Chapter 16 The Target part 2

A bit later, close to some vending machines...

"Here..." Tatsurou said as he handed a sandwich from a vending machine, that was close to the police station to Marie, that looked at it with suspicion written all over her face.

"Look, it's not poisoned or anything, you saw me taking it from the vending machine just now..." Tatsurou said as he kept holding the sandwich to Marie, but she just kept looking at it.

"Well...if you don't want it, then..." As Tatsurou said this Marie grabbed the sandwich.

"I'm not going to thank you, for this..." Marie said as she looked away and turned her back to Tatsurou and began eating, but Tatsurou didn't mind, as he was happy that Marie was eating something.

" long, have you been here?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he saw Marie eating happily.

"Why do you need to know that?" Marie asked with a suspicious tone, as she glanced at Tatsurou.

"Just, a bit curious..." Tatsurou said as he put his hands in his jackect's pockets.

"I have been here, for a day..." Marie said as she looked away from Tatsurou and eating.

"A day...and have you actually eaten, since you got here?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone to Marie, that jolted upon hearing his question.

"So...did you?" Tatsurou asked again, as he saw Marie looking away from him and blushing.

"" Marie mumbled something, as she kept looking away from Tatsurou.

"What?" Tatsurou asked, as he didn't hear what Marie said.

"I forgot my wallet, alright! I had my documents and money in it! So I couldn't get a place to stay or eat anything!" Marie said with an angry and embarrassed tone as she blushed and turned to Tatsurou.

"Seriously? And how did you get on the island, for starters?" Tatsurou asked dumbfounded by Marie's answer.

"I came here, in the private jet of the Supreme cross, so when I got to the airport in district 1 I didn't need to show my documents...and so I only remembered I forgot my wallet, when the jet already landed!" Marie said with an embarrassed tone as she looked down.

And it was true, in Takamagahara if a private plane or jet of let's say, the Supreme Cross lands in the district that belongs to it, in this case, district 1, there is no need to show the documents, as the general concept is that only the leader, high ranking members or representers used it and didn't need to waste time in the airport with showing documents and validating their entry, something that could hinder meetings or research with tardiness.

But only 4 magic organizations could do this in Takamagahara, they were the Dragon God, the Supreme Cross, the Lion Emperor, and the Black Bear, and rumors had it that the Asgardian Gods was soon to join these ranks.

"Honestly, your an airhead aren't you?" Tatsurou asked with an impressed tone, after hearing that Marie, forgot something so important.

"D-Don't look down on me like that, Kurokami Tatsurou! As if you never forgot something like that!" Marie said with an angry tone as she pointed at Tatsurou.

"Well, I did, but I never did something like that when leaving for another country!" As Tatsurou said this Marie felt as if she was hit by lightning, as she had to agree with him.

"That's it! I'm going to end your life now, even if you gave me food, you're still my target! So prepare yourself!" Marie said still with her angry tone, as she got into a battle stance, and prepared to summon Vivianne.

"Not this again!" Tatsurou thought, as he looked at Marie and prepared to dodge at any moment, but they were suddenly interrupted by the sound of a crying child.

"What?" both Tatsurou and Marie said as they stooped and began running towards that sound.

The sound of the crying, came from a playground not too far from where Tatsurou and Marie were, and when they got there, they saw a young girl with short hair, dressed in a white shirt with a pale blue skirt, probably 6 or 7 years old, crying, while she held a stuffed toy.

"She must be lost..." As Tatsurou said this Marie began walking towards the young girl.

"Hey, did you get lost?" Marie said with an incredibly cute voice, as she got close leand forward as she got close to the young girl, but she got scared and hid behind a tree, and Marie felt as if she was hit with lighting once again, as she saw the young girl doing that.

"You scared her..." Tatsurou said with a stoic tone, as he got close to Marie.

"No way! This never happened to me, I'm so good with children..." Marie said with a depressed tone as she looked down, Tatsurou sighed a bit, as he began to walk towards the tree the young girl, was hiding at.

"Hi, what's wrong?" Tatsurou said in a very soft voice as he got close to the tree and squatted, so he could look better at the young girl.

"What, is he thinking? If she got scared with me, she will surely run away with him..." Marie thought as she shrugged and laughed at Tatsurou's attempted to talk with the young girl.

"I-I got lost, from my mommy..." The girl said in between tears as she got a bit out from behind the tree, this shocked Marie quite a bit, upon seeing that the girl didn't get scared with Tatsurou, and actually spoke to him.

"Oh! I see, so that's why your crying, but you shouldn't!" As Tatsurou said this the girl looked at him a bit confused.

"Well, you're a fan of Melody-chan, right? She never cries when she's in trouble!" Tatsurou said this as he pointed at the girl's stuffed toy that was a character from a popular magical girl anime, called Melody Cure.

"Y-Yes I am, are you one too?" The girl asked with a curious but timid tone to Tatsurou, and upon hearing her, he got up and took a deep breath.

"With the power of love and justice, I shall put an end to your evil deeds!" Tatsurou said this and finished with a dramatic pose, that the main character from the show did.

"That's what Melody-chan says, when she's about to defeat the bad guys! You really are a fan too!" The girl said with a happy tone, as she jumped out from behind the tree.

"I sure am, I never miss an episode! So what's your name?" Tatsurou asked as he smiled and winked at the girl, Marie on the other hand just kept looking at Tatsurou, not knowing if she should be impressed or not after seeing what he did.

"My name is Honoka!" The girl said still with a happy tone to Tatsurou.

"Your name is Honoka? It's a really cute name! Mine is Tatsurou, so how about we go look for your mommy?" Tatsurou asked this to Honoka as he extended his had to her, and Honoka nodded in agreement, as she held Tatsurou's hand...

And as Tatsurou was holding Honoka's hand, they walked and talked about the magical girl show, and Marie just followed behind them in silence.

"I really liked that episode, when Melody-chan fought against the evil Queen Yuri!" Honoka said with an excited tone to Tatsurou.

"No way! Me too, it was so cool, especially when the Rina-chan, showed up to help Melody-chan! It was super unexpected!" Tatsurou said to Honoka, in an equally excited voice.

"I would have never guessed, that he liked children or that he could bond with them like that..." Marie thought as she looked at Tatsurou, that was talking happily with Honoka, and as a matter of fact, Tatsurou wasn't just being nice, for the sake of it, he actually liked kids in general, despite not looking like someone that would.

"I wonder what's going to happen in the next episode!" Honoka said as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Hmm...if I had to guess, I would say that Melody-chan is going to help Rina-chan find her long time friend!" Tatsurou said as he rubbed his chin a bit and Honoka just nodded as she kept looking at him.

But as Tatsurou and Honoka, kept talking about something that Marie, never heard off, she couldn't help but look at Tatsurou, as he was able to do something that in her mind, she would never fail at, and that was being good with children.

"I'm actually impressed it's pretty rare to find people that like children..." Marie said as she smiled and blushed a bit.

"No, no, I can't think like that! He is still an enemy and for all I know, he could only be acting nice!" Marie thought again, as she shook her head as if in denial, but as she did that...

"There's mommy!" Honoka said as she pointed at a woman in her 30's with long wavy hair, wearing a white blouse, with blue jeans, looking to all sides with a worried expression, Honoka then proceeded to run towards her mother as she let go of Tatsurou's hand.

"Mommy!" Honoka said as she got close to the woman.

"There you are! Thank goodness!" The woman said as she got down to hug Honoka, she then looked at Tatsurou that got close to them.

"Thank you for finding her, I just took my eyes from her for a few seconds and she vanishes, I hope she didn't give you to much trouble..." The woman said with a thankful tone to Tatsurou, as she bowed a bit.

"Don't worry about that, she was very polite and well behaved..." Tatsurou said to the woman as he smiled.

"Thank you once again, let's go then Honoka..." As the woman said this, Honoka let go of her mother and ran towards Marie that caught up with them.

"I-I'm sorry, for what happened" Honoka said with a shy tone to Marie, something that surprised her a bit.

"My name is Marie and it's ok! What matters is that you found your mother! But next time, don't get away from her, ok?" Marie said with a happy tone as she smiled and patted Honoka's head, she nodded and smiled as she got back to her her mother, and as they were leaving, Honoka and her mother waved at Tatsurou and Marie, they responded in the same manner to them as they smiled, and after a while when they finally left Tatsurou began to look at Marie, with a smile on his face.

"What is it?" Marie asked with a suspicious tone as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Well, I was just thinking, that you look cuter when you smile just like you were right now..." Tatsurou said with an honest tone to Marie as it was the first time he saw her smiling since they met, but of course Marie got embarrassed as she head this.

"Y-You idiot, what are you talking about?" Marie asked with a angry tone, as she stepped away from Tatsurou and glared at him, but he just kept smiling as he looked at her.

"I'm done with this, you might be nice to people, you might be good with children but that doesn't change anything, its time to finish this for good! Vivianne!" Marie said as she summoned "Vivianne" and got ready to attack Tatsurou again, but something unexpected happened again.

Just as Marie prepared to attack, a car passed over a water puddle on the road, that by consequence, got Marie wet from toe to head, this made her uniform cling to her body, accentuating her curves, and the collared white shirt she was wearing under her blazer, became see-through revealing the white plaid bra she was wearing, Tatsurou couldn't help but look at Marie, she, on the other hand, began to blush while she tried to cover herself the best she could.

"W-Why is this happening to me?" Marie said as she began to tear up a bit, and upon seeing that, Tatsurou got close to her, took off his jacket, and placed it on Marie.

"Put this on, to cover yourself..." Tatsurou said with a embarrassed tone, as he looked away from Marie, this made her look at him for a bit, as she put the jacket on and closed the zipper, then Tatsurou looked at her again and let out a sigh.

"Alright, come with me..." Tatsurou said to Marie as he began to walk away, but Marie didn't say anything at first, as she looked at him a bit suspicious, but she ended up following Tatsurou really close, while she blushed with this turn of events.

And as they began walking, somewhere far away from them, in a cruise boat that was arriving soon in the port of district 3 of Takamagahara, was a man in his 30's with bleached slicked back hair, dressed in a deep blue suit, that had a pin with the symbol of the Lion Emperor on its blazer, this man was Kay Cross, a Knight of the Lion Emperor and he was observing the island of Takamagahara.

"Soon, the true king will appear..." Kay said as he adjusted his tie and smiled with a face filled with ill intent to district 3...

Meanwhile, back in Tatsurou's apartment, Shirayuki was still waiting for Tatsurou, as she cleaned, watched TV or simply walked around the house to make the hours pass faster.

"Tatsurou...please be safe..." Shirayuki always had this thought in the back of her head as she did anything and she couldn't shake this thought, as she knew, that Tatsurou lied, he wasn't going to get milk, he was going to deal with someone with ill intentions.

"It's been so long, what if..." Shirayuki thought this, but she quickly shacked her head, as if in denial.

"No, Tatsurou is strong, there's no way he will lose!" Shirayuki thought as she looked at the watch in the wall, confident that Tatsurou would be home soon and most off all safe, it was then that she heard the sound of the door of the apartment open, this made Shirayuki run towards it as soon as she heard it.

"Tatsurou-san...!?" Shirayuki said with a happy tone as she got close to the door, but it turned into a confused one, as she saw Tatsurou coming in, with the still embarrassed Marie, wearing his jacket behind him...