Chapter 6

Jana was up extra early getting ready for her new day at a bookstore cafe sleeping next to Angel has been a blessing compared to the men she had always ended up sleeping next to always wanting sex, and she wasn't all for it.

Angel felt Jana get up. She looked at the woman, seeing her amazing luscious lips and her beauty of the nightgown fall on her beautiful form. That made Angel licked her lips, but she kept her hormones in check to not scare Jana. They had kissed a few times and ground against each other when hormones were up, but they didn't go any further.

As they both fell for each other day by day, it was a miracle that nothing happened in between including exes. Angel and Jana held hands in public, kissed at times but never jumped each other like rabbits to make their relationship fall.

Angel grabbed Jana by the wrist as she whispered,

"Don't leave the bed yet, I have a surprise for you."

Jana giggled because Angel has been showering her with gifts non-stop. From roses, teddy bears, jewelry like homemade necklaces, homemade bracelets and now another gift. As she saw Angel get out of bed naked and moving with a pure grace that was when she saw a present in her hand, wrapped perfectly in red with a blue bow and it was a small box.

They have only lived together six months and life was perfect for them no matter what it was. So as Angel got down on one knee saying,

"This isn't an engagement ring so you know, it is a promise ring from my heart to yours. This has been an amazing six months even without making love to you. I can just kiss you and sparks fly. Jana, you are the most amazing woman, and I promise to take you as mine for as long as you want me too. So will you take this as a promise?"

Jana smiled with tears streaming replying,

"Oh Angel, it is a beautiful blue ring with the right stone, you are amazing too, yes you can keep me like a promise."

Angel slipped the blue heart-shaped ring on Jana's finger as they kissed with tears of joy. They haven't argued and stuck together through everything since living together and working together at the bookstore cafe that had been amazing as well. They have discussed renaming it to something stronger for costumer's and redesign to make it stand out.

Jana and Angel showered together again then got dressed in their uniforms for that day even though Angel is manager she made Jana her assistant and everyone loves her way of working. Jana kept up with everything from sales of books and coffee to the organization and much more. It blew Angel away completely that Jana could move just as fast as her.

Jana looked at Angel in curiosity as she saw amazement in the woman's eyes saying,


Angel smiled as she replied,

"You are just beautiful when you work the way you do."

Jana giggled with a smile responding,

"So you find this ragged body beautiful?"

Angel grabbed Jana's butt replying,

"Sure do."

Jana smacked Angel on the shoulder as they went back to work enjoying the day.


After a long day working in the store with Angel, Jana felt relieved to be home with her lovely girlfriend, she couldn't believe the ring on her finger as it shimmered in her eyes. Jana saw that Angel fell asleep on the couch with the television on and her sweet tea on the coffee table. As Jana went into the kitchen to get a drink, the doorbell went off scaring Angel out of her sleep as she rushed to the door with her eyes wide open seeing Angel looked at Jana with a big buffy man standing in the doorway saying,

"I need to speak with Jana."

Jana stepped out from behind Angel replying,


The buff man pulled Jana on the wrist as they walked down the hallway a bit as he whispered to Jana,

"Since when did you decide to be with a woman? Last I checked you were straight, and we were supposed to be married soon."

Jana whispered back to the buff man,

"I am not sure who I am yet, and I do like Angel. She is wonderful. Wallace, just give me space, hell you have multiple girlfriends anyways I don't fit into you're picture life. Oh here is here ring back I have meant to return it."

Wallace shoved Jana in the wall and kissed her with desperate as Jana shoved him off saying out loud,

"That was rather rude, now just leave, I am not coming back with you after this."

Wallace had tears in his eyes as he walked away looking down at the floor. As Jana got back inside with Angel saying,

"I am so sorry, that is my ex-fiancee Wallace....we had a relationship of fifteen plus years, but he just is too busy for me and never really loved me."

Angel hugged and kissed Jana as she replied,

"Don't worry Wallace can't hurt you no more, I'm here for you."

Jana shook her head as memories flooded off the bond they used to have as she responded to Angel,

"I feel like I'm letting you down since you've had to deal with two men that have forced themselves on me, which were Gunther and now Wallace."

Angel patted Jana on the back as she replied,

"Relax, it is all those two aren't even worth any of the hell that I can turn around on you by just making love to you."

Jana laughed.

"You are something else, Angel." she told her with all her heart.

They kissed a bit more in the doorway, then went inside. They decided to watch a romantic lesbian movie called "Perfect Ending."