Chapter 41 Playing detective part 2

A few hours later, in District 4's Public Esper school, in Tatsurou's classroom to be exact, classes were in session.

Yumeko that was wearing her usual business suit and her violet hair tied into a ponytail, writing on the blackboard with her right hand and holding a textbook with her left.

"And so, in 1920 began what is commonly know as the roaring '20s, a period where people lived they're lives by having fun and living to their fullest, without a care in the world, this started in 1920 and ended abruptly in 1929 thanks to the stock market crash on Wall Street..." Yumeko said this as she wrote on the blackboard some important things about this time period, and as she did everyone in the class was paying attention some listening others writing on their notebooks, well perhaps not everyone was paying attention...

"I don't understand..." Tatsurou thought to as he wrote on his notebook, but make no mistake, he wasn't refereeing to the class or taking notes.

"Whoever is doing those attacks, just what is they're motive, for this?" Tatsurou thought again as he stooped writing on his notebook, and tried to make any sense of all he knew up till now.

"The person behind this is unknown, he had been attacking low lives and delinquents for three months and nobody cared, probably because they thought he was a vigilante of sorts..." Tatsurou thought as he gently tapped his notebook.

"But now he suddenly attacks students, with the only line that connects these two types of victims being the fact, that they are magic users, then the question remains...why?" Tatsurou asked himself as he leaned back on his chair, and put his hands in his hoodie's pockets.

"The only reason I can think off, is that he wants attention, but on the other hand this somehow feels as if this is something personal against Magic users, since all the victims were magic users..." Tatsurou thought once again as he now looked at the ceiling of the classroom.

"Tatsurou..." A voice called his name, but it was useless, as Tatsurou was knee-deep in his thoughts.

"And with no witnesses or knowing if his powers are Magic or Esper based, this is going to be even harder to solve..." Once again Tatsurou thought, as he kept looking at the ceiling.

"Tatsurou...!" And again this voice called, now with a tone that was worried and scared, that was when Tatsurou looked to his side and saw Marie, that was sitting at the desk next to Tatsurou wearing her sailor fuku uniform and her usual nun's habit, and she had a worried and scared expression on as she looked at Tatsurou, that upon seeing this got confused but then as Marie pointed forward and Tatsurou looked in that direction, he finally understood what was happening...

"Say, Tatsurou-san, what is it that you're thinking about, that you don't listen to me or answer, when I call you?" Yumeko that was still holding the textbook and was now in front of Tatsurou's desk, asked with an angry tone and expression as she tilted her head.

"Uh, well, I'm thinking about what you were saying...World War 1 and its consequences... " Tatsurou said as he scratched the back of his head and laughed a bit nervously but...

"That was yesterday's Idiot!" Yumeko said this with an angry tone, as she hit Tatsurou in the head with the textbook she was holding, making him hit the desk with his face.

"Now stop daydreaming and pay attention to class!" Yumeko said as she looked at Tatsurou, that was hit so hard, that it felt as if you could see smoke come out of his head.

"Yes, ma'am..." Tatsurou said as he kept his face on the desk...

A few hours later, around 15:40 pm, the bell of the school rang to signal the end of classes, and Marie got up from her desk.

"Does it still hurt?" Marie asked as she got close to Tatsurou, that was still sitting on his desk.

"Not anymore, but Yumeko really hits hard..." Tatsurou said as he patted his head and sighed a bit.

"Say, Tatsurou what were you thinking so hard about, that made you ignore class?" Marie asked as she leaned forward with her hands behind her back.

"I was just thinking about this mission I have to's a really confusing one, to be honest..." Tatsurou said as he got up from the chair, and placed his things inside his school bag.

"I you need any help, with it?" Marie asked this a bit worried.

"I think that me and Naoki, will solve this fast, so don't worry about it, ok?" Tatsurou said in a reassuring tone as he smiled.

"Ok then...but if you need any help, you just have to ask!" Marie said as she got close to Tatsurou again.

"I how about we go home?" Tatsurou said as he grabbed his school bag, and Marie just nodded as she went to grab hers, but as they were about to leave the classroom...

"Oh no, I forgot I have to go investigate after classes..." Tatsurou said as he stooped and hit his forehead with his hand.

"Really?" Marie asked with a faint hint of sadness.

"Really, and I bet Naoki is probably already standing at the front gate, waiting for me..." Tatsurou said as he sighed.

"You still don't know, the way home that well, right, Marie?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at Marie.

"Well, I got it more or less, but I still get it wrong in a few turns here and there..." Marie said this, a bit embarrassed.

"I see, just how..." As Tatsurou was asking himself just how in the world, he was going to take Marie home, Yumeko came inside the classroom and noticed them.

"Hey, shouldn't you two already be on your way home?" Yumeko asked as she got close to them.

"Well, we're planing on, but I have to go with Naoki investigate, and Marie still doesn't know the way home that well..." Tatsurou said as he crossed his arms.

"If that's the problem, I don't mind taking her home!" Yumeko said with a happy tone, as she looked at Tatsurou and Marie.

"Would you really do that?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at Yumeko that nodded while giving him a thumbs up.

"Well then, looks like the problems solved, you don't mind going with her, Marie?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at Marie.

"Of course not!" Marie said as she smiled back.

"Well then, let me just pick up my keys from the teacher's office, and we will be off in no time!" Yumeko said as she got out of the classroom to get her keys.

"Well, looks like the problems something wrong?" Marie asked this as she looked at Tatsurou, that had a worried expression on.

"Listen, Marie as soon as you get home please don't go outside and tell Shirayuki to do the same, and if you really need to go outside, go together or even better, ask Wise to go with you, ok?" Tatsurou said this with a rather serious tone, as he looked at Marie which caught her off guard.

"I can do that, but why?" Marie asked a bit curious after hearing Tatsurou's request.

"Well, I'm just a bit worried about something that's all..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone.

"Ok I'll do that...but..." as Marie was about to ask the reason behind Tatsurou's request...

"Oi, Marie-san, I got my keys! Let's go!" Yumeko said with an excited tone, as she pocked her head inside the classroom.

"I'm coming, Kuroiwa-sensei! She looks really excited..." Marie said as she looked at Yumeko that vanished as soon as she said that.

"Well, usually she doesn't have company when she drives, that must be why...Oh! And Marie, you and Shirayuki can eat dinner without me, ok?" Tatsurou said as he placed his hands in his hoodie's pocket and prepared to leave...

"Ok! you want me to take your school bag?" Marie asked as she got close to Tatsurou.

"I would be grateful if you did that!" Tatsurou said as he handed his school bag to Marie that after doing that, began walking out of the classroom, but stooped as she got close to the door.

"Tatsurou, please be careful..." Marie said in a worried tone, as she turned towards Tatsurou.

"Don't worry I will! Bye..." Tatsurou said again in a reassuring tone, as he smiled and waved at Marie that responded with the same gesture and when she was finally gone...

"I feel a bit embarrassed for asking something like that...but if that guy is targeting magic users, and attacking students then..." Tatsurou said as he sighed a bit, while he reminded himself, that Shirayuki and Marie were Magic users and could be possible targets.

"I know that Marie is strong and that she can protect herself and Shirayuki, but I would never forgive myself if anything happened to them, I feel more at ease if they stay home until this "Magician hunter" is behind bars..." Tatsurou said as he began walking out of the classroom, still a bit embarrassed with his request, but as he took a step out of the classroom...

"Am I, forgetting something...?" Tatsurou thought as he stooped and rubbed his chin bit.

"Nah, probably not..." Tatsurou said, as he shrugged and began making his way out of the classroom again...

Meanwhile, close to the school's gate...

"That idiot is late!" Naoki, that was standing by the school's gate, said as she placed her hands behind her head and tapped her foot.

"Nao-chan! What did you promise me?" Miyubi, that was right next to her, asked as she placed her hands on her hips and looked at Naoki.

"You don't need to look at me like that Miyu, I haven't forgotten about it..." As Naoki was saying this she stooped as she saw Tatsurou getting close to the gate.

"You're here, finally! Just what took you so long?" Naoki said, with an angry tone, Miyubi just sighed a bit worried.

"I'm sorry, something came up..." Tatsurou said as he got close to them.

"Yeah, it must have been..." Naoki said as she sighed.

"There's no time to waste, let's go!" Naoki said as she began walking away from the school gate.

"Wait!" Both Tatsurou and Miyubi said as they tried to catch up to Naoki...

A bit later, as Tatsurou and the girls were walking on the sidewalk with Naoki leading the way...

"Say, Izumi-san...what is the plan for this afternoon?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he got close to Naoki.

"The plan is to look around, for clues..." Naoki said without looking at Tatsurou.

"And could you be kind enough as to expand on that, Izumi-san?" Tatsurou asked with a stoic, but still curious tone to Naoki, that ignored him after she gave him a quick glance.

"I swear...I don't know what she has against me..." Tatsurou thought as he sighed.

"We were planning on going to previous places where the "Magician hunter" attacked, to look for clues..." Miyubi said in an informative tone, as she got close to Tatsurou.

"I see, that's not a bad idea!" Tatsurou said with a rather impressed tone towards Miyubi, that smiled.

"I know right? You would never have thought of something like that!" Naoki said this with a smug tone and expression, as she shrugged.

"As I said, that's a good theory..." Tatsurou said as he sighed making Naoki and Miyubi stop to look at him, with surprise all over their faces.

"But in practice, we know that he has been attacking people for 3 months, the places where he attacked are by now clean and have no traces of what could be called a "crime scene" anymore..." Tatsurou said this with a stoic tone, as he sighed again.

"You don't know that! And besides, we could find something that probably passed unnoticed, you idiot!" Naoki said a bit angry, as she stooped and turned Tatsurou while pointing at him.

"No need to get all angry like that, Izumi-san, it's just an opinion and to be honest at the moment it's better than having nothing..." Tatsurou said still with his stoic tone as he placed his hands in his hoodie's pocket, and with that we now had Naoki glaring at Tatsurou while she clenched her fist, and one wouldn't be wrong to assume that she was going to punch him, but...

"Alright you two, no fighting!" Miyubi said as she placed herself between Tatsurou and Naoki, while she stretched her arms and gave a quick glance to Naoki without Tatsurou noticing.

"Nobody is going to fight anyone, Miyu..." Naoki said as she sighed, while she turned her back to Miyubi and began walking off, leaving Tatsurou and Miyubi behind.

"I must have been her enemy in a past life or something..." Tatsurou said as he sighed a bit.

"Kurokami-kun, please forgive her, this really isn't her usual self..." Miyubi said as she got close and did a small bow towards Tatsurou, that just scratched his head.

"You don't need to apologize like that, Shimaki-san...but say how long do you know each other?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious as he looked at Miyubi.

"Well, we have known each other since 4th grade and she was always a bit hotblooded, but she is really friendly, nice, and always ready to help others!" Miyubi said as she moved her hands a bit, Tatsurou just nodded a bit.

"But since this mission can make Kuroiwa-san her supervisor, she is trying extra hard so that everything goes perfect, so please don't take her words or actions to heart, Kurokami-kun!" Miyubi said as she bowed again.

"Don't worry about that, I won't...but now let's catch up to her before she makes the whole investigation by herself..." Tatsurou said this as he smiled and looked at Miyubi as he began walking after Naoki.

"S-Sure!" Miyubi said as she followed Tatsurou, but suddenly a sound was heard, it was the sound of a phone receiving a notification, this caught Tatsurou and Miyubi off guard.

"It wasn't mine..." Miyubi said as she took her phone, out of the pocket of her skirt.

"If it wasn't yours, then..." As Tatsurou said this, he took out his phone, and on the screen appeared, the symbol of the Soteria.

"What's this?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he pressed the symbol and the app was opened, taking Tatsurou to a screen that had a square the read "Request"...

Meanwhile, back at Tatsurou's apartment, Shirayuki was in the kitchen, wearing her usual shrine maiden clothes, and she was about to prepare the ingredients to make dinner.

"Alright then, tonight's going to be beef stew! Let's see, potatoes, carrots, onions, black pepper, olive oil...and last but not least, the beef!" Shirayuki said as she smiled and pointed at every ingredient that was on the table.

"Ok, time to get to work!" As Shirayuki said this she pulled the sleeves of her shrine maiden kimono back, but as she did that.

"Oh! Right, right, I can't forget to put on the apron!" Shirayuki said as she made her way to a drawer next to the oven and when she opened it, there was her usual apron that was a hand-me-down, from Wise.

"Well then let's..." As Shirayuki was about to put her old apron on, she looked at the drawer again and saw the apron with a wolf drawing, that Tatsurou bought her yesterday.

"I want to use the one, Tatsurou bought for me...but I don't want to get it dirty..." Shirayuki said as she looked at the apron.

"I can't resist..." Shirayuki said as she folded her old apron and placed it on the drawer and took out her new one.

She then put it on and went to her and Marie's room, to see how she looked in the mirror, and when she was in front of it, she first grabbed the tips of the apron, as is she was making an improvised basket, she then let go of the tips, as she turned to the right side, then to the left.

"It's so cute! I feel like a housewife, now!" Shirayuki said as she smiled and did a small twirl.

"Kya! W-What am I thinking..." Shirayuki said as she blushed and placed her hands on her cheeks while shaking her head and her ahoge wiggled around.

"I don't have time to daydream! It's time to make diner!" Shirayuki said as she got out of the room and went to the kitchen to start cooking, and as she was humming while cutting the potatoes, Shirayuki was interrupted by the sound of the door of the apartment opening.

"Oh, must be Tatsurou and Marie!" Shirayuki thought as she stooped, cutting the potatoes, and went to the door.

"Welcome back...M-Marie!?!?" Shirayuki said as she saw Marie, that was as pale as a ghost and trembling as if she had just traversed the top of a snow-filled mountain.

"I-I-I'm home..." As Marie said this, she fell to the ground on all fours.

"Marie? Marie?! What happened?!" Shirayuki said in a worried tone, as she got on her knees close to Marie.

"K-Kuroiwa-sensei, d-drove me here..." Marie said as she kept trembling.

"I-I thought I was going to die! S-She was driving s-so fast...and with no r-regard for the road laws...I think...I'm going to throw up..." Marie said as she placed her hands in front of her mouth.

"Wait Marie, breath, breath!" Shirayuki said still with her worried tone, as she gently rubbed Marie's back.

"I'm never driving with, Kuroiwa-sensei again..." Marie said as took her hands off her mouth and looked like she was about to cry.

"It's ok now, It's ok, let's go to the living room and take a seat on the couch, alright?" Shirayuki said in a comforting tone as she helped Marie get up.

"I didn't know, that Yumeko-san was a bad driver..." Shirayuki thought, as she placed Marie's arm around her shoulders and took her to the living room...

Moments later, after Shirayuki placed Marie on the couch, she went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Here you go, Marie..." Shirayuki said as she made her way to the living room and handed a glass of water to Marie.

"Thanks, Shirayuki..." Marie said as she grabbed the glass of water with both of her hands and slowly drank it.

"Marie, was it really Yumeko-san, that brought you home?" Shirayuki asked a bit curious, as she looked at Marie that jolted upon hearing her question.

"It really was her! She is completely reckless when driving, she even does that "drifting" thing when she makes turns! I wasn't expecting that from her!" Marie said with a faint hint of anger, as she pouted and placed her cup of water on the table in front of the couch.

"I'm telling you, someone should take her driving licence away!" Marie said a bit angry, while she trembled again.

"Don't say that Marie, come here..." Shirayuki said as she took a seat on the couch and hugged Marie while patting her head.

"Shirayuki..." Marie said as she hugged Shirayuki back by wrapping her arms around Shirayuki's waist.

"Don't worry, you don't have to drive with Yumeko-san anymore..." Shirayuki said as she kept hugging Marie that just nodded.

"Now, how about you go take a bath forget about what happened, and relax a bit?" Shirayuki asked with a very comforting tone as she looked at Marie.

"Can we stay like this a bit longer?" Marie asked as she blushed a bit while she kept hugging Shirayuki.

"Of course, we can!" Shirayuki said as she smiled and head patted Marie again.

"Looks like Yumeko-san, traumatized Marie...but wait! Just where is Tatsurou?" Shirayuki thought, a bit worried, as she kept hugging Marie...