Chapter 9: Confrontation

After getting the info he needed from Michiko, Tatsurou went to the monorail station again, and as he entered the monorail, he took a seat and began reading the files he had and he still couldn't believe what he saw.

"It's impressive, I would never have guessed something like this..." Tatsurou said to himself, as he flipped the pages.

"And who would have guessed, that you were hiding so close..." Tatsurou said as looked at the page with her localization, and saw that Tiana was hiding in a warehouse in the docks of district 4, Tatsurou then got his phone out and proceeded to call Yumeko.

"Come on Yumeko, answer the phone!" Tatsurou said as he waited for her to pick up and, after a little while.

"Tatsurou! You know I'm still in class why are you calling?" Yumeko said the moment she answered the call, she had an angry tone in her voice, and yet it also had worry.

"Yumeko I need your help, you have to come to the docks in district 4 and you should also bring some people from the AMDF, I'm already on my way there!" Tatsurou said without wasting time any time.

"Wait, wait, you're serious, do you know just how far the docks are, and what are you going to do there?" Yumeko asked but this time her tone was a confused and worried one.

"I will try to deal with it, but some help wouldn't hurt, come quick!" And just as he finished saying this, Tatsurou hanged up leaving Yumeko angry and worried at him, and then Tatsurou looked at the files once again, but as he did that he looked at his right hand.

"There's no turning back from this now, I will have to fight..." Tatsurou thought as he kept looking at his hand.

"But this time, I will save you Shirayuki...I promise!" Tatsurou thought as he closed his hand, as this time, he would save Shirayuki, take it what it will...

Meanwhile, back at the warehouse in the docks, the knight still stood in his meditation position and Shirayuki was still in the same position with her arms around her legs, but suddenly the door of the warehouse opened, the knight stood up and looked in its direction, and trough the door, came Tiana holding a suitcase.

"It's time..." Tiana said to Shirayuki as she got close to her, but Shirayuki kept her face buried away in her knees "I don't have time for this kind of behavior, GET UP!" Tiana said to Shirayuki with a tone filled with authority, after a little while, Shirayuki got up.

"Took you long enough, let's go, there's no time to waste!" Tiana said as she turned her back to Shirayuki and made her way to the center of the warehouse.

"You! Go to the entrance and keep an eye out for curious idiots, that like to prey on other's business" Tiana said to the knight and he walked towards the entrance and after a while, he was gone, and soon enough, Tiana and Shirayuki were alone.

"Very well then, let's start!" Tiana said as she placed the suitcase on the ground and slowly opened it up to reveal a beautifully adorned gauntlet, Shirayuki's eyes opened wide in awe as she saw it.

"Beautiful isn't it, this was a gauntlet used by the dark Valkyrie Frida she waged war on those that tried to break the peace, she worked hard to maintain, but thanks to all the selfishness of the people that waged countless wars for the most idiotic reasons, her pure soul and wish to keep the peace was corrupted, so she started to kill everyone that she deemed a precursor of war, turning in the end into what she despised the most, tragic really..." Tiana said in a tone that made Shirayuki unsure of what to feel, Tiana then proceeded.

"So in the end, she had to be put down by the other Valkyries, and the only thing left from her was this gauntlet, a gauntlet that gave unparalleled strength to its user..." As Tiana said this, Shirayuki kept looking at her and she slowly began to understand what she wanted.

"I see, so you want me to use the reviving magic of the Izanami clan, to bring that Valkyrie back to life, right?" As Shirayuki finished saying this Tiana grew a smile on her face that went from ear to ear

"I knew that you were a smart girl, I don't even have to explain your job, wonderful, just wonderful, very well then, if you would be so kind as to start!" Tiana said as she smiled at Shirayuki and placed the gauntlet on the ground, so she could begin the ritual to bring back Frida, but Shirayuki just looked at it without doing anything and as she kept looking, Tiana became a bit impatient.

"What do you think you're doing? Just looking at it, won't do the trick or will it?" Tiana asked, as if she was joking, but at the same time it showed her growing impatience, but Shirayuki kept silent.

"After I do this, what will happen?" Shirayuki asked this to Tiana, that looked at her with a confused expression, Shirayuki then proceeded.

"I thought and thought about this, and I can't understand what your plan is, and after what you told me, the story behind this gauntlet, there can be only one thing you going to do..." Shirayuki said to Tiana with a worried expression, in fear that what she imagined what her plan was, but Tiana just smiled again.

"If you're so curious about what my plan is, it's quite simple, I want to...start a war!" Tiana said with a psychotic smile across her face that made Shirayuki shiver and scared even more than she already was, Tiana then approached Shirayuki.

"So you better stop stalling for time, or do I have to get violent? Or perhaps I should bring that Tatsurou here and torture him, until you do what I tell you? Hmm? Which one do you prefer?" Tiana said as she placed her right hand on Shirayuki's left shoulder with a psychotic smile still all over her face, this made Shirayuki shiver once again as she kept silent and looked down, while she held the sleeves of her kimono tight, and after a long silence, she lifted her head up to Tiana.

"F-Fine, I will do it, but please don't hurt him, don't hurt Tatsurou!" Shirayuki said as she trembled, Tiana just smiled.

"Good, good, I knew you would understand, so without further stalling around..." Tiana said as she got her hand off Shirayuki's shoulder and began to back away, so she could perform the ritual, and as Shirayuki stood in front of the gauntlet, she once again got second thoughts, but she then looked at Tiana, that had her arms crossed and waited for her.

"I can't convince her to stop, I can't get away, there are no options left, she will hurt Tatsurou if I don't do the ritual, but she will hurt so many more if I do..." Shirayuki thought as she looked at Tiana, then proceeded to look back at the gauntlet.

"I have to do it but I don't want to, I'm sorry mother, I'm sorry everyone in the temple, I'm about to use the magic of the Izanami for some evil deed to be accomplished..." Shirayuki thought once more as she raised her right arm vertically and a pink aura started to cover her.

"Yes, finally!" Tiana said with a tone filled with happiness, as she saw Shirayuki preparing for the ritual.

"All that..." As Shirayuki was starting to say the enchantment, a loud crash was heard and the knight passed behind Shirayuki, ragdolling in the air, only stopping at the wall, this surprised both her and Tiana as they looked at the knight's emotionless body.

"No way, who could...?" Tiana said as she started to run towards Shirayuki, but as she got close, Shirayuki vanished right in front of her eyes.

"What...?!" Tiana said as she now stood where Shirayuki once was, and started to look in every direction to find her until her gaze focused on a container that was inside the warehouse and on top of it was Tatsurou holding Shirayuki in his arms as if she was a princess.

"I'm sorry for the wait, Shirayuki-san!" Tatsurou said as he looked at Shirayuki and as she lifted her head and looked at him, her eyes began to tear up.

"Ta-Tatsurou-san..." Shirayuki said as she placed her arms around Tatsurou's neck and tears started to fall down her face, Tatsurou looked at her with an expression of happiness and relief.

"You...!!!" Tiana said as she looked at Tatsurou with a face filled with anger.

"Yes, it's me alright, good to know that you haven't forgotten me!" Tatsurou said jokingly to Tiana, as he jumped off the container to the ground.

"Just how did you find us?" Tiana asked still with an angry tone.

"Well, let's just say I got some help from a good friend and also have a giant knight place outside helps a lot!" Tatsurou said, as he put Shirayuki on the ground and placed himself in front of her.

" bastard, don't think, I will let you stop me, when I'm so close, get up you piece of trash and kill him!" As Tiana finished saying this, the knight got up and lunged himself at Tatsurou.

"W-Watch out..." As Shirayuki said this Tatsurou vanished once more and before she or Tiana could react he was already in front of the knight and punched him in the middle of his helmet sending him crashing against the wall of the warehouse again.

"W-W-What the hell..." Tiana said as she became speechless and looked at the knight slammed on the wall completely emotionless, Tatsurou meanwhile landed on the ground, looking as it was nothing

"N-No way, this is the same kid from yesterday? It's impossible, just...just how did he do that?" Tiana asked herself this as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Just what happened? Yesterday you could barely defend yourself, just how?" Tiana asked and Tatsurou just looked at her.

"Well, I guess I just needed a wake-up call, and that's what I got and it's your turn Tiana or should I say, Wilma Eklund?" As Tatsurou said this, Tiana's face became filled with surprise and her eyes opened wide as Tatsurou said her real name.

"H-How, did you found that out...?" Tiana asked with a tone full of surprise, confusion, and anger.

"Like I said, I had some help, as I would probably never have found you and Shirayuki-san alone, much less your real identity..." Tatsurou answered and Tiana kept silent as she looked at him.

"Your right, that is my real name and I'm from Sweden, not Russia, but you already knew that..." Wilma said as she looked at Tatsurou and his silence answered her question, she then proceeded.

"Then you must also know that I'm from the island of Gotland and the reason, I'm doing this?" Wilma asked but she already knew the answer.

"I do, 10 years ago Gotland was the stage of a territorial war between the Asgardian Gods association and the Black Bear organization, leaving only a handful of survivors, but the reason as to why this war happened, I don't know..." Tatsurou said he looked at Wilma that laughed a bit.

"You don't know the reason? What if I told you it was more of an onslaught of the Black Bear, than an actual territorial war..." Wilma said as she looked at Tatsurou's puzzled expression, she then proceeded.

"10 years ago, the Black Bear organization believed that Gotland was a territory that belonged to them, since some ancient artifacts were found there, they told the Asgardian Gods association, to tell the people of that island to move out of it, if not they would take it by force..." Wilma said this as she walked towards the gauntlet and picked it up from the ground.

"The Asgardian Gods didn't take their warning seriously, and brushed it off as some joke of sorts, and in the end, the Black Bear walked into the island and took it by force, killing whoever disobeyed them..." Wilma said as she stooped for a moment and took a small breath.

"My whole town got destroyed, my parents were killed in front of me and my little brother died in my arms, it was then and there that I promised them, that I would destroy the Black Bear for what they have done, and destroy the Asgardian Gods for not lifting a finger to help!" Wilma said as tears fell down her face, Tatsurou and Shirayuki looked at her in shock upon hearing this.

"I joined the Black Bear organization with a fake name, to find they're weaknesses, and use it, and so with the power of Frida, I can attack them where it hurts and make it look like it was the Asgardian Gods were the attackers, it will start a war between them and I will watch happily as they murder each other like the idiots and monsters they are!" Wilma finished saying this as she opened her arms wide and smiled as she imagined the outcome of her plan.

"Now that you know the reason, you understand why I must do this right?" Wilma asked Tatsurou and for a while, he just looked at her in silence and then.

"I'm sorry, Wilma, but I can't understand that..." Tatsurou said in an honest tone to Wilma that surprised her.

"Even with what happened, it does not justify this kind of action your taking, you are going to do the same thing they did to your hometown to your family, your going to hurt people that have nothing to do with what happened, please just stop...before its too late..." As Tatsurou said this Wilma's face became covered with anger.

"SHUT UP! Your just a kid that doesn't understand anything, do you even know the feeling of seeing your loved ones dying in front of you? Do you know the feeling of a loved one dying in your arms? DO YOU?" Wilma asked with a tone that was filled with anger, hate, and rage, to Tatsurou and for a while, he didn't answer, he just looked down and after a brief moment, he lifted his head until he was looking directly into Wilma's eyes.

"Unfortunately...I do..." Tatsurou said with a tone of sadness to Wilma, but she looked at him with even more anger on her face.

"Shut up...shut up, SHUT UP!" Wilma said calmly and quickly began to shout this to Tatsurou.

"You don't understand anything your just a kid, how can you possibly get it?" Wilma asked but Tatsurou kept silent.

"It doesn't matter anymore, if you won't step aside so that I can accomplish my objective, I will just make you!" As Wilma finished saying this she put on the gauntlet in her right arm, this surprised Tatsurou and Shirayuki as they watched Wilma being covered in a black aura that formed on her back what looked like wings and her eyes became black as the aura that covered her.

"Like this, there's no way I will lose, I will kill you and take the girl with me...or I can just kill you both, the Valkyrie being the one to use the gauntlet was just to be safe, with this I can pretty much destroy a few small towns to make the war happen! You know what? I will just kill you, it's much easier that way!" Wilma said with a psychotic smile on her face, Tatsurou could only look at her with a sad expression on his face.

"Tatsurou-san, what are we going to do now?" Shirayuki asked as she too looked at Wilma more worried than scared.

"It's simple..." Tatsurou answered as he began to walk towards Wilma and after he was close he stooped and his eyes became blue and his body was covered in a light blue aura that was almost invisible.

"Wilma, please rethink this, it's still not too late to..." As Tatsurou tried to plead Wilma to stop she hit him with the back of her right hand and sent him crashing against a pile of wooden boxes, and as Tatsurou hit them, pieces of wood flew in the air and a small dust cloud formed.

"Tatsurou-san!" Shirayuki shouted as she saw Tatsurou, on top of the broken boxes.

"Looks like he was lucky with the knight, well then..." Wilma said as she began walking towards Shirayuki with a smile on her face, but as Wilma was getting close to her, she was hit with a flying roundhouse kick to her torso by Tatsurou, which made her roll around on the ground, until she was stooped by a wall.

"She's not your opponent, Wilma!" Tatsurou said as he stood in front of Shirayuki with a battle stance.

"I wasn't expecting this, but it's a good thing, you didn't go down with just one attack at least your going to give me a small test ride, before I can go use the gauntlet for real..." Wilma said as she got up and looked at Tatsurou with an expression mixed with happiness and anger, he just looked at her without saying anything.

"It's no use, talking won't make her come to reason, I will have to fight..." Tatsurou thought to himself as he looked at Wilma, getting ready to come at him.

"Tatsurou-san..." Shirayuki called out to Tatsurou with a worried tone.

"Don't worry I will end this quickly..." Tatsurou said to Shirayuki in a reassuring and comforting tone, and as finished saying this both him and Wilma disappeared only to appear again, this time clashing fists, but they got pushed away from each other after the impact of they're punch.

"Not bad!" Wilma said as she looked at Tatsurou with a delighted face, but then she began running towards him and as she got close she started with a barrage of punches that Tatsurou dodged with ease, but just as she was going to hit him with the last punch she vanished and appeared behind him, preparing a punch that made the gauntlet bright up, but Tatsurou's reaction time was faster, as he dodged it by dive rolling to the ground, and as he did Wilma hit the ground shaking it, which also made a loud crash, as pieces of concrete flew around and a cloud of dust, was created around her.

"I'm impressed, but this is getting boring, with you always running away..." Wilma said as she used the cloud of dust, to get close to Tatsurou and surprise him with a punch to the stomach, which tossed him close to Shirayuki.

"T-Tatsurou-san!" Shirayuki said as she ran towards him, Wilma then began to slowly walk towards them.

"This is a real shame Tatsurou, I was expecting a somewhat difficult fight and yet you go down so easily, but, oh well! At least this will end quickly..." Wilma said as she stooped close to Tatsurou and Shirayuki.

"Since I'm going to end your life, I should probably go ahead and also kill the people that are close to you, like that I won't have any idiots coming to me, looking for revenge!" Wilma said as she laughed like crazy, but for her, saying this to Tatsurou was her first mistake...

"Please, say that again, because I didn't hear you right..." Tatsurou said as he got up, with a monotonous and yet angry tone in his voice.

"You didn't hear? I'm going to murder you and everyone close to you so there won't be anyone to stop me..." Wilma said with a confident tone to Tatsurou, this was her second mistake.

"I see, I see so you're going to do that, so I wasn't hearing things..." As Tatsurou finished saying this, his blue aura vanished and a black one began to cover his body, but unlike the one Wilma had, his looked like an uncontrollable wildfire, and his eyes became blood-red as he looked at her, and you could only tell that he only felt one thing at that was rage.

"W-What the hell?!" Wilma said as she looked at Tatsurou.

"What's wrong Wilma, weren't you going to kill me? I'm waiting here..." Tatsurou said still with, the same monotonous tone, that made her shiver and enter in a state of cold sweat as she looked at him.

"T-This doesn't change a thing you're still the same kid, I'm going to wipe the floor with you!" Wilma said this to Tatsurou, but you could feel a certain uncertainty in her voice.

"Alright then, come at me but you better do it with the intention to kill..." Tatsurou said this as his eyes locked on Wilma that in turn made her feel as if she was the one about to be murdered, this made her jumped away from him, and after a while of no action, she vanished, only to appear again in front of Tatsurou, as she punched him with her right fist, he caught her with his right hand as if it was nothing, this made Wilma scared, as she looked at him holding her fist, she then jumped back again, to get away from Tatsurou.

But it was not for long as she began running towards him again and he responded in kind, as they got close, she began to hit him with a barrage of punches again, but now every-time she punched Tatsurou, he evaded and hit her in return without missing, after going on like this for what felt like a minute, Tatsurou hit her with one last punch to the torso that made her go rolling and hitting the ground, after she stooped she laid on the ground for a while and she slowly began to get back up again, Tatsurou looked at her with anger, yet he gave also an impression of begging her to stop, Wilma got angry.

"Stop... just stop looking at me like that!" Wilma shouted at Tatsurou with a tone of anger and rage, as she lifted her arm vertically and closed her hand, and at the same time the adornments in the gauntlet began to shine in a dark blue color.

"I'm going to finish this, I'm going to wipe the floor with you, then I'm going to go and kill everyone you care about and then I will destroy those damn bastards...and you're not going to stop me!" As Wilma finished saying this, she lunged herself at Tatsurou, but he didn't move or say anything, he just stayed still looking at her, and as she got close Wilma began screaming as she prepared for the impact but Tatsurou dodged to the side and grabbed the arm with the gauntlet, making Wilma come to a sudden stop, her face filled with shock, as Tatsurou held her arm as if it was nothing, then as she looked at him and saw his black aura and his blood-red eyes looking at her, everything she felt anger, rage, annoyance...faded and became one thing, fear.

"This can't be happening..." Wilma said as she trembled.

"I'm sorry, Wilma but you won't stop unless I do this, so please understand one thing you brought this upon yourself..." Tatsurou said in a monotonous tone as he punched Wilma in the face with such strength that made traverse the entirety of the warehouse, until she stooped by hitting a wall, Tatsurou was left standing on the same spot, holding the gauntlet that Wilma was wearing, after looking at it, Tatsurou tossed it to the side and looked at Wilma with a sad expression.

And this was the reason, why Tatsurou hated his power, it was strong, but if he couldn't control his emotions, it could prove to be dangerous and every-time he used it, and it got out of hand, he became a different person, just like it happened right now and it scared him, more than anything.

"Tatsurou-san..." Shirayuki called his name as she began walking towards Tatsuoru, his eyes opened wide as he heard her, and as she was getting close to him.

"Stop, Shirayuki-san, don't come near me!" Tatsurou said in a calm yet sad tone, it surprised Shirayuki, but she didn't stop, he turned his back to her.

"Aren't you, scared of me?" Tatsurou asked and Shirayuki answered as soon as he finished.

"No, Tatsurou-san, I'm not scared, not of you, why should I?" Shirayuki asked without wavering as she got close.

"Why? My aura is horrible to look at, and it is, who I really am, a bad person and..." As Tatsurou went on, Shirayuki interrupted him.

"No, I'm not scared, because even with that black aura, I don't see the bad person you're talking about, I can only see you and only you "the Tatsurou" that saved me..." Shirayuki said as she placed her small hand, on Tatsurou's back.

"Shirayuki-san..." Tatsurou said silently and his black aura that still raged like wildfire began to slowly calm down, and turn into the light blue color it had again, he then turned to Shirayuki.

"Shirayuki-san..." Just as Tatsurou was going to say something to Shirayuki, he fainted and fell on the ground.

"T-Tatsurou-san?!?!" Shirayuki said as she dropped to the ground on her kness to try and wake Tatsurou up, it was also at this moment that the warehouse was invaded by members of the AMDF's strike force, and with them entered Yumeko giving orders and when she looked at Shirayuki holding Tatsurou, she ran towards them.

"What happened to him?" Yumeko asked with a worried tone, as she got down and began to gently slap Tatsurou's cheek.

"I-I don't know, he was talking with me and suddenly he fell to the ground..." Shirayuki said as she teared up, not understanding what was wrong with Tatsurou.

"This could be bad, hey, someone, get me an ambulance! We got an injured!" Yumeko said to one of his men.

"Right away, Lieutenant Kuroiwa!" A man in a strike force suit, answered Yumeko as she looked back at Tatsurou.

"Come on, Tatsurou, don't do this to us..." Yumeko said as she too began to tear up, as she saw that Tatsurou didn't wake up...