Chapter 1

As time went on memories of Angel faded as Annabel came about more and more personally through the next year or two. Annabel had never felt so different but she loved her wife Scarlett that meant everything to her, even though she always had these weird dreams about Angel Knight and Jana Johnson.

Angel Knight is a beautiful blonde that is in love with a woman named Jana Johnson who she saved from men that were out to torment her and it took Jana a year to know who she was. Jana and Angel agreed to have kids then make deep passionate love soon after. Jana was a gorgeous brunette with the sincerity of love. Angel felt like Jana was the whole world and they were meant to be with each other. Angel had the best years with Jana until she was gone from her.

Annabel woke up in sweat and breathing profusely as she shook her head from the mysterious memory of being Angel Knight and some woman named Jana Johnson was her partner for life. Though Scarlett has been with her for over three years now and they have the perfect love.

Scarlett used to beat Annabel for unknown reasons she couldn't recall but she knew she was Annabel Ann Thomas and her lovely wife is Scarlett Myra Thomas. Scarlett was very beautiful in every way with black short wavy hair, blue eyes, heavy set, and always had to wear corsets to look special even though they didn't work around her body too well and she always tried on tight jeans.

Annabel knew Scarlett was beautiful but her clothing style had always been distasteful. Annabel had tried to encourage her wife to wear something more suitable with her body but she disagreed with the choices for a big woman.

Annabel had such a wonderful job working with Shauna Meigs at the Midnight Cafe but she's had to keep updating her applications because her and Scarlett kept moving though she hasn't figured out why they keep moving from one apartment to another.

Shauna pulled Annabel to the side one evening saying,

"Annabel, you look familiar to me but I can't pinpoint as to who you are? Are you sure you have lived in these parts before?"

Annabel smiled at her boss replying,

"Shauna, I have been here for many years, I haven't moved at all."

Shauna shrugged then guided Annabel back to where she was with customers as she spoke to other customers about her it seemed.

Annabel finished her job in no time flat as she saw Scarlett pull up though Scarlett never came inside to greet her, she placed her apron on the rack in the back as her cell phone went off as she read the text it said,

"Babe, you need to hurry up, I have a meeting in twenty-minutes and I need to get you home to rest before dinner."

Annabel rolled her eyes as it was the same routine daily but she never argued with her wife. Annabel always kept memories of her wedding day to Scarlett in the back of her mind. It was always such a sweet one even though it was more of a Gothic, Wicca wedding that subtle them both.

Scarlett had taught Annabel the ways of Wicca since they got together and they do rituals every time the moon is out in full. They would special prayers for those that have gone for life too soon or something involving candle light, Annabel never kept vague memories of what goes on it always seems clueless to her.

On the drive home from the cafe shop Annabel had a feeling that Scarlett was going to bring up moving again if she even mentioned the fact that Shauna has a suspicion of who she is though she has no clue who she is and why everyone assumes she's someone else.

Scarlett cleared her throat making Annabel startled by saying,

"Annabel, are you even listening to me?"

Annabel shook her head that was when Scarlett hit her against the windshield leaving her in tears once again that was when she replied,

"I am now my beautiful wife, I am sorry for daydreaming again, what were you saying?"

Scarlett sighed responding,

"I was telling you that we are going to have to move again, I am tired of everyone assuming your Angel Knight when you are Annabel Thomas and you know you are Annabel Thomas but no one will believe you. So, we are heading to my birth town in Massachusetts so you better tell Shauna and all you're other co-worker's goodbye."

Annabel felt even more tears flow as her wife literally told her that they were packing up and leaving again this time to another state so she's assuming Scarlett must've heard rumors around town. So, Annabel replied with a heavy heart,

"Why do we have to move so far away?"

Scarlett raised her eyebrows responding,

"Due to the fact that someone in this town knows you as Angel Knight and it better not be Shauna, I swear she'll be dead to us."

Annabel shook her head replying,

"Shauna said I looked like someone familiar but she never said exactly who I looked like."

Scarlett had assumed someone in this dead town was starting something but it could be nothing just to be safe though they are moving whether Annabel likes it or not.

Annabel had wondered why people thought she was some woman named Angel Knight like who the hell is she? And why is it so important for them to know if it's her? Annabel had no idea where people kept assuming she was this mysterious woman.

So as they were packing to go to Bristol, Massachusetts Annabel spoke up,

"Baby, why do we constantly move? I mean it's not like people do actually call me Angel."

Scarlett dropped her clothes on the floor then walked over to Annabel placing her hands around Annabel's throat shoving her against the wall as hard as she could replying,

"Because if my sneaky suspicion is correct it is someone that assumes you are here and she is determined to get you."

Annabel tried to release herself from Scarlett's grip but it just kept getting tighter then Scarlett released her as Annabel coughed hard then cleared her throat responding,

"Babe if you are so concerned with this person then why don't you handle this miscellaneous person?"

Scarlett sighed with a reply,

"Knowing this person it wouldn't do it any good, so let's hurry up and get going on the road while we can."

Annabel nodded as she finished packing her luggage.

Annabel quit having nightmares of some previous life as soon as they moved to Bristol, Massachusetts. They took a flight from Flint to Bristol which only took four hours even with all the luggage they packed and started all over by reordering furniture, bed, kitchen supplies, and more.

Annabel didn't like this constant moving with Scarlett but after she told Shauna and her co-workers that she had to leave they all sobbed and were also concerned for her safety, she gave them hugs back and told them nothing is going to happen. She left Midnight Cafe with a heavy weight on her shoulders like she knew something was a mixture.

Annabel finally cleared her throat saying,

"Baby, so since we are in the town you were born in, do you know anyone out here? I mean I never even heard of North Attleboro before until now."

Scarlett turned around from making a plate of salad replying,

"My mom Andrea is still out here, I called her last week to be exact, she can't wait to meet my beautiful wife Annabel and had discussed the fact of us having kids since we have been together for almost four years now. Also I am thinking about having us move to a place near her and it is an actual house instead of an apartment, oh my gosh babe you will love to have heard my mom's thoughts."

Annabel wanted to just hide away in her own library or something because meeting parent's is none of her best qualities. So she responded,

"My love, I can't keep constantly moving. This is causing havoc on my emotions please can we just stay here until we are ready for sure to have children and a bigger home. I am enjoying just us at the moment and the lovely view of this apartment, it's a little high priced for what I expected but it is a beauty."

Scarlett cringed at the denial of moving near her mother so she replied,

"Babe, please just make a last move, let's say in about six month's tops?"

Annabel sighed hating this constant moving decided to respond,

"Fine sweetheart whatever, I just want to be able to stay in one place and not constantly keep changing from place to place just like we did in Michigan."

Scarlett kissed Annabel sweetly then finished making her salad for lunch as Annabel went into their bedroom with the laptop that they had packed and sat on their new king size bed with black and pink flowers all over. Annabel looked up writing novels as a specialty she had one but couldn't remember what it was about with the constant moving she had trouble staying focus.

Annabel heard Scarlett turn on the television in the living room as Annabel let out a deep sigh every time she wanted to be focused. Scarlett would distract her with noise, so she shut down the laptop and went out to watch television with her wife.

Annabel cleared her throat saying,

"I am going to go job hunting today sweetheart."

Scarlett shrugged replying,

"It better be than that Midnight Cafe you worked at for over three years because you never made enough to keep us fed or anything. If you don't find work by the end of the week, you will be working where my mother did as a young woman who is an engineer downtown North Attleboro. You are to be home after your shift just like before. My meetings are at night since I was able to transfer my business."

Annabel was so sick of being on a damn schedule with her wife every time she found a job it was enough to annoy her some days, it wasn't like Annabel was going to cheat on her wife.

Annabel responded with a dry throat,

"Yes my lovely wife, I will stay near home with you and come home to do house chores along with getting myself fed and to bed at a decent hour."

Scarlett smiled with a reply,

"Good to hear my lady, now go get ready for job hunting...once you find a job you better remember the bus route from here to there and back."

Annabel nodded in agreement sighing as she got up from the couch as Scarlett grabbed her wrist saying,

"To add my wife, you need to keep a stalk of that auburn hair dye around or your natural color will show which I will highly disapprove."

Annabel nodded in agreement again then released her wrist as she went into their room to find proper clothing for interviews in case she gets any today. As she got dressed Scarlett came in the room then beat Annabel multiple times which caused her train of thought to go missing once more she begged Scarlett to quit hitting her but it was always the same daily before she went anywhere.

Scarlett had made sure Annabel would forget something about herself even though they have been together for so long, Scarlett still managed to hit her so hard to leave cuts, black eyes, bruises and damaged jaw most of the time, she's thankful that her body never broke against all the hits.

Once Scarlett was done she left the room leaving Annabel to scramble and get up as she rushed with trying to cover everything before she went to interviews let alone speaking one on one with people. The only thing Annabel has managed is not to argue with Scarlett because she learned it is never good too.

Scarlett felt proud of herself watching her wife begging for the abuse to stop but she never felt like a relief of marrying her was enough so she made sure to make her suffer subsequently since she kept giving many excuses for the love of Jana which was very sickening when she knew Annabel would take to long to do something Scarlett had to make sure that her memory would never return, so she would enjoy watching her wife shrivel up and cry.

After about thirty minutes of making sure Annabel was good to go for her interviews Scarlett walked out of the room listening to Annabel scramble for makeup and anything else to cover up the marks since she knew damn well Annabel wouldn't go outside without covering up the mess. Once Annabel was ready she grabbed her purse by the door, kissed Scarlett goodbye then went to catch the buses for the day.

Annabel had sat down on a bench after filing many applications in each store she could find knowing none of them would be good enough for Scarlett. As she sighed a woman sat beside her saying,

"You look like hell."

Annabel looked up with a new resolution as she replied,

"I have had a bad day and my wife is going to be so upset with me once she finds out."

The woman had lovely short black hair, hazel and green eyes, luscious red lips, she is very lovely looking for sure. She had dressed in all black which made her stand out.

As the lady responded,

"My name Tonya Jones, I can't stand a person who beats someone else which I have noticed about your face and the way you lean it hurts. As for your wife being upset about certain jobs you find that is even more ridiculous."

Annabel sadly looked down again replying,

"I am Annabel Thomas, my wife is very abusive, I don't know who I was before, we have traveled seven times within the past three years and she has not picked my jobs since we've been together."

Tonya shook her head as she scooted closer to Annabel responding,

"Do you remember anything of your past at all? Like your name? Your parent's name? Anything that could trigger a memory?"

Annabel sighed heavily replying,

"No, because once I do have a memory of any sort including dreams my wife beats me for it and my mind loses what the memory was."

Tonya hugged Annabel responding,

"You're wife is very cruel and you need to be in a women's shelter away from her."

Annabel shook her head no as she looked up at the sky and sighed once more replying,

"I better get home. My wife will be tracking me down if I'm not home by a certain time."

Tonya hugged Annabel once more then walked away with tears streaming from her face. Annabel felt so bad for making the woman cry and now she had to head back to her wife before another beating came about which wouldn't surprise Annabel at all including Scarlett's temper that has literally gone over the top.