

I suck at everything. This is not a perfect story for personality but i do hope you enjoy reading this.


"... Ebina-chan..."

Ebina's eyes are wide.


Umaru is quiet.

Taihei comes in to see if something is up.

Umaru told him she's fine.

He can see she's not fine but since it's a girl talk he decided to just continue cooking.

Umaru takes a deep breathe.

"Y-you're... Right... I-I am that..- you saw yesterday-"

Ebina confused, she thought she was just sick at that time and thought that was Umaru, but now, Umaru, herself. Just confessed.

"H-huh? But how? How can you-"

Umaru stops her right there.

"Uh well. It's really complicated, but I can uhm... Turn to a... Uhh-..."

Umaru takes another deep breathe to calm herself down as she explains everything to make sense, Umaru could've lied so this doesn't have to happen, but since it did now happen. She has to explain it to Ebina.

A few minutes later.

Ebina stayed quiet looking at the ground twirling her fingers.

"I-Is something wrong, E-Ebina-chan? D-did I-"

"N-no!! I-I mean-"

Ebina, now emberrased covers her face looking away saying sorry a few times.

"H-Hey, it's alright Ebina! I know it wasn't intentional to make your voice high."

Ebina looks at her, blushing madly over the emberassment she has caused.

Umaru pats her back to tell it's alright.

Ebina decides to calm down and think about this, what Umaru said.

It's almost not true but yet, Umaru never tells a lie to her, that's what she believes so.

But in the end. Ebina decides to trust Umaru chan.

If Umaru isn't caught in a lie.

She's fine with it.

Umaru asked if she was okay now and Ebina nods, which released a bunch of stress out of Umaru's chest, but she still has that one phantom stress inside of her.

What will Kirie think about this?


Umaru was startled from that-

"P-please teach me how to be just like you!"

Umaru tilts her head a little to the side.

Thinking. What did she say just now? And if she heard right. Why would she want that?


"N-now I understand why Umaru Chan is so perfect! I-It's because of what you told me, right??"

Umaru Thoughts: "Wait Wha-"

"Uhm... Ebina- that's not how I do it. A-and no, I'm not perfect, I-I'm just an ordinary girl!"

"But Umaru-chan has done everything perfect!

You pass every time and you look so beautiful everytime!"

"W-Well that's kind of true, but- I'm not perfect Ebina-cha-"

Umaru was in the middle of talking until both heard of a girl scream just outside.

"Huh? What was that?"

Umaru seems to recognize the voice as she goes to where to source is by going outside the balcony and she sees Kirie laying there hurt.

"K-kiri- O-Onii-chan!! Get here quick!! Call an ambulance, everything, quick!!"