Chapter 49 Against the Magician Hunter Part 2

As Tatsurou's eyes became blue and a light blue aura emerged from his body, Raiko lunged himself at Tatsurou, he tried to pierce him with his hand that was shooting lightning bolts out of it, but Tatsurou's reaction was faster, as he dodged to the side.

"Running away, are we?" Raiko asked as he turned to Tatsurou again and began attacking him relentlessly with left and right jabs and Tatsurou just dodged them as he saw Raiko coming towards him.

"Say, are you going to take me down by running away, Kurokami?" Raiko asked again, as he kept his attacks going but Tatsurou just looked at him as he kept dodging, but when Raiko did a right hook punch towards Tatsurou, he made a small dodge to the side.

"Got you..." Tatsurou said as he hit Raiko with a roundhouse kick in the stomach making him move away from him.

"Not bad..." Raiko said as he placed his hand on his stomach, but not for too long as he started to attack Tatsurou again, but this time, as Raiko did his attacks, when he did his right hook punch again, he vanished.

"What the...!" As Tatsurou said this, Raiko appeared behind him and his leg started to sprout out electricity, he then kicked Tatsurou on the side of his torso, making him roll on the ground as he got away from Raiko.

"God...this hurts..." Tatsurou said with a pain-filled tone, as he got up and jolted a bit after being hit.

"What is it, Kurokami? Got enough already?" Raiko asked in a mocking tone, as he looked at Tatsurou.

"Not really, this just stung a little..." Tatsurou said also in a jocking tone, as he stooped jolting and smiled.

"Acting strong, aren't we?" Raiko said as he looked down on Tatsurou and electricity started to sprout out of his arms and legs.

"Let's turn it up a notch then, Kurokami!" Raiko said as he prepared to attack Tatsurou again.

"Bring it!" Tatsurou said as he prepared to defend himself from any attack that Raiko could do...

Meanwhile, in the school building, inside an empty classroom on the first floor to be precise, Naoki was hiding in the said classroom while she breathed heavily.

"I got paired up with quite the opponent..." Naoki said as she opened up the sliding door a bit to peek into the hallway.

"Seriously...being able to turn her body into am I supposed to deal with her...!" As Naoki said this, she heard the sound of slow but steady steps, coming from the end of the hallway.

"Is running, all you Magic-users can do, when you realize that you don't stand a chance?" Tetsuyami asked with a mocking tone as she looked in every direction as she kept walking, Naoki upon hearing this, slowly closed the door and kept as silent as she could.

"I'm starting to get really tired of looking after you, just come out so we can finish this already!" Tetsuyami said with an impatient tone, as she passed right next to the door of the classroom Naoki was hiding.

"Attacking someone from behind isn't my style, but..." Naoki said as she held her M1911 tight, she then opened the door to see how far Tetsuyami was from this classroom.

"She's not that far, but it's now or never..." Naoki thought as she saw Tetsuyami standing in the middle of the hallway looking to her sides.

"Alright!" Naoki said with a determined tone after she took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Gunwelt: Azure 4x1 bullet!" Naoki said as she pointed her M1911 at Tetsuyami and when she pulled the trigger, out came a blue bullet that divided itself in four as it came close to Tetsuyami, that was showing her back to Naoki.

"No way!" Tetsuyami said with a faint panicked tone as her eyes opened wide and she turned to Naoki and as she did she was hit by those four bullets, that didn't leave a single dent in her, nor made her let out a single pained groan, upon being hit.

"What the...why did she look so scared?" Naoki thought with a surprised expression as he looked at Tetsuyami, that was breathing a bit heavily.

"Why are you looking at me like damn Magic-user!" Tetsuyami said as she ran towards Naoki and when she got close, she prepared herself to hit her with a left hook punch, but Naoki was able to dodge it, by dive rolling to the ground just in time and Tetsuyami ended up punching the wall instead.

"That was close..." Naoki said as she saw pieces of the wall flew in every direction after Tetsuyami hit it.

"Don't think this is over you...!" As Tetsuyami said this she tried to take her fist off the wall, something that proved quite difficult since it was stuck to it, upon seeing this Naoki got up and ran away from her once again.

"I have to find another way...even if I shot her now, it wouldn't be of any use..." Naoki thought as she kept running.

"Don't run away, you coward!" Tetsuyami said with a rage-filled tone, as he looked at Naoki running away.

"I can't listen to her...I have to find a way to take her out and go help Kurokami..." Naoki thought as she reached the end of the hallway and turned right just to be met with another hallway.

"Think Naoki, can I win, against someone like her, that can take damage like that?" Naoki asked herself as she kept running while she looked in every direction of the hallway and as she did, Naoki saw a stairway from the corner of her eye.

"I need to rest a bit and organize my thoughts..." Naoki said as she turned to this stairway and stooped to catch her breath.

"Alright..." Naoki said with a faint relieved tone, as she placed her back against the wall and slowly caught her breath.

"Well then...let's see, this girl has an ability that lets her body become like iron and any attack is useless against her..." Naoki thought as she looked up at the ceiling.

"But just now, when I shot her, she got scared...why was she scared? If her body can turn into iron, why would she be scared of being hit like that... " Naoki thought as she now looked at her M1911, but she was hit with, sudden realization.

"Wait a sec, Espers unlike Magic-users don't need magic circles or enchantments to use their abilities...but they all have a weakness to compensate for the weakness of the Magic-users!" Naoki thought as her eyes opened wide as it was true, Magic-users need enchantments, magic circles, or talismans to use magic, while Espers didn't need that since they could use their powers without any of this, for Espers using their powers was just like breathing if you will.

But they had something, that made them stand on the same level as Magic-users, it was the weakness that every Esper had in them, for example, if one could use an Esper ability that allowed them to run really fast, after using it the person in question would be unable to walk for a few hours or have really bad pain in the legs for hours on end.

"Now I understand...that girl isn't so unbeatable as she I just need to...!" As Naoki said this, she was interrupted as she heard Tetsuyami scream and the sound of a breaking wall was heard.

"Looks like, she finally released herself..." Naoki said as she briefly poked her head around the corner of the wall, she was leaning on.

"I don't have time, to think too much about it...I need a plan..." Naoki said as she began to look in every direction, as it suddenly hit her.

"Wait! This school looks a lot like Misaiko..." Naoki thought as she looked around.

"So that means that..." Naoki said as she looked at the stairs and you could almost see her eyes light up.

"I know, just what to do!" Naoki said with a determined tone, as she climbed the stairs and made her way to the second floor...

Meanwhile, as all this was happening inside the school building, Tatsurou and Raiko were still fighting, as they punched, kicked, and blocked the attacks they threw at each other and after a while, they made one last punch that made them move away, as it landed and now they were away from each other, both breathing heavily and their clothes a bit damaged.

"Honestly...I wasn't expecting sure can put up a fight..." Raiko said as he panted and adjusted his student cap a bit.

"You can keep, your flattery to yourself..." Tatsurou said with a tired tone, as he cleaned a bit of blood that was dripping from his mouth.

"Didn't you had enough, Kurokami? We can stop this right now, you just need to..." As Raiko said this he was interrupted by Tatsurou.

"I already told you, didn't I? I'm not going to join you! No matter what you say!" Tatsurou said with an angry tone as he glared at Raiko.

"My, no need to act like that, I'm just saying, that since you and I are the same, we should stick together..." Raiko said as he tilted his head a bit.

"We, are not alike..." Tatsurou said with an angry tone, as he kept glaring at Raiko.

"But we are...more than you think..." Raiko said as he slowly removed his student cap to reveal his short dark hair, but that was not what caught Tatsurou's attention, the thing that caught his attention was the large X shaped scar that Raiko had on his forehead.

"This here is just one of the many small "souvenirs" the researchers gave me while I was held captive in one of their many facilities..." Raiko said as he placed his index finger on the scar and Tatsurou just looked at him in silence.

"You see now, Kurokami? This is why I want to take out every Magic-user because this is what they do to us Espers, they do all the "research" they want and make us be nothing more than guinea pigs..." Raiko said as he looked down and opened his arms a bit.

"It's just like I said, I know that you me and a whole lot of other Espers...all I want is to end this suffering, and it will only be achieved if we stick together and make them all pay with the same suffering..." Raiko said as he now looked at Tatsurou and placed his hand on his chest, while he made a small pause.

"Now you understand, right? Now that you have seen this, you'll join us, right?" Raiko said as he smiled and extended his arm to Tatsurou, but a sudden silence reined between them, as Tatsurou looked down.

"I'm sorry, Raiko...but my answer won't change no matter what you tell or show me..." Tatsurou said as he lifted his head, making Raiko speechless for a brief moment.

"Why...just why, Kurokami?" Raiko asked as he clenched his fists.

"It's simple...because that's not how you do things, and what your doing is just painting Espers in a bad light, you're playing the victim when Magic-users, Espers, and Beast-kins, all go through the same thing...but worse of all... you're attacking innocent people, that had nothing to do with what happened and you justify your actions by blaming this on others!" Tatsurou said as he clenched his right hand.

"I know, I know just how bad it is to be nothing more than a "research" subject, it's painful, it's the worse thing that one person can become...but there are other ways to change this, there are other ways to stop this...and it's not by hurting or killing innocent people, that you're going to change a thing! And you won't be any better than the people that did this to you!" Tatsurou said with a sad but determined tone, as he looked at Raiko, that was clenching his teeth and his fists hard as he glared at Tatsurou.

"I see...looks like it's too late to save or to change you, they brainwashed you into accepting all of the suffering and pain you went through, Kurokami, and there's unfortunately, nothing I can do..." Raiko said in an angry yet monotonous tone, as electricity began to shoot out of his whole body.

"No...let me correct myself, there is one thing, I can do...murdering you!" Raiko said as he dashed towards Tatsurou and when he got close he punched him, but Tatsurou reacted quickly as he blocked that punch, which made Tatsurou, move away from Raiko.

"This isn't over yet, Kurokami!" Raiko said with an angry tone, as he vanished and appeared behind Tatsurou.

"Thunderbolt!" Raiko said as electricity started to spurt out of his hand and before Tatsurou could react he was punched in his back sending him rolling and hitting the ground as he jolted with the electric bolts that came out of his body, this only stooped, when Tatsurou hit a three, that made him let out a pain-filled cry from his mouth.

"Is this enough now, Kurokami?" Raiko asked still with his angry tone, as he saw Tatsurou's body on the ground still jolting with electric bolts coming out of it...

And as this was happening, back inside the school building, Tetsuyami was walking the hallways, with murderous intent in her eyes...

"I'm getting tired of this! Just come out already!" Tetsuyami said in an angry tone as she looked to all sides.

"Just where could that...!" As Tetsuyami said this from the corner of her eye something caught her attention and she looked to her side she saw a scrunchie on the ground close to a stairwell.

"Don't tell me..." Tetsuyami said as she looked at the scrunchie then at the stairs.

"Quite clumsy, aren't we..." Tetsuyami said with a smug tone, as she made her way up the stairs with a smile on her face and when she reached the second floor, she saw another thing on the ground this time it was a hair clip.

"Is she so scared, that she's losing her stuff, as she runs away?" Tetsuyami asked herself with a jocking tone, as she laughed a bit, something that didn't last long.

"No, it's a little gift for you!" Naoki said with a smug tone as she pointed her M1911 at Tetsuyami and shot her again.

"Not this again?" Tetsuyami said in an annoyed tone, as she turned to the direction of the bullet that once again, did nothing when it landed on her.

"I don't understand, are you an idiot by any chance?" Tetsuyami asked with an angry tone as she glared at Naoki.

"We'll see if I'm an idiot when this all ends!" Naoki said as she turned her back to Tetsuyami and ran away from her once again.

"Why you!" Tetsuyami said as she too began running after Naoki, that was a bit faster than her.

"Get back here!" Tetsuyami said as she saw Naoki turning left and going inside a classroom.

"I got you now!" Tetsuyami said with a smug tone, as she too entered that classroom.

"What the...?" Tetsuyami said with a surprised tone and expression, as she got inside the classroom, which had its windows covered with curtains, making it almost pitch-black, and before she could react, the door she entered through closed.

"What's the meaning of this? Think you have a chance if we are in complete darkness?" Tetsuyami asked in a mocking tone, as she turned and looked in every direction to find Naoki.

"I don't know, why don't we find out?" Naoki said also in a mocking tone from somewhere inside the pitch-black classroom.

"You're just trying to avoid the unavoidable! We Espers will come out on top!" Tetsuyami said as she moved towards the middle of the classroom still looking to all sides.

"I don't understand, why would you follow someone like him?" Naoki asked as she kept hidden in the darkness of the classroom.

"Why do I follow, Raiko? Because he knows and understands our pain! The pain of being nothing more than test subjects to Magic users, and that we are nothing more than "research" subjects to be toyed and played with, all to be abandoned in the end, broken and looked down upon!" Tetsuyami said as she reached the middle of the classroom and looked around for a bit.

"But he attacks innocent people that had nothing to do with all the bad things that happened to him or you!" Naoki said in a worried tone.

"He has to do that! If he doesn't do it, we can't get more people into our cause and those filthy Magic-users will never understand their place, and they will always trample on us!" Tetsuyami said as she clenched her fists hard.

"I never heard of any Espers being looked down on by Magic-users or being trampled on, this is just him trying to drag people down a bad path that he doesn't want to do alone! Please, don't go down that path..." As Naoki said this she was interrupted.

"Shut up! What do you know, huh? You don't know the pain I went through! All of this is just to make our lives better! What's a few innocent people getting hurt, for a greater good?" As Tetsuyami said this, a gust of wind entered the classroom through the windows, that by consequence, made the curtains move a bit to let the light of the full moon enter the dark classroom, and when that happened Tetsuyami saw a dark figure, holding something that shined, as the room was briefly lit up.

"Found you!" Tetsuyami said with a happy tone as a smile appeared on her face and she lunged herself at this figure and grabbed its head and prepared to punch it.

"This is the end you filthy...!?" As Tetsuyami said this, she stooped, as she noticed that something was off about the head she was holding.

"This head...has no hair?!" As Tetsuyami said this the curtains of the classroom fell to the ground and the light of the full moon entered the classroom completely, revealing that Tetsuyami was holding the head of a plastic skeleton, that was holding one of Naoki's weapons.

"Welcome to biology class! Now, hands where I can see them!" Naoki said as she placed the barrel of the M1911 she was holding with her right hand on Tetsuyami's back.

"W-What the?" Tetsuyami said with a confused tone, as she tried to look at Naoki, something that she couldn't do, as Naoki placed her left hand on Tetsuyami's head, to stop her from looking.

"Just what is your plan? I told you none of your bullets will hurt me!" Tetsuyami said in a smug tone, that got weak as Naoki laughed a bit.

"You thought, I wouldn't notice it?" Naoki asked as she smiled.

"Back on the first floor, when I tried to shoot you from got really scared, and I asked myself "why would someone with an ability that turns their body hard as iron, be scared of being shot from behind?" But then it hit me..." Naoki said as she did a small pause and saw all the smugness in Tetsuyami vanish.

"All Espers, have a weakness, right? A small price to pay for being able to use your abilities without a restriction like magic circles or enchantments..." Naoki said as she kept smiling.

"To use your turn your body as hard as Iron, you have to be facing your enemy or the whatever comes towards you, if you don't do that, you're just like me and anyone else, am I right?" Naoki asked as she looked at Tetsuyami, that was silent as she bit the inside of her lip.

"Looks like, I hit the, I'm very sorry for this..." Naoki said as she pulled the trigger of her gun that began to glow red instead of blue.

"Gunwelt: Vermilion sleeping beauty!" Naoki said as she released the trigger and Tetsuyami was hit with a red bullet that made her clench her teeth as she got hit.

"Now that this is over, you...!" Naoki said this as let go of Tetsuyami, that quickly turned to Naoki and punched her in the stomach and sent her flying across the classroom only stooping, when she hit the blackboard of the classroom, something that made Naoki let out a small pain filed scream as she hit it.

"Don't even think, that this is the end! There's no way, I'm going to be defeated by you!" Tetsuyami said with a rage-filled tone, as she saw Naoki lying on the floor and began making her way towards her.

"N-No way, the sleeping beauty bullet, didn't work!? No! don't tell me that none of this worked!" Naoki thought as she got into a sitting position and placed her back against the wall, as she saw Tetsuyami coming close.

"I-I'm not done yet!" Naoki said as she drew a magic circle and took another M1911 out of it and pointed it at Tetsuyami.

"You think that you still have a chance, you filthy Magic-user?" Tetsuyami asked as she was finally in front of Naoki.

"As long, as I can raise my weapon...I can still fight!" Naoki said in a determined tone as she pointed her M1911 at Tetsuyami.

"Your just pathetic..." Tetsuyami said in a mocking tone, as she prepared herself to punch Naoki again.

"I...I won't let it end like this..." Naoki thought as she pulled the trigger and her gun started to light up in blue again.

" filthy magic...!!" As Tetsuyami said this, her eyes suddenly opened wide and she fell on her side, surprising Naoki.

"No! Why...why am I feeling tired..." As Tetsuyami said this her eyes started to slowly close and before Naoki could do or say anything, Tetsuyami fell into a deep slumber.

"N-No way...the sleeping beauty bullet, only took effect now!?" Naoki said with a surprised tone, that had a faint hint of anger as she sighed.

"It's my fault, for making a new bullet and not testing it beforehand..." Naoki said as she slowly got up.

"Poor girl...I can't even imagine what she went through...I'm sorry I had to do this..." Naoki said as she took a pair of handcuffs of the pocked inside her blazer and handcuffed Tetsuyami.

"Now, come here..." Naoki said as she lifted Tetsuyami up and placed her close to the blackboard in a sitting position.

"Let's go then..." Naoki said as she prepared to leave the classroom, but as she did that, Naoki looked at Tetsuyami for a bit.

"I'm not letting you get hurt again..." Naoki said with a determined tone, as she picked up a small piece of chalk close to the blackboard and began to write something on it.

" I...!" As Naoki finished writing on the blackboard, she let go of the chalk as she placed her left hand around her torso as she let out a pained moan.

"No! I can't collapse now..." Naoki said as she made her way out of the classroom limping a bit, with only one thought in her mind, to get outside of the school building and helping Tatsurou defeat Raiko, but as she did that she hear a very loud thunder, that was followed by a bright flash of light.

"Please, safe..." Naoki said in a worried tone, as she ate up all of the pain she felt, while she began walking faster towards the school's main entrance...