Chapter 6

As they all four got home Angel realized she was wrong they didn't have a second bed in the spare bedroom so she looked over at Jonathan saying,

"Sweetie, I hope you don't mind being on the couch until we get your room downstairs ready? It won't take us long to remove the books and everything that we have down there. It is already practically a room just without a bed and no closet or bathroom."

Jonathan shrugged replying,

"It's no worries, Miss, I can manage on the couch."

Angel knelt down to Jonathan responding,

"You can call me Angel and she is Jana, we are pleased that you treat us well for being new to us, that is true gentlemen like."

Avery came storming down the hall racing to Jonathan saying,

"Bubba, come look at my room, it is a pretty purple, my favorite color."

Jonathan smiled replied,

"Okay, little sis I'll come to look."

They both went off to the purple room as Avery called it and Jana looked at Angel saying,

"Well they are full of energy, Avery especially."

Angel smiled replying,

"That she is and he is going to be one tough cookie just like you."

They both laughed as Avery and Jonathan came out to see what was funny. Jonathan walked over to Jana saying,

" is huge."

Avery nodded in response,

"Yes, it is. Oh, I am six by the way so this is going to be cool growing up here."

Jonathan nudged his sister whispering something to her as he replied also,

"I am nine, our parents wanted us close in age not sure as to why I liked being the only child but Avery is special to me as a sister."

Angel and Jana smiled as they hugged them both then Angel replied,

"We are just happy to have you both as our children and in time you can call us mom or momma or whatever you choose we will be happy."

Jana agreed that she saw both kids yawn after a very long day knowing they needed to be cleaned and rested up as Jana spoke,

"I can give Avery a bath if Jonathan can manage to get his own shower before we put them to bed and also brush their teeth, thankfully we fed them on the way back home."

Angel helped Jonathan get ready for his shower adjusting the shower just right for him as she heard Jana and Avery giggling and carrying on for bath time. Jonathan tapped on Angel's shoulder saying,

"I am a little embarrassed but can you help me get out of my pants the last place really tightened them and I can't get out of them on my own."

Angel nodded, feeling a little shy as she helped him out. That was when she went to the kitchen grabbing a pair of scissors to release the pants from the young boy seeing as she felt that she could cry seeing the red marks all over his waistline from the strangle he had. After that, she took the scissors back to the kitchen and left Jonathan to clean himself off and get ready for bed.

Angel heard Jana call for her as she went to Avery's bedroom seeing that the little girl was already tucked into bed then Jana pulled her over whispering,

"Time to start doing hugs and kisses goodnight for our new little angel's."

Angel agreed as she gave Avery a kiss on the forehead and hugged her then whispering,

"Sweet dreams little darling."

Then Jana did the same as they both left the room with the door cracked open then heard little Avery start to breathe at a good pace with small snores every now and then.

Angel and Jana headed to the living room to wait on Jonathan to come down the stairs but he never came as they went upstairs to their room and into the bathroom to see Jonathan crying saying,

"I am sorry Jana and Angel, none of these clothes fit me and I'm too embarrassed to come out of the bathroom, do you have anything I can wear?"

Angel looked at Jana as Jana replied,

"No sweetheart, we don't have any boy clothes for you, what is your size? And I'll go to my parent's a few doors down to see if my dad has any spare clothes until we go to the store tomorrow."

Jonathan had Jana kneel down to his level as he whispered his sizes to her that was when she whispered to Angel it and nodded, Angel, sat with Jonathan until Jana returned with some overnight clothes thankfully it didn't take her long to get any from her father since the little boy was freezing just sitting there with a towel wrapped around him.

They let Jonathan get dressed as they went back downstairs to wait for him as they heard him come down the stairs Angel and Jana got up from the couch to give him his space to lay down and as he did, he looked at them both saying,

"Thank you for taking me and my sister in, we have had a rough road including with many other foster parents. Avery always ended up abused even by our own parent's and our parents tried to get me high on drugs with them when I was her age and I wouldn't have it, that was when my dad killed my mom and almost killed us too if it weren't for someone calling the law we would have never survived. My dad had found a gun in my mom's drawer and used it on her then himself. We have recovered from those days but as it is me and Avery are going to be a handful some days due to being scared though we mean no harm. Anyways, thank you again."

Angel and Jana sobbed a bit then kissed Jonathan on the head and hugged him for comfort knowing he trusted them. Angel and Jana headed to their room just sitting quietly without saying a word as to how they adopted kids who could have been killed by even a single parent including being high on drugs this was the worst case they both have heard and they haven't even made a dent into the kids of who they are beside Avery loving purple and adoring her big brother, Jonathan is just a young boy trying to care for his sister when others wouldn't.

As the evening went on they could hear small whimpers from Jonathan. That was when Angel took the lead and went downstairs to wake Jonathan up as she did. He hugged her and cried then released himself. That was when Jana could hear Jonathan explaining the nightmare of everything that he went through as a young child. He settled down with some warm milk and went right to sleep then not long after Jana and Angel were too exhausted to handle themselves and went to bed.