Chapter 7

Arriving at the store with Scarlett became amazing. It felt so good to be placed in a store that represented herself in so many ways. The lovely dresses stood out perfectly especially the floral ones that Scarlett let her pick out to try on and see which one she liked more. Angel would show off her new look to Scarlett who would just nod with a smile though honestly not caring because she wished Angel was with Jana doing this instead in the back of Scarlett's mind. Scarlett saw herself out of the department store and went to grab some coffee, she didn't understand Angel's way of thinking at all. She loves Angel immensely but Angel belongs to Jana not this way, she hurt her enough before she got therapy and began her medication. Scarlett will never understand why Angel loves her so much but this is all she got left and telling her mom that Angel came back willingly would probably shock her too since she knew what went on behind closed doors.

"Baby, why did you leave me in the store?" Angel said.

"I needed some coffee my love, sorry I will come back and join you to see all those dresses you picked out." Scarlett replied through gritted teeth.

Scarlett hated shopping especially for clothes that would be taken off in time when it comes to sex and she has feeling Angel will want that out of her. Scarlett wanted nothing more than to be alone, being around Angel is making her want to go off her medicine so that way she doesn't have to pay attention to Angel. It just irritates her to no end that she ended up being back with her when she didn't even want that to begin with. They do not love each other by far. Scarlett watched Angel show off more dresses, outfits, and whatever else she could find to feel comfortable with though it is like peeling paint off the wall with just watching Angel try on everything. Angel finally figured out what she was taking home and Scarlett paid for it all.

After two hours of sitting at the mall, they made their way home. Angel scurried off to the bedroom to put on one of her new clothes. Scarlett sat in the living room for a few minutes when the door rang, Scarlett rushed over to it and opened it to find Jana with Avery and Jonathan looking like they had been crying the whole way there.

"Angel isn't coming home is she?" Avery asked.

Scarlett grabbed her house key, locking the door behind her, and ushered them out the door.

"It isn't my fault this time, I did get therapy and I am on medication. She came here willingly to keep a relationship that doesn't exist, I do blame myself for making her believe we are meant to be together when she belongs to you three. Until she realizes that she belongs back to you three their isn't much I can do except show her what I mean to her and be her girlfriend. Yes, we are filing for divorce though it is all going to be one sided. So, please if you decide to come inside, be patient with her and just be your best because I can't handle her begging to stay again as it happened when she arrived." Scarlett explained.

Jana shook her head in disbelief that Angel literally left her on her own and it tore her apart once again. How can this all be so real? Jana wanted her future wife back but this battle with Scarlett has become reality once more.

"Scarlett, I love her and wish she would have remained in Kansas instead of coming all the way out here. I know this is a big mess and this one isn't your fault. Angel's memory rehashed what you two have instead of what me and her cherished. She did try on the way home but I think her heart wanted you back because you still love her too." Jana replied.

"Jana, she is meant for you in more ways than one. I didn't mean to make her mentally unstable to come running back to me. I love her but not that way, I don't dare to touch your woman. This is all wrong." Scarlett responded through gritted teeth.

"It is up to her now Scarlett, we are both in between her and her emotions. She will either stay with you or come to me or come back and forth until she can resolve her happiness. My kids and I have suffered enough but if Angel isn't in the right frame of mind then we have to deal. I don't want you to have sex with one another but I can't stop what Angel does or feel but in the end of all this you do not marry her again. Make sure you refuse each time she wants to be down the aisle with you. That is my deal because I want Angel back in my life." Jana replied.

"You got the deal though I wasn't going to marry her a second time anyways, she is yours." Scarlett responded as they both shook hands on it.

Jana and the kids left as Scarlett made her way into the apartment breathing a sigh of relief that her and Jana are working through this tough time though what she saw next of Angel isn't what she prepared for as she stepped through the door. Angel has herself naked on the couch winking at Scarlett.

"Ready to be in my arms?" Angel said.

Scarlett backed herself out the door then down a flight stairs then bumped into Jana by accident.

"Sorry, I have to go, I can't do this anymore. Angel is in my apartment stark naked at this point and I am losing my sanity to her. Go have a talk with her, please. I will be back in an hour with the kids just to handle Angel." Scarlett begged.

Jana took Scarlett's apartment keys and Scarlett took the truck keys as they both nodded to one another. Jana wasn't ready to face Angel but she needed to fix this for Scarlett. Jana entered the apartment finding Angel sure enough naked though covered up under a blanket crying her eyes out. Jana sat beside Angel on the couch as she cleared her throat.

"Angel?" Jana said.

"She doesn't like me naked. What did I do wrong to scare her off?" Angel replied through her tears.

"You do know that you two never made love, right? That was only us. You and Scarlett didn't go that far when you were with her before." Jana responded, wringing her fingers together nervously.

"Jana, why are you even here? Where is my wife? We aren't together anymore since you all abandoned me in that house." Angel replied, wiping her tears away and becoming angry with Jana.

"I am here because Scarlett ran into me in the parking lot and your kids wanted to see you, Scarlett is out with our kids. We didn't abandon you, you ran away Angel, and couldn't face us on your own let alone fight this feeling for Scarlett." Jana responded with gritted teeth biting her cheek in the process.

"You're jealous, Jana admits it, you are jealous of what I have for Scarlett and you want that for me and you. I don't want to see those damn kids, all I want is Scarlett, no one else." Angel replied, snatching the blanket closer to her and scooting away from Jana.

"I am not jealous of whatever this is, you made up this whole scene because of what Scarlett put you through before you came back to Kansas. We were planning our whole life together before you ran back to her. And no, she doesn't want to see you naked but it isn't going to be easier for her to work it out with you if you keep shredding off your clothes. You love her then give her time. That is my only advice for you, I am not going to sit here and argue about what could've been fixed with us. I am going to sit outside on the deck by the door." Jana responded walking out the door leaving Angel to herself.

Angel got up off the couch looking out the apartment window to find Jana and Scarlett talking, she rolled her eyes then went back to the bedroom and locked herself in. She couldn't take this bitterness of what they both think their capable of which is making her feel useless for either of their love. She wants Scarlett but even that seems out of reach. Scarlett is everything to Angel. Their bond is irristatable at this point though they haven't even touched one another like her and Jana have, she craved it with Scarlett each time they became a breath away from each other.

Angel heard Scarlett come into the apartment without even yelling for her or anything, it felt so strange to Angel that Scarlett isn't even putting up a fight though she came here willingly so with hopes of changing Scarlett's mind that they can be in love. Angel came out of the bedroom with clothes on to find Scarlett sitting on the couch watching television.

"I am sorry for doing that to you, Scarlett." Angel said.

"It's fine, I was going to tell you that I have work to do in the factory downtown where my mom works and that I would be home later but unfortunately work told me not to come in for a few days after everything went down with us before. So, I am stuck at home, and in the meantime I did call the bookstore that you wanted to work for. They aren't taking in anyone after my crazy incident with trying to get Jana, you are without a job for however long it'll take you to find another." Scarlett replied in a huff.

Angel went and sat next to Scarlett grabbing a hold of her hand gently.

"We could make our own store, make it a wondrous one with your artwork and my books. We could make a ton of money having our own store." Angel responded smiling.

"No way, that was you and Jana's dream not mine. I love working with my mom finally, if you want a store go ahead contact Jana she and the kids can move out here. I am not living in stress, forget it." Scarlett replied.

Angel shrugged her shoulders dreaming about opening up Frostfire instead of it being Windsong though either one would make a great store. She has no idea what to do just yet but time will come for that. In the meantime she has books to write including Jazzabelle and Ashton. It is a feature love story that involves finding happiness to end with love. Though in the back of her mind, she is wanting to change it to Sara and Ashton to bring in a new audience of love just like her life.