Chapter 56 It won't happen again

The next day, the 6th of June on a Friday, in District 4's public Esper school around lunchtime, in Tatsurou's class to be precise...

"And so, after the roaring '20s, came a period known as the great depression that happened after the crash of the Wall Street stock market in New York...but make no mistake...this wasn't the sole reason, as to why the great depression happened...there were actually 5 reasons including the stock market crash...." Yumeko, that had her hair tied into a ponytail and was wearing her usual business suit, said as she held a history textbook in her right hand, while she walked around the classroom with everyone paying attention to what she was saying, well, perhaps not everyone...

"I'm tired..." Tatsurou, that was sitting on his desk, wearing his usual gakuran with a hoodie under it thought as he rested his head on his hand and yawned a bit.

"I spent too much time...teaching Marie how to use her phone and having watched that late-night anime, then reading manga...didn't help either...I want to get some shut-eye now..." Tatsurou thought again, as he looked out the window, but it didn't last long as he was suddenly interrupted...

"Tatsu-rou-san!" Yumeko said with a monotonous tone that had a faint hint of anger as she stood in front of Tatsurou's desk.

"Y-Yes, Yume...I mean, Kuroiwa-sensei?" Tatsurou said with a nervous tone, as he looked at Yumeko that had an aura of impending doom, hovering over her.

"Quick! Give me two of the five reasons that helped create, the great depression, in 1929!" Yumeko said with an angry tone as she placed her left hand on her hip.

"Heh? I..." Tatsurou said a bit nervous as he kept looking at Yumeko that looked at him with an angry expression.

"I'm waiting here..." Yumeko said with a stoic angry tone, as she leaned a bit forward.

"Well...if I'm not wrong, two of the reasons that helped create the great depression was the banking panics and the gold standard..." Tatsurou said with a nervous tone as he looked at Yumeko, that in return looked at him in silence for a bit.

"That's actually right! Besides monetary contraction and decreased international lending and tariffs...banking panics and the gold standard together with the crash of the stock market were the five reasons that caused the great depression..." Yumeko said with an informative tone as she closed her textbook and looked at the class.

"Good thing I saw, that documentary of the great depression yesterday after lunch or else I would be dead..." Tatsurou thought as he did a mental sigh, something that didn't last long, as Yumeko gently hit Tatsurou's head with her textbook.

"No daydreaming during class, you hear!" Yumeko said with a faint angry tone as she took her textbook of Tatsurou's head and walked towards the front of the classroom, something that made Tatsurou look at her for a while a bit worried as he scratched his head.

"Tatsurou, Tatsurou..." Marie, that was sitting on the desk next to Tatsurou's and wearing her sailor fuku with her usual nun's habit on her head, silently called Tatsurou.

"Y-Yes, Marie?" Tatsurou said also silently, as he looked at Marie.

"Is something wrong?" Marie asked with a worried tone as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Not's just that..." As Tatsurou said this the school's bell rang to signal that classes were over and the students could now go and eat lunch.

"Lunchtime already..." Yumeko said as she pulled her sleeve to check the time on her wristwatch.

"Alright, everyone! Before I dismiss you, please listen I have an urgent meeting to you won't have classes this afternoon..." Yumeko said this with an informative tone, as she looked at the class, that began to celebrate a bit upon hearing her.

"You could at least not celebrate in front of your teacher, you know, but with that said you can go home and please don't get into trouble...class dismissed!" Yumeko said after she let out a sigh and soon enough everyone was packing their things and getting ready to make their way home, and both Tatsurou and Marie were no exception.

"Lucky us, right Tatsurou?" Marie said with a happy tone, as she placed her notebook and pencil case inside her school bag.

"Yeah..." Tatsurou said as he also packed his things and smiled a bit, but just as they were about to take their leave.

"Wait a sec, Tatsurou..." Yumeko said as she got close to Tatsurou and Marie.

"What is it, Yumeko?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he looked at Yumeko.

"'s just that, I need to have a word with you before you go..." Yumeko said as she scratched her cheek a bit.

"I'm sorry, Marie-san...but it's a private conversation..." Yumeko said as she glanced at Marie.

"O-Of course, Kuroiwa-sensei! I'll be waiting at the front gate then, Tatsurou..." Marie said as she grabbed her school bag and prepared to leave the classroom.

"Sure, I'll be right there..." Tatsurou said as he saw Marie taking her, leave, and soon enough when Tatsurou and Yumeko were finally alone.

"So, what is it, Yumeko?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone as he leaned on his desk a bit.

"Don't worry it's nothing bad,'s just that next Wednesday, you'll have to come to the Soteria headquarters, here in District 4..." Yumeko said as she leaned on the desk in front of Tatsurou's so she could face him.

"Heh? I have to go to the Soteria headquarters, why?" Tatsurou asked with a worried and surprised tone as he looked at Yumeko.

"No need to be scared, you didn't do anything bad..." Yumeko said as she laughed a bit.

"You see, both you, Naoki-chan and Miyubi-chan, will have to attend a meeting's mostly to congratulate you three, for the good and fast work you did to catch the "Magician hunter" in fact it's pretty much guaranteed that you all will go up a few places, in the ranking system!" Yumeko said with a happy and proud tone as she moved her hand a bit.

"Oh, I see...I was thinking that we would get punished or something..." Tatsurou said as he laughed a bit nervously.

"Well, you will get a bit punished..." Yumeko said with a stoic tone to Tatsurou that made him stop laughing and look at Yumeko in silence with a worried expression.

"What were you expecting? You and Naoki-chan went to take care of a criminal, without awaiting the assistance of your supervisors, it's only normal that the higher-ups would be angry about it! But don't worry, you just won't be able to take on requests for a guess would be 2 to 3 weeks tops..." Yumeko said as she let out a small sigh.

"Makes sense, but...won't you get in trouble? After all, if the Intern causes trouble, the supervisor also gets punished..." Tatsurou asked with a worried tone to Yumeko.

"I see that you read the intern guide book of the app...well, since you and Naoki-chan called to request back up before engaging the criminal proper and since your a new addition, they'll let this one slide, just with the "no request" punishment, while we supervisors just get an earful...nothing to worry about..." Yumeko said in a reassuring tone as she raised her index finger.

"I-I'm sorry for that, Yumeko, but say...what happened to Raiko and his group?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone as he scratched the back of his head something that made Yumeko silent, as she looked a bit away from Tatsurou.

"It pretty much went the way your expecting...Raiko will be facing jail, for a long time for all of his crimes...the 4 boys were transferred to a juvenile detention center, while the only girl is staying in the Misaiko private hospital as of everything's ok..." Yumeko said with a reassuring tone, as she looked at Tatsurou that this time was the one to look at Yumeko in silence.

"What's wrong?" Yumeko asked with a curious tone, to Tatsurou that kept silent.

"Nothing...I'm just got the feeling that your hiding something..." Tatsurou said with a worried tone as he looked at Yumeko, which opened her eyes wide.

"D-Don't be crazy, Tatsurou, I'm not hiding anything from you! Why would you think that?" Yumeko said as she stooped leaning on the desk.

"Well, you haven't been acting like your usual self today, during class today and when you caught me dozing off just didn't say or punish me as usual and even if I got your question right, you would still punish me really bad and not hit me with the textbook, like that...after all, you hate it when your students doze Yumeko, if what I did cause any trouble, please tell me..." Tatsurou said with a worried tone, as he stooped leaning on the desk and placed his hands in his hoodie's pocket, something that surprised Yumeko.

"This kid...I swear, he almost caught me..." Yumeko thought as she did a mental sigh and looked at Tatsurou, something that didn't last long as she gave him a gentle head-flick.

"Listen, Tatsurou... I'm indeed a bit out of the game today, but that's because I have a few problems going on but rest assured, it's not because you caused any trouble, so don't worry, ok?" Yumeko said with a faint angry tone, as she sighed a bit.

"But if you want to talk about it, I don't mind listening..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he rubbed his forehead, with his right hand.

"I already told you didn't I? Don't worry about it, but thanks for offering, I appreciated it!" Yumeko said with a happy tone, as she head patted Tatsurou for a bit.

"Ok then, but speaking of "offering" I better go now...I still need to go and buy Michiko her eclairs..." As Tatsurou said this, Yumeko stooped head patting him.

"If you want, I can go and buy the eclairs for Michiko..." Yumeko said as she scratched her cheek a bit.

"Really? You would do that?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone.

"Sure! I have to go check on her today, so I don't mind at all and it would be a shame to go all the way to the old town, just to give her the eclairs..." Yumeko said as she crossed her arms.

"I would be happy if you did that but speaking of the's it going with the convincing Michiko, to move in with you?" Tatsurou asked with a curious and worried tone.

"No luck...and she is being really stubborn about it too, unfortunately..." Yumeko said with a worried tone, as she sighed.

"I didn't have any luck either the other you think we should try another approach?" Tatsurou asked, as he also sighed.

"I already tried a lot of things but I'll try, something new today, let's hope it it has to work!" Yumeko said with a reassuring tone, as she smiled.

"Oh no! Look at the time, I better go, before I miss that meeting!" Yumeko said with a worried tone, as she pulled her sleeve to check the time on her watch.

"Then I'll go home now, see you on Monday, Yumeko, and thank you..." Tatsurou said as he grabbed his bag and turned towards the door of the classroom to take his leave, but as he was about to step outside, Yumeko couldn't stop looking at Tatsurou, as all the things that Emiko told her yesterday, began to flood her mind.

"Tatsurou..." As Yumeko said this Tatsurou stopped and looked at her.

"Listen...please be more careful and don't act so reckless all the time...I'm worried about you and...I would be really sad if something bad happened to me you'll be extra careful now..." Yumeko said with a very embarrassed tone as she scratched her cheek and looked a bit away from Tatsurou, that just looked at her in silence for a bit.

"Yumeko...this is really unusual! Now I'm really worried about you! What's wrong?" As Tatsurou asked with a worried tone to Yumeko, that began to blush extremely, as she clenched her teeth.

"You idiot! I worry and this is what I get!" Yumeko said with an angry tone as she blushed even more.

"Wait a sec, Yumeko, I'm just..." As Tatsurou said this, Yumeko interrupted him.

"Just go home and leave me alone, you idiot!" Yumeko said with an angry and embarrassed tone as she pointed to the outside of the classroom and Tatsurou complied as he ran out of the classroom really fast, leaving Yumeko inside the classroom, still blushing.

"I swear...Tatsurou is such an idiot sometimes...but I don't blame him, that was unusual of me...I shouldn't have said that it sounded so weird..." Yumeko said with an embarrassed tone as she sighed.

"I'll better go now...this meeting is important..." Yumeko said as she scratched her head, while she made her way out of the classroom...

And meanwhile, close to the front gate of the school, Marie was leaning on the wall next to it, as she waited for Tatsurou...

"I wonder what's taking, so long..." Marie thought as she looked at the school building.

"Now that I think about it...Tatsurou and Kuroiwa-sensei, seem pretty close...perhaps a bit too close...wait a minute, please don't tell me..." Marie thought again as she began to blush.

"Don't tell me that Tatsurou has a thing for Kuroiwa-sensei! If that's the case...Shirayuki and I don't stand a chance?" Marie said with an embarrassed and worried tone, as she placed her hands on her face while she shook her head, something that didn't last long...

"Hey, Marie...what's wrong?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he stepped out of the school gate and looked at Marie.

"Heh? N-Nothings wrong, Tatsurou...I...I just saw two really cute grade-schooler girls passing by and they looked exactly like Suzette and Colette, the two little twins that shared the room with me and Amélie back in Lourdes..." Marie said with a nervous tone as she raised her index finger a bit.

"I see...they sound pretty cute judging by their names alone..." Tatsurou said with a surprised tone, while he began walking towards his apartment, with Marie doing the same.

"Yes, they are cute, but make no mistake, they are quite the trouble makers! I honestly lost count, of how many times I saved them from trouble with the sisters...I hope they're ok..." Marie said with a happy tone, as she sighed a bit, while she walked next to Tatsurou.

"Well, grade-schoolers tend to be energetic, it's only normal but, say Marie do they make that joke where they pose as the other twin?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone as he looked at Marie.

"They sure do...and it usually gets them in trouble..." Marie said as she sighed again.

"Honestly, that's so cute, if you ask me..." Tatsurou said as he laughed a bit.

"Well, I would be lying, if I said that it wasn't..." Marie said as she also laughed.

"Tatsurou, if you don't mind me asking, what were you talking with Kuroiwa-sensei?" Marie asked with a curious tone as she leaned forward a bit.

"It wasn't anything too special...I just have to go to the Soteria headquarters this Wednesday for a meeting, it's nothing to worry about..." Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone as he looked at Marie.

"I see that's a relief, I thought you got into trouble..." Marie said with a relieved tone as she sighed.

"Tatsurou...if you don't mind me asking again, what's your relationship, with Kuroiwa-sensei?" Marie asked with a curious tone as she looked at Tatsurou, then away.

"My relationship, with Yumeko? Hmm, I would say that she's like an older sister to me..." Tatsurou said as he scratched the back of his head a bit.

"Oh! She's like an older sister, I see..." As Marie said this, inside her mind, she was celebrating.

"Yes! Were still in the game, Shirayuki!" Marie thought as she kept celebrating inside her mind, while she did her best to keep a straight face.

"But why are you asking, Marie?" Tatsurou asked Marie with a curious tone as he looked at her, something that made Marie come back from her thoughts.

"I was just wondering since you two, call each other by your given names and you seem pretty close when you talk to each other..." Marie said as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Well we have known each other for a while, but it's mostly because my mother is also good friends with her..." Tatsurou said as he smiled a bit.

"I I understand!" Marie said as she also smiled.

"Say, Tatsurou, since we don't have classes this afternoon, can I ask you a favor?" Marie asked with an embarrassed tone as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Sure, after all, I still have to compensate you for what happened the other day with Yumeko, so what is it?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone.

"It's nothing too complicated, but let's wait until we get home, ok?" Marie said with a happy tone as she smiled.

"Sure!" Tatsurou said as he nodded, but as they made their way hour later, in the Soteria headquarters of District 4, on the fourth floor to be exact...

"Hmm...I believe that these are all the documents, that Yumeko-senpai asked for..." Aoki, that was wearing her usual business suit with a pencil skirt, said as she held a stack of papers in her hands.

"I'm a bit worried...this is way more than usual..." Aoki said with a worried tone, as she made her way to Yumeko's office and soon enough, when she got close to the door, Aoki knocked on it and began opening it.

"Yumeko-senpai! I brought these documents you asked for..." As Aoki said this she suddenly stooped, as she saw Yumeko sitting on the chair behind her desk with her head resting on the desk, as a black aura hovered over her.

"Y-Yumeko-senpai!" Aoki asked with a worried tone as she made a quick dash towards Yumeko's desk.

"Why me, Aoki..." Yumeko said with a depressed tone as she kept resting her head on the desk.

"Heh? What do you mean?" Aoki asked still with a worried tone, as she got close to Yumeko's desk.

"God just why..." Yumeko thought as she began to remember what happened, more or less an hour ago in the meeting she had to attend...

It all happened, in an office on the 5th floor of the Soteria building, that office was big and very luxurious, with a big window on its left side, that showed the whole downtown of district 4 and on its right side a wall filled with photos of various men and women, it had a large wooden desk in it's middle with two leather armchairs in it's front and one leather office chair behind it, but something that stood out in this office, was the symbol of the Soteria engraved on the ground.

And inside this big office was Yumeko and a very intimidating woman perhaps in her 40's, that had deep blue eyes and wavy greyish black hair that was tied into a low ponytail, this woman wore a dark blue suit with thin white lines with an equally dark blue tie, this woman was Kaome Terima, the Captain of District 4's Soteria unit.

"Do you even realize, what you're asking me, Lieutenant Kuroiwa?" Kaome, that was sitting in the leather office chair behind her desk, asked with a faint angry tone as she looked at Yumeko, that was sitting in one of the leather armchairs.

"I know...that I'm asking for too much...Captain Terima, please don't fire Vice-lieutenant Munesuki!" Yumeko said with a worried tone, as she made a slight bow to Kaome, that took a pack of cigars from the inside of her blazer.

"Listen, I won't lie, Munesuki is one of our best agents and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world but, Kuroiwa, you do realize that she has been walking on thin ice for the past 5 years and try as you might...your suspensions, haven't worked even once with her..." Kaome said with a monotonous tone as she placed a cigar in her mouth and lighted it up.

" better give me a good reason, as to why I shouldn't ask her to hand over her Soteria card, once and for all..." Kaome said as she took a puff from her cigar.

"Captain Terima...Munesuki's behavior as of late is extremely unbecoming of a Soteria agent and highly disapprove of her actions, I know that...but she is still a good agent and she does her work properly...even with all of these mistakes she does..." Yumeko said as she looked at Kaome taking another puff.

"Kuroiwa, I understand that your long-time friends, but you're protecting her too much and I already warned you about this over and over again, didn't I? Munesuki has to stop this type of behavior towards criminals and Mutsuyo's condition is not an excuse here to act the way she does..." Kaome said with a faint angry tone, as she tapped the desk with her left index finger.

"This is the reason why we don't bring feelings into this line of work, it will only create situations like this, whether we like it or not...I should have suspended her indefinitely when this happened the first time..." Kaome said with a depressed tone as she took another puff from her cigar.

"Captain Terima, I know I shouldn't do this, but I just can't bring myself to leave Emiko alone like this..." Yumeko said with a sad tone, as she clenched her fists hard.

"I know, that I'm being selfish...I know, that I'm putting feelings in front of my work...I know, that I'm asking for too much, after having asked countless times for you to forgive Emiko for her actions, but I just can't stay back and watch her going down a dark path and destroying what she worked so hard to obtain...I just can't..." Yumeko said with a sad tone, as she began to slowly tear up.

"Please, Captain Terima...I beg you to forgive Emiko this one last time, you know that this isn't her true know that she would never do anything like this if she didn't have a strong motive...I swear...I swear that I won't allow her to do this again if you give her another chance! And I'll do everything to keep her from straying again, so please, forgive her and give her one more chance!" Yumeko said as bowed again, while tears now ran down her face and a long silence, filled the room that ended with Kaome sighing.

"Yumeko...please raise your head..." Kaome said while she got up and placed the cigar in the ashtray, that was on top of the desk and Yumeko just looked at her in silence.

"It's just like I said, Munesuki is one of our best agents here and I wouldn't trade her for any other agent or all the agents in Takamagahara..." Kaome said as she walked towards the window of the room and looked at the downtown for a bit.

"But she can't do things like this, we have laws and we have to uphold them, as members of the Soteria and the protectors of Takamagahara, we have an oath to always be the best and to always protect the people that trust us to keep them safe, no matter what happens..." Koame said as she looked at the downtown for a bit before turning towards Yumeko.

"And it's like you said, Yumeko...this isn't Munesuki's usual self and besides these mishaps, she does her job, better than anyone..." Kaome said as she walked towards Yumeko.

"So with that in mind, Yumeko, I'll give Munesuki one more chance, but it will be the last one she ever gets and it's going to be on my terms, this time around..." Kaome said as she got close to Yumeko and looked at her for a bit.

"On your terms?" Yumeko asked with a curious tone as she looked at Kaome.

"Yes, first off, Munesuki will be suspended for 8 months and if she wants she can perform community service and I shall reduce her suspension accordingly but she can't expect me to go easy on that...she also won't receive any salary of the Soteria including this months but I'll allow her to keep teaching in for you Yumeko, you'll have to take on all of her work during her absence and take care of the interns she's responsible for...those are my conditions, do you accept them?" Kaome asked as she used her fingers to count the terms that Emiko and Yumeko had to follow, but she didn't even need an answer.

"I-I accept, Captain Terima! I'll do all of that without fail! I promise!" Yumeko said with a happy and determined tone, as she got up from the chair and bowed to Kaome once more.

"Come on, Yumeko...stop bowing already..." Kaome said as she sighed and tried to stop Yumeko from bowing.

"I'm sorry...Captain Terima..." Yumeko said as she laughed a bit, kaome just sighed and smiled as she looked at Yumeko.

"But I'm being serious here, this is really the last time I'll ever do you better make it count Yumeko and bring Munesuki back to us, you hear!" Kaome said as she placed her hand on Yumeko's shoulder something that made her tear up again for a bit.

"Don't worry...Captain Terima! I won't let Munesuki do this anymore and I will bring her back to her old self, take it what it will!" Yumeko said with a determined tone as she cleaned her tears, Kaome just smiled again.

"Honestly, if only half of our agents were like you, Yumeko..." Kaome thought as she looked at Yumeko, with a big smile on her face.

"Now that this is taken care of, you have to go back to work Yumeko and as usual, I'll let you handle the rest, ok?" Kaome said with a happy tone, as she went to take her seat on the chair behind her desk again.

"Sure, Captain Terima! And once again thank you, very much for this!" Yumeko said as she gave another bow to Kaome before making her way to the door, but as she was getting close to it

"Oh, and Yumeko?" Kaome called Yumeko as she took her seat again and prepared to light another cigar.

"Y-Yes, Captain Terima?" Yumeko asked as she turned towards Kaome.

"This here is going to cost I'm expecting tonight's drinks, to be on you..." Kaome said with a mischievous tone and expression as she looked at the know dumbfound, scared, and speechless Yumeko...

And so, Yumeko's remembering of her meeting with Kaome came to an end...

"Anything but that..." Yumeko said with a depressed tone, as she gently hit her head on her desk.

"Um...Yumeko-senpai, what's wrong?" Aoki asked with a curious tone, as she leaned a bit forward.

"Well, Aoki...I just got invited to go out drinking with Captain Terima, tonight..." Yumeko said as she raised her head and looked at Aoki that looked at her a bit confused.

"And that's why your so depressed, Yumeko-senpai? Isn't that something good, to go out drinking with Captain Terima, especially when she used to be your partner?" Aoki asked with a curious tone, as she placed the papers she was holding on top of Yumeko's desk and adjusted her glasses a bit.

"You don't get it Aoki...this is the worst thing, that could happen..." Yumeko said as she sighed.

"And why is it so bad? It's just going out to drink..." Aoki said with a stoic tone, as she tilted her head a bit.

"The problem here isn't "the going out to drink" part Aoki...the problem is that I have to go with Captain Terima, someone that can't hold her alcohol and always does embarrassing things, while she's drunk..." Yumeko said with a depressed tone, as she placed her hands on her head.

"Oh! Now that I think about it, I heard a few rumors, it true?" Aoki asked with a curious tone, as she adjusted her glasses.

"Yes, it is, all of it! It's so bad, that last time I had to go, she got drunk and when somebody mentioned the fact, that she was single, she got angry, flipped a table, called everyone that was in a relationship a mindless idiot, then proceeded to cry for 3 hours why calling everyone an idiot..." Yumeko said with an extremely depressed tone as she looked away from Aoki.

"I-I see, now I get why you look so down..." Aoki said with a worried tone, as she laughed a bit.

"So with that said, Aoki, would you..." As Yumeko said this she was interrupted...

"Sorry, Yumeko-senpai, but I already have plans for tonight!" Aoki said with a stoic tone, as she placed her hands together while tilting her head.

"Heh? Aoki please, don't leave me hanging!" Yumeko said with a worried tone, as she got up from her chair and close to Aoki.

"Please, Aoki! If you come with us, Captain Terima won't drink as much and she will behave!" Yumeko said with a panicked tone as she placed her hands on Aoki's shoulders.

"I don't know...I never met Captain Terima personally and will she really drink less, with someone new around?" Aoki asked with a stoic suspicious tone as she looked at Yumeko.

"Don't worry she will! And if you tag along, I'll even compensate with anything you want for your troubles, I promise!" Yumeko said with a reassuring tone to Aoki that looked at her in silence for a bit.

"I see...but will you really do anything, Yumeko-senpai?" Aoki asked with a curious tone, as she looked at Yumeko.

"Yes, I will! You just have to ask!" Yumeko said again with a reassuring tone as she nodded.

"Then, I would like for the two of us to go out, one of these days!" Aoki said with a happy tone as she raised her index finger a bit.

"Heh? Going out, one of these days?" Yumeko asked a bit confused, as she tilted her head.

"You heard me right, Yumeko-senpai, going out shopping just the two of us, just like we did back in high school!" Aoki said as she placed her hands together.

"Well...I don't mind doing that, but are you sure?" Yumeko asked with a curious tone as she let go of Aoki's shoulders.

"Yes, it's been such a long time since I went out shopping and I want to buy some new clothes for the summer and a new swimsuit...oh! and also a new Gundam model kit! And besides that, it's been ages, since went out together!" Aoki said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as scratched the back of her head, while she laughed a bit.

"Your kind of right, it has been a while and I need to buy some clothes too...ok then we can go no problem I just have to get a free weekend and we're good to go!" Yumeko said as she gave Aoki, a thumbs up.

"Really? Yay! I can't wait for that!" Aoki said with an exited tone as she looked at Yumeko.

"You sound like a kid, you know that..." Yumeko said with a stoic tone as she pulled her sleeve to check the time on her watch while she laughed, somehting that made Aoki pout.

"I'm not acting like a kid...Is somthing wrong?" Aoki asked with a curious and worried tone as she stooped pouting.

"Nothings wrong, I just need to take a small absence could you organize me those documents while I'm out, Aoki?" Yumeko asked as she proceeded to make her way out of the office.

"Yes, I can do that!" Aoki said with a reassuring tone as she smiled.

"Thanks...I'll try to be quick and come back as soon as I can...oh! And no running away from tonight, you hear!" Yumeko said with a faint jocking tone, as she left the office and when she was finally gone.

"Come on, Yumeko-senpai, I would never do that..." Aoki thought as she turned to Yumeko's desk while she let out a sigh.

"Well then...let's take care of these documents, but before that, I better call Naoki to tell her I'll be home late...maybe Miyubi-chan can keep her company! Good thing they both got discharged from the hospital yesterday!" Aoki said with a happy tone as she took out her phone and prepared to call Naoki...