Chapter 44 Too close

A few hours later, around 7:20 am, the alarm clock on the small desk next to the bed, in Shirayuki and Marie's room went off, and Marie was the first one to open her eyes.

"It's already morning..." Marie said with a very sleepy voice, as she placed her hand on the alarm clock to turn it off, she then proceeded to get on a sitting position on the bed, and as she did that, she began looking around a bit confused until...

"S-Shirayuki, Shirayuki!" Marie called Shirayuki's name as she gently shook her.

"What is it, Marie?" Shirayuki asked with a sleepy voice, as she kept her eyes closed.

"Where in our room!" Marie said with a happy tone, to the still sleepy Shirayuki.

"Was it you...who brought me? Thank you..." Shirayuki said as she covered her head with the blanket and turned to the other side.

"No, it wasn't me!" Marie said still with her happy tone.

"D-Don't tell me it was Tatsurou, who brought us to our room!" Shirayuki said with a curious and surprised tone, as she quickly got out from under the blankets.

"It had to be! I don't remember waking up and come to bed last night!" Marie said still with a happy tone as she smiled.

"H-How do you think, he brought us here?" Shirayuki asked curious with Marie's opinion.

"Well, if I had to guess, I would say it was a princess carry!" Marie said as she pointed at Shirayuki.

"R-Really?" Shirayuki asked with a surprised tone.

"Of course it had to be! What other way is there to take a sleeping girl to bed?" Marie said in a smug tone, as she shrugged a bit.

"Well, he could have brought us here, by placing our arm around his shoulder..." Shirayuki said with a faint hint of disappointment, as she blushed a bit.

"No way! I don't even want to acknowledge, that he would do something like that!" Marie said as she shook her head a bit and blushed too.

"It's a bit embarrassing but, I'm so curious...I'll just go ask him!" Marie said as she began getting off from the bed.

"W-Wait, Marie!" Shirayuki said as she grabbed Marie's arm, surprising her a bit "I'm curious too, but I think my heart couldn't handle, knowing how he brought us..." Shirayuki said as she blushed again, Marie just looked at her for a moment.

"Ok, I won't go ask him then..." Marie said as she sighed a bit.

"Thanks, I'll go make our breakfast and remember no asking!" Shirayuki said as she got out of the bed and made her way to the door.

"Yes...I won't..." Marie said as she saw Shirayuki leaving "I want to know so bad...but I'm also a bit embarrassed to ask without a good reason...wait, I have an idea!" Marie said as a smile appeared on her face, while she fell on the bed with her back...

Later, after eating breakfast, Tatsurou and Marie were now making their way to school "Marie...are you angry about something?" Tatsurou, that was wearing his usual gakuran with a hoodie under it, asked with a curious tone as he looked at Marie.

"No, I'm not angry..." Marie, that was wearing her sailor fuku and her usual nun's habit, said as she looked away from Tatsurou.

"She's angry...I'm sure of it...just what did I..." As Tatsurou thought this he was hit with sudden realization, as he brainstormed reasons for Marie being angry.

"I-I'm so sorry! I totally forgot about Yumeko's reckless driving!" Tatsurou said in an apologetic tone, as he turned to Marie.

"Took you long enough, to realize..." Marie said as she looked away and pouted.

"I'm really sorry, I completely forgot about Yumeko's driving! Is there any way I can make it up to you?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at Marie.

"You don't need to do that...but there is something..." Marie said as she gave quick glances to Tatsurou.

"Sure, what is it?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at her, a bit curious.

"If you tell me, how you brought me and Shirayuki to bed last night, I'll forgive you..." Marie said as she looked at Tatsurou that upon hearing her request blushed a bit.

"Wait, you want to know that?!" Tatsurou asked with an embarrassed tone as he looked at Marie that just nodded.

"Don't you, have something else you want..." Tatsurou said still with an embarrassed tone as he laughed a bit, but Marie just looked away from him, as she pouted again.

"I was found out...I seriously thought they would think it was one of them, that took the other to I have to tell her..." Tatsurou thought as he sighed.

"Well...I...p-princess carried you and Shirayuki to bed last night..." Tatsurou said with an embarrassed tone, as he looked away from Marie.

"Really?" Marie asked with a curious tone, as she glanced at Tatsurou.

"Y-Yes...I did, I thought that since you two were sleeping so soundly, it would be a shame to wake you up, so I did that..." Tatsurou said still with his embarrassed tone as he looked away from Marie.

"I knew it! Now I'm happy for being driven by Kuroiwa-sensei! But honestly, why didn't I wake up when that happened, so I could enjoy it at least!" Marie happily though this, as she looked at Tatsurou.

"I see, so that was how you brought us to our room..." Marie said as she placed her hand on her cheek.

"I'm sorry, doing something like princess carry you two like that..." Tatsurou said a bit embarrassed.

"Don't say that! You were really nice for doing that..." Marie said as she gave a smile to Tatsurou.

"And if it's you, I don't mind at all..." Marie said as she blushed and looked a bit away from Tatsurou.

"What?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone as he looked at Marie.

" I said it was nice of you to do that..." Marie said as she laughed a bit nervously.

"I be honest, I actually thought that you would be angry..." Tatsurou said as he scratched the back of his head a bit.

"I would never get angry about that..." Marie said looked at Tatsurou.

"But I still feel a bit bad about making you drive with I'll make it up for you one of these days, ok?" Tatsurou said as he smiled a bit.

"Well, you don't have to... but if you insist, I won't stop you!" Marie said with a happy tone, as she gave a wink to Tatsurou, but as they made their way to school, in the shopping square something ill was happening...

In District 4's shopping square, in a back alley, that was filled with trash cans and trash containers...

"J-Just who the hell is this guy?!" A boy in a school uniform, that was standing close to some trash cans and beaten up pretty badly, asked as he saw a boy, in a white gakuran with an equal white student cap grabbing another boy in a school uniform by his face, lifting him up and placing him against a wall.

"You said, you could handle me, just the two of you...don't you know that telling lies is bad..." The boy in the white gakuran said in a mocking tone, as out of his hand came an electric discharge that echoed and illuminated the dark back alley, the other boy couldn't hide his scarred face as he saw this.

"Why...just why..." The injured boy asked this as he saw the boy in the white gakuran, let go of the boy he was holding.

"It's very simple...this is just to show all the magic users, are nothing more than weaklings, compared to us Espers..." The boy in the white gakuran said as he looked at the injured boy and started walking towards him.

"Honestly, I don't understand anything you're saying...!" As the injured boy said this he grabbed the lid of the trash can that was close to him, and threw it towards the head of the boy in the white gakuran, that dodged it with ease by tilting it.

"This...didn't go as you planned, right?" The boy in the white gakuran asked with a mocking tone, as he adjusted his student cap and kept walking.

"Please, don't kill me..." The injured boy said as he fell on his knees.

"Don't get the wrong idea, this isn't meant to kill anyone..." The boy in the white gakuran said, as he got close to this injured boy and placed his hand on the boy's face.

"Night, night..." The boy in the white gakuran said as another electric discharge was heard, that when it ended the injured boy fell to his side.

"This isn't taking me anywhere...I need something different to send the message, low lives and students aren't taking me anywhere here..." The boy in the white gakuran said as he sighed.

"I think, it's time to change targets again..." The boy in the white gakuran said as a smile appeared on his face while he walked out of the back alley...

Now, a few hours later around 12:00 pm, in district 4's public Esper school, the bell rang to signal that it was time for lunch, with some students going to the canteen to eat, while others stayed in the classroom to eat whatever they brought from home.

"Finally, morning classes are over!" Tatsurou said with a relieved tone as he stretched a bit.

"I have to agree, today's class was a bit hard..." Marie said with her hands behind her back, as she got close to Tatsurou's desk.

"It sure was, but let's forget about that for now, and concentrate on more important things!" Tatsurou said as he went inside his school bag and out of it, he took a bento box, covered in a blue cloth napkin, and placed it on top of his desk.

"I think we can both agree on that!" Marie said as she moved her hands out of her back and also revealed a bento box covered in a blue cloth napkin.

"The best part of lunch at school, is getting to eat a bento made by Shirayuki, after all!" Marie said as she turned the chair of the desk in front of Tatsurou and took a seat facing him and placed her bento on top of the desk, and soon enough after opening the napkin and taking the lit of the box, we could see that it was divided in half with the right side filled with rice and the left side with the leftovers of the stew from last night.

"Even if it is leftovers, Shirayuki sure knows how to make them look and taste good!" Tatsurou said as he looked at the contents of his bento, that despite being leftovers it looked so good, that one wouldn't be blamed for thinking it was freshly made, and so as Tatsurou and Marie were about to eat their lunch...

"Kurokami-san! Could you please come to the teacher's office, please?" A young woman, that was wearing a light blue blouse and a black skirt, said this from the entrance of the classroom, something that caught Tatsurou and Marie off guard.

"Tatsurou, did you do something bad?" Marie asked with a worried tone as she looked at the woman then at Tatsurou.

"As far as I remember no, but it's probably nothing, I'll just go and see what this is about so you can go ahead and start eating..." Tatsurou said as he got up from his desk and went out of the classroom...

A few moments later, Tatsurou was now standing in front of the door of the teacher's office...

"Excuse me..." Tatsurou said as he opened the door of the office and took a step inside.

"Took you long enough!" Naoki that was wearing her usual school uniform and hair tied into a side ponytail, said as she saw Tatsurou opening the door something that startled him a bit.

"I-Izumi-san, what are you doing here?!" Tatsurou asked with a surprised tone as he looked at Naoki.

"She's here because the "Magician hunter" attacked again this morning, in the shopping square..." Yumeko, that was wearing her usual business suit and her hair tied into a ponytail, said as she got close to Tatsurou and Naoki.

"I-I see, but if we go investigate now, we're going to miss classes, is that ok?" Tatsurou asked as he looked at Yumeko.

"Don't worry about it, since it's for Soteria it will be justified, so you better go ahead and investigate, while it's still fresh!" Yumeko said as she gave a thumbs up to Tatsurou.

"You also know, that it is lunchtime right?" Tatsurou asked with a stoic tone to Yumeko.

"Are you saying that you won't go because it's lunchtime?" Yumeko asked with an angry tone as she pulled on Tatsurou's cheeks.

"I never said that! No need to start pulling on my cheeks! You know that I would go anyway..." As soon as Tatsurou said this Yumeko stooped.

"Well then you two, I have a feeling that today things will go our way! So go ahead and finish this! Oh! And if you're hungry feel free to eat something and bring me the receipt, ok?" Yumeko said with a determined tone as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Yes, Kuroiwa-san! We will do that!" Naoki said with an equally determined tone as she nodded and began walking out of the office with Tatsurou, following suit behind her.

"Wait, Izumi-san do you mind going ahead and wait for me at the front gate? I have to go to my classroom before we go..." As Tatsurou said this Naoki glanced at him over her shoulder

"Sure go on, I'll wait...but don't take too long Miyu is also waiting..." Naoki said as she looked forward again and began making her way to the gate.

"This...was really unexpected!" Tatsurou thought as he stooped and looked at Naoki taking her leave.

"I was expecting her to lash out at me or something like that...just what happened to her? Wait, I don't have time for this now, I have to go and tell Marie to go home, without me..." Tatsurou thought as he scratched his head and made his way to the classroom...

A while later, in a back alley of the shopping square that was filled with trash cans and trash containers, Tatsurou, Naoki and Miyubi, that had their Soteria armbands on, we're in the process of investigating...

"Once again nothing..." Tatsurou said as he looked at the markings close to some trash cans.

"What about you two?" Tatsurou asked as he turned to Naoki and Miyubi that were investigating the markings close to a wall.

"No luck here too...and once again the victims were just injured..." Miyubi, that was wearing her usual school uniform and hair tied into a braid, said as she sighed.

"Alright you two, let's get out of this back alley and ask around if someone saw anything...there's nothing here for us as it seems..." Naoki said as she began walking out of the alley with Tatsurou and Miyubi following her and as they got out of it, they were greeted by a group of people that were being kept away from the "crime" scene thanks to the "Do not cross" line and the police officers in front of it.

"Alright let's go and ask the people close to the line, I'll take the left, Miyu you take the middle, and Kurokami you take the right side..." Naoki said as she pointed in the direction that each one of them should take.

"Ask if anyone saw someone getting out of the alley, height, clothes, and general appearance, are what we need the most, did you got that, Kurokami? No dragging us back, you hear?" Naoki said as she adjusted her hair and looked at Tatsurou.

"Don't worry, I got that Izumi-san..." Tatsurou said as he sighed a bit.

"Well then, give it your all!" Naoki said as she turned in the direction of the people she was going to ask.

"Ok!" Tatsurou and Miyubi said at the same time as they nodded.

"Let's just hope that this time someone saw something that might help..." Naoki said as she sighed a bit...

After questioning almost everyone close to the "crime" scene, Tatsurou, Naoki and Miyubi were now standing close to a wall, next to an arcade.

"Unbelievable, so many people and no one saw a single thing!" Naoki said this with an angry tone as she sighed.

"Calm down,'s not the end yet!" Miyubi said as she patted Naoki's shoulder.

"She's right, we can't let this take us down like that!" Tatsurou said as he crossed his arms and looked at Naoki.

"I know, but this case is getting harder to solve the more I think about it and not having no clues or witnesses, isn't helping either..." Naoki said as she crossed her arms.

"It's weird...the Shopping square has lots of cameras, compared to the park... why would he attack here and during the day?" Miyubi asked as he looked at a camera in a building in front of her.

"If I had to guess, he probably used some kind of blind spot, to not be seen..." Naoki said as she sighed a bit.

"As for attacking during the was either something unexpected or he wants more attention for some reason..." Tatsurou said as he rubbed his chin.

"I understand...but...I also don't..." Miyubi said a bit embarrassed.

"Me too..." Tatsurou and Naoki said at the same time as they sighed.

"Izumi-san can I ask you something?" Tatsurou said as he looked at Naoki.

"Go ahead, Kurokami..." Naoki said as she placed her back against a wall.

"Say wouldn't it be better to hand this case to experienced Soteria agents, instead of us Interns? I think it would be better, don't you?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone as he looked at Naoki that sighed after she heard Tatsurou's question.

"Listen, Roughly 90 percent of the Soteria interns will one day become Soteria agents, they have to be taught how to deal with various cases from the beginning so that when they become agents, they're ready to face any investigation or mission they're given..." Naoki said this as she crossed her arms, and it was true, the reason as to why the Soteria interns were given this type of work, was to prepare the future members of the Soteria unit, as these investigations would hone the investigation skills that the interns would need when they became Soteria agents.

"And this is the abridged version of the reason, as to why interns sometimes deal with this kind of long as the case doesn't involve anything too extreme we're good to work...but you can read more about it on the app if you want..." Naoki said as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Hmm...makes sense, if you look at it from that perspective..." Tatsurou said as he placed his hands on his hoodie's pockets.

"I swear, if that "Magician hunter" thinks he can do and attack whoever he wants, he's got another thing coming! I'll catch him, even if it is the last thing I do!" Naoki said as she clenched her fist and looked as if someone reignited her motivation.

"I rested enough now! I'll go around ask some more! You two can stay here and rest a bit!" Naoki said as she began walking in the direction of the "crime" scene, leaving Tatsurou looking at her for a bit as she saw her leaving.

"Shimaki-san, is something wrong with Izumi-san?" Tatsurou asked after Naoki finally left, as he looked at Miyubi.

"Um...not really, why?" Miyubi asked a bit curious as she tilted her head.

"Well...she is acting a bit different from yesterday, that's why..." Tatsurou said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Let's just say that she is more or less acting like her usual self!" Miyubi said as she placed her hand in front of her mouth and laughed a bit.

"I see..." Tatsurou said as he scratched his cheek.

"I bet she asked Naoki to be nicer..." Tatsurou thought as he sighed, but his thoughts were suddenly interrupted as his stomach began to growl, something that made him place his hands on it, as he blushed.

"I-I'm sorry about's just that, I couldn't eat lunch..." Tatsurou said as he laughed, a bit embarrassed.

"If that's the case, then let me go to the convenience store right around the corner, and I'll go get us something!" Miyubi said as she smiled.

"Wait, I would feel bad if you did that..." Tatsurou said as he moved his hand a bit.

"No, I insist! Think about it as thanks, for yesterday's juice!" Miyubi said as she turned her back to Tatsurou and started to walk in the direction of the convenience store and soon enough she was gone, leaving Tatsurou behind.

"She's such a good girl, Naoki is very lucky to...!" As Tatsurou was saying this, his eyes opened wide, as he suddenly felt something that made him jolt.

"This aura, just where is it coming from?!" Tatsurou thought as he began looking in every direction for the person that was giving off this aura, filled with nothing but malicious intent.

"There are too many people here! I can't tell who it is coming from..." Tatsurou thought as he kept looking in every direction but then his eyes locked on the one place he didn't want to see that aura coming.

"Don't tell me..." Tatsurou thought as his turned in the direction of the convenience store.

"It was useless asking around, I didn't get anything...what's wrong, Kurokami?" Naoki asked with a curious tone as she got close to Tatsurou, that didn't answer but instead, he started running like his life depended on it.

"What the? Kurokami?!" Naoki said with a confused tone, as she saw Tatsurou running.

"Please, let me get there fast!" Tatsurou thought as he kept running and ignoring everything and everyone around him...