said with a bit of quiver in his voice as he sees his clones slowly approach the white worm with the things they got from around them. One is carrying a thin stick. Even though it's not very useful, it's still something to try and defend himself with…


To be continued, Tion_Official.