Chapter 34 The Soteria Intern Program part 2

We were now on the morning of the 1st of June, a Monday and Tatsurou was sleeping soundly in his bed at the moment wearing a black t-shirt and equal black shorts, and it didn't seem like anything out of the norm was about to happen and interrupt this calm and peaceful morning...

That is until Tatsurou's alarm clock went off, and the supposed calm was abruptly ended.

"Damn it...just why?" Tatsurou said with a faint angry tone with his eyes closed, as he pulled the blanket to cover his head and turned to the left side of the bed.

"Why doesn't the alarm...turn off by itself?" He said as he wished for the clock to stop ringing, so he could go back to sleep, something that was a bit impossible...

"Don't worry, I'll turn it off..." A cute sleepy voice said this to Tatsurou, and soon enough, the alarm clock stooped ringing.

"Oh...Thanks..." Tatsurou said still with his eyes closed as he went back to sleep, but it didn't last long...

"Hold on a sec!?!?" Tatsurou thought as his eyes opened wide, upon realizing that he wasn't alone in his bed, and as he turned to the right side and pulled the blanket back, he saw Marie with her aqua blue hair tied into a low ponytail with a scrunchie, wearing a pajama, that consisted of a pair of shorts and a tank top sleeping right next to him, as if it was something normal.

"W-What is Marie, doing here again?!" Tatsurou thought as he placed his right hand in front of his eyes and tried not to look at Marie, something that was proving to be quite hard, as her shorts were quite skimpy, revealing her beautiful smooth looking thighs and her tank top, that showed also a bit of her slim and slightly toned waist, but something Tatsurou could not take his eyes off, was the ample chest area, Marie possessed, as the tank top showed quite some cleavage.

"Oi, Tatsurou, you idiot, act like a gentleman and stop looking!" Tatsurou thought to himself as he looked away, but mostly useless as eyes wandered right back to her chest as if he was under some spell of sorts.

"Hmm...It's so cold..." Marie said still with a sleepy voice, as she slowly began to get up, and placed herself in a sitting position.

"Oh! Good morning, did you sleep well?" Marie said as she stretched her arms and yawned.

"M-Marie, can I ask what you are doing here?" Tatsurou asked this with a stoic tone, to the still sleepy Marie, that at first, didn't understand, until she began looking around with a confused expression.

"Wait...this isn't my room!" Marie said with a voice that wasn't too shocked, much to Tatsurou's surprise.

"You got that, right!" Tatsurou thought as he sighed a bit.

"I better go back to my room, before..." Marie said this as she got up, but as she did that, she lost her balance and was about to fall off the bed on her back.

"Watch out!" Tatsurou said as he grabbed Marie's arm, and pulled her close to him, but the force with which she was pulled was a little bit too much and she ended up landing on top of him.

"Ow...are you...?!?!" As Tatsurou was about to ask if Marie was alright, he stooped as he saw that she was on top of him and now the situation had become complicated, as Tatsurou could feel Marie's breasts pressing against his chest.

"Kya! Tatsurou doing something like this, so early in the morning..." Marie said with an unbelievably cute voice and blushed, as she kept herself on top of Tatsurou.

"What the hell is she talking about? Is she still half asleep? But wait, this actually isn't a half-bad situation to be, scratch that! I have other problems at hand!" Tatsurou thought as he tried to take Marie off him, but she was quicker and held on to him, something that made things a bit more complicated.

"T-This is bad! She isn't wearing a bra under her top, I can feel them, pressing against me! If this keeps up..." Tatsurou thought to himself as he blushed and tried once again, to take Marie off him to no avail, as there was something on his body, that began to get more volume than it was allowed too.

"Someone, please help me, before this becomes a disaster!" Tatsurou thought again, still trying to get Marie off him, and his prayers would soon be heard, as the door of his room swung open and Shirayuki came inside Tatsurou's room wearing her usual long pink nightgown and her pink hair, still a bit messy from just getting out of bed.

"What, are you doing Marie?!!" Shirayuki said this with an angry expression and tone, as she got close and pointed at Marie, that got off Tatsurou as soon as she heard her.

"Good morning! Shirayuki, did you sleep well?" Marie asked as she tried to act as nothing had happened, but Shirayuki wasn't having any of it.

"Don't give me a "Good morning!" like that, thinking I will ignore what you just did!" Shirayuki said still with an angry tone as she grabbed Marie's arm and took her out of the bed.

"Heh? But I didn't do anything..." As Marie said this, Shirayuki gave her a not so happy look that made her become silent, as she dragged her out of Tatsurou's room, leaving him sitting on his bed, with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Thank god, Shirayuki came in here..." Tatsurou said this, as he got up and out of bed, but then he became silent as he glanced down.

"A few more seconds, and I wouldn't be able to keep my cool there..." Tatsurou said after he sighed, while he made his way to the bathroom...

A while later at the table in the kitchen, Tatsurou was sitting on the left side of the table wearing his usual gakuran with a hoodie under it, and Shirayuki was sitting on the right side facing Tatsurou, she was wearing her usual shrine maiden clothes with an apron over them, and she didn't have the happiest of expressions on, as next to Tatsurou was sitting Marie, wearing her sailor fuku and her usual nun's habit on top of her head with a smile on her face, they were in the process of eating breakfast but, as one could tell, the ambiance was a bit heavy and quite unbearable, especially for Tatsurou...

"These scrambled eggs, are so good, Shirayuki! How do you make them?" Marie asked as she ate the scrambled eggs with cheese and sliced toast that Shirayuki made, this remark made Shirayuki smile a bit "Well, it was one of the first recipes I learned to make, and..." As Shirayuki was saying this with a rather happy tone, she suddenly stooped, as if she realized something.

"Wait a second! Don't try to start up a conversation like nothing happened!" Shirayuki said as she placed her hands and got up from her chair.

"I don't know what you mean..." Marie said this to Shirayuki with a stoic tone as she looked away from her, this of course made Shirayuki even angrier.

"You know exactly, what I'm talking about!" Shirayuki said as her ahoge pointed upwards.

"Oh! Your talking about what happened a bit ago? I already told you it wasn't on purpose, I got lost on my way back from the bathroom!" Marie said this as she pouted a bit, but Shirayuki again wasn't having any of it.

"You got "lost"? Don't give me that! How is it possible for someone to get lost on their way from the bathroom to their room for three days in a row?" Shirayuki said still angry and this time her ahoge looking like thunder as it pointed in the direction of Marie.

"Well, our room is a bit far from the bathroom..." Marie said this, to find a way to excuse her actions, as she looked away, but Shirayuki wasn't going to let go of this.

"Our room is literally, 6 steps away from the bathroom! I counted the distance!" As Shirayuki said this Marie felt as if she was hit by an arrow, as she didn't have more excuses she could say.

"Can't you see that you're bothering Tatsurou-san with what you're doing!" Shirayuki said this as she pointed at Marie that was looking away from her, something that didn't last for too long.

"I already told you, it wasn't on purpose! And I'm not bothering Tatsurou!" Marie said as she too placed her hands on the table and got up from her chair.

"Yes, you are bothering him! Isn't she bothering you?" Shirayuki said as she looked at Tatsurou that jolted upon hearing her, as he had been silent ever since they took a seat at the table.

"So?" Shirayuki and Marie asked as they looked at him, but Tatsurou kept avoiding looking at them for a while with a nervous face on, as they awaited a response for a question, he wasn't sure how to answer...

"Well, wouldn't you look at the time, it's already 8:30, I'm late for school..." Tatsurou said with a stoic, almost robotic tone as he got up from his chair, placed his plate on the sink, grabbed his school bag, and "dashed" out of the kitchen, into the apartment's entrance.

"Wait!" Both Shirayuki and Marie said with impressed faces on, as they saw how fast Tatsurou was.

"I'm going now, see you later!" Tatsurou said as he put his shoes on and went out running, leaving Shirayuki and Marie alone, and the silence reined for a bit between them, until...

"This, this is what I'm talking about, Marie!" Shirayuki said as she pointed in the direction of the door and glared at Marie.

"I will say it again, it wasn't on purpose!" Marie said as she sighed.

"Now, I have to go and try to catch up to Tatsurou, I still don't know the way to school, really well..." Marie said as she grabbed her school bag and went to the entrance to put her shoes on.

"Wait, we need to talk about this, Marie!" Shirayuki said as she got close to Marie, that was finishing putting her shoes on.

"I'm sorry, but that will have to wait..." Marie said as she placed her hand on the door handle.

"I'm off, Shirayuki!" Marie said as she opened the door and went out of the apartment, leaving Shirayuki all alone, and for a while, she stayed silent until...

"I know it! I know it! I just know it!" Shirayuki said as she stomped her right foot.

"Marie, isn't just here to keep an eye on Tatsurou! And she is acting weird ever since she got here!" She said as she pouted and flailed her arms around, something that was true, because since Friday, Marie was acting more or less like this, staying too close to Tatsurou, always clinging on to him or just like we saw sneaking into his bed and then act as if she got lost on her way from the bathroom, all of this was starting to get to Shirayuki really bad as she lacked both the confidence and courage to do the same things as Marie with Tatsurou.

"I'm happy, that Marie's here and all, but she is always too close to Tatsurou..." Shirayuki said as she blushed and remembered everything Marie had done up until today.

"No, I can't think like this! I will talk with Marie, when we're alone and solve this issue! I won't let this go on like this any longer!" Shirayuki said with a determined tone and expression as she began walking towards the kitchen to clean the dishes...

Meanwhile, already a bit far from the apartment.

"Damn it! The tension was unbearable in there!" Tatsurou said as he had stooped to catch his breath after literally running away from his apartment, once again.

"I honestly doubt the story, that she got lost on her way back from the bathroom..." Tatsurou said as he regained his composure a bit.

"I have to solve this problem before this, really spirals out of control..." Tatsurou said as he began walking in the direction of his school.

"But, when Shirayuki asked if Marie was bothering me with this...well, I would be lying if I said that, I was bothered by what she did..." Tatsurou thought as he blushed a bit, thinking about what happened in his room and we couldn't blame him, after all, who would be angry, waking up with a beautiful girl on his bed, Tatsurou was not bothered nor angry with this, he was conflicted if anything...

"You idiot! I don't want Shirayuki to think that I'm a pervert that is ok with this kind of stuff, but this wasn't even my fault, to begin with!" Tatsurou said as he placed both his hands on his head as he imagined Shirayuki displeased with him for the things that were happening...

"Ok! That's it, when I get the chance, I will have to talk with Marie about this! No running away allowed!" Tatsurou said with a determined tone as he clenched his fist, but his thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

"Tatsurou! Wait for me!" Marie said as she ran towards him.

"Speaking of the devil!" Tatsurou said, as he stooped walking and waited for Marie to get close to him.

"Tatsurou! You know that I still don't know the way to school! We have to go together, don't we?" Marie said with a tone, that had a faint hint of anger as she got close to Tatsurou.

"Y-Yeah, I know..." Tatsurou said as he looked a bit away from Marie, that gave him a confused look.

"I can't tell her, now..." Tatsurou thought as he lost all the determination to talk to Marie as soon as she got too close to him.

"No, I have to do this!" Tatsurou thought filled with determination, as he looked at Marie, but his determination flushed away as soon as he placed his eyes on her, and his gaze slowly turned downwards, until he was now looking at her chest, when he realized this, he looked away from Marie again.

"Is something wrong?" Marie asked a bit innocently with confusion written all over her face as she got close.

"N-Nothings wrong, it's just that we're going to be late for classes, that is all..." Tatsurou said with an embarrassed tone, as he began walking with Marie walking next to him...

The silence between Tatsurou and Marie was already a bit long as they walked next to each other, but then...

"Say, Marie about what happened earlier..." As Tatsurou finally got the willpower to talk about what happened, he was interrupted.

"I am very sorry about that!" Marie said with a faint hint of embarrassment

"Heh?" Tatsurou thought as he looked at Marie, a bit surprised.

"I'm really sorry, but I'm being honest, I really got, believe me, right?" Marie said as she blushed and looked away from Tatsurou, thinking about what happened this morning.

"O-Ok, I believe you, just try, not to get lost next time, alright?" Tatsurou said as he smiled.

"Don't worry about that! It won't happen again!" Marie said as she also gave a smile to Tatsurou.

"Well, it wasn't the talk, I was thinking about or expecting, and I'm still not buying that.

"I got lost" but oh well, as long as she understands..." Tatsurou thought as he smiled again, thinking that everything was more or less solved, but...

"Fufufu, Tatsurou, you're wrong if you think I will give up like this! Looks like the "waking up next to him" plan is working, more or less, but it looks like, I have to do something more aggressive...perhaps I have to use one of those more feisty plans, of the book auntie Helena gave me, now just which one should I choose next?" Marie though as she had a mischievous smile plastered on her face, thinking about what her next move to seduce Tatsurou was going to be.

"Marie, can I ask you something?" Tatsurou said this to Marie, that jolted a bit as she got brought back from her thoughts to reality.

"W-What is it?" Marie asked as she awaited Tatsurou's question.

"Well, there is something that I'm working on now, and I would like to know if you could help me with it..." Tatsurou said this, but he didn't honestly need to ask.

"Sure thing! What is it?" Marie answered almost immediately with a curious tone and expression.

"You see, it's about..." As Tatsurou was about to make his question...

"You there! Kurokami Tatsurou!" A voice called Tatsurou's name, making him and Marie stop and interrupting the conversation they were having...