In times like these,

We are asked to do the unforgivable

To keep our head straight

Take out the best things we know

And know that every part of our being

Our souls

Will one day collide with the universe

And when we just want to live

The darkness does catch up

The 7 blessing we ask for a day

Are no longer blessings their a curse

And when you think life can be normal

It isn't

A normal Thursday school in the morning and walking home

Normally takes me and sea more time to get home then the other kids

Cause we live on the edge of no where

We are about 2 miles out when we can smell something cooking

Like a fire is blazed

It isn't when we start to get closer

The smell is stronger

We start to run when all the sudden our hands are pulled back

Ma I standing there

Her eyes are glazed and she is cover in ash

She hugs us

And grabs us to walk through the woods no one says a word until baby S starts to cry

Sea grabs him and grabs the bottle from mamas bag

We sit down

Ma starts out slow

"I couldn't stop him

His anger was the best of him

He wasn't himself

Yelling about the seven he saw at the barber shop

Then he saw on in the store

When he rang up the food came out to 77 even

The four 7 are a way of god telling him to go home

But we had to move on from this place to many people know now

We had to change our names

Move forward with our lives

Burn it all he said

Take it all to the ground

Run with children

Live a different life

And he set himself a blaze

I couldn't save him

I had to run from the house we knew

We have to go before they find all the bodies

Or worse all the hints of the murders

We have to go now"

Ma jumps after she says all this

We get up and we just start to move

We walk to the nearest town called Lando Oaks

It's a small town but ma isn't waiting to stay here

She walks in the store

Buys dye, food, water and new clothes

She gets out the door and we walk to the next town night fall has come Ma makes her self look presentable to get a room.

She walks out walks us to the room makes us take our clothes off and burns them our side

Next she dyes all our hair black

Our new clothes are pants and shirts

And it makes me look like a boy

Ma doesn't say anything else but good night to us

She wakes us up before the sun makes the beds in the hotel room

And we keep walking for several days we kept going stopping and going.

Finally we ended up in a small place called Dahlonega, Georgia

Small not many people

And no one new who we were

Ma said we are no longer the hoe family

And there will be no killing till further notice

She looked us dead in the eye and told us we're nothing but some new city folks and getting there life back on track

Ya hear

Ma sounded terrified but scary all at once

We did as she said and there would be no killing

Not even a little