Chapter 6

Jana got Angel up so she could take care of Jonathan and Angel before sending them off to school but Angel stopped her mid-way saying,

"I wish you could take off for one more day but I know are budget is in need of help and I can't wait to show your parent's that we are engaged and glad you never left when it got complicated, I was so afraid you would."

Jana knew Angel was hiding something but never pushed her to reveal since it doesn't do any good to get the detail out of Angel when she wasn't ready so she replied,

"I am glad to and can't wait to reveal that I am lesbian since you mean everything to me and showed me it's okay to be with a woman."

Angel smiled responding,

"As long as you are comfortable with who you are, I am happy you feel that way, as I am glad to go from bisexual to lesbian myself since I never really liked men that way just as friends."

Jana kissed Angel softly as she sighed then releasing the kiss replying,

"I am happy to be with you."

Angel winked responding,

"As I am too."

They walked downstairs hand in hand they kissed one more time as Jana left to work and the kids giggled Avery ran over to Angel with a hug saying,

"So does that we will get you both last name when you get married or would we be stuck as Bowman because of our parent's?"

Angel knew Avery was full of questions as she replied,

"I am not sure sweetheart, I mean me and mom haven't discussed it yet."

Avery slid down from the hug and had tears come out of her eyes responding,

"We love you and want to be officially your kids with your last names."

Angel wiped Avery's tears replying,

"Me and mom will talk about it tonight princess don't worry, you are still are kids and we love you both too."

Avery nodded as she went back to eat her breakfast before the bus arrived that was when Jonathan and Avery kissed her goodbye for the day then she was all alone.

Angel sat alone watching television when a knock abrupt her thoughts of getting married when they can afford it. Angel got up from the couch and went to open the door they don't have a peephole this time so she didn't know who was behind the door. As she slowly opened the door she saw it was Scarlett wondering how the woman even knew where they lived as she said,

"Well, um...hi Scarlett, what brings you to my home?"

Scarlett looked like she had been crying replying,

"Angel, you need to help me please, I beg of you just help me, look at my arms I have started cutting and I can't stop."

Angel sighed guiding Scarlett to the couch and she responded,

"What can I help you with Scarlett?"

Scarlett looked around to see if anyone was there then replied,

"I am needing you to get me to the mental ward in Kansas City, I can't be home alone anymore and the last woman I was with was still there."

Angel just looked at Scarlett with uncertainty as she responded,

"I don't think you need to go back to a mental ward all because you need a woman, I think you just need to get out and find one, maybe go to a bar,library,grocery store or something to find a woman."

Scarlett nodded in agreement as she replied,

"You are right as always, by the way where is Jana?"

Angel just couldn't sit still as she responded,

"She's at work and our kids are at school."

Scarlett lit up with a smile responding,

"So we can watch movies together and have lunch also enjoy some coffee too, please can I stay with you until they get home?"

Angel didn't like this idea one bit but she needed a friend to hang with until her family got home and that is all Scarlett and her was just friends nothing more. Angel sighed replying,

"Sure, we will hang out but no kissing or touching me, I am happily engaged to Jana."

Scarlett's eyes went wide then nodded responding,

"Congrats and thank you, I am just needing a friend anyways someone to bond with."

Angel had more of a suspicious feeling with Scarlett though she just kept it to herself knowing that Scarlett learned her lesson about hurting her or anyone else. Angel replied,

"You're welcome, I am needing some coffee, would you like some too?"

Scarlett nodded as Angel got up from the couch then headed to the kitchen as she texted Jana,

"Jana, I should have told you this before but I ran into Scarlett a few weeks ago and well she wanted my help with finding her a girlfriend which I didn't but she is here now hanging out with me until you all get home, she is just a friend nothing more is going on so you know."

Angel sat her phone down to get the coffee brewed then her phone went off as she read the text from Jana saying,

"Angel, I don't trust her after what she did to you last year when we were in Michigan but I am not going to control who you want as friends, I hope you will go out and make friends when we get a second vehicle because Scarlett is far from a friend she is a enemy and will always make our life hell. Just know if you need me home, I'll come straight home from work, otherwise be careful."

Angel sighed knowing Jana was right then replied,

"Yes baby, I understand. I know Scarlett is a enemy but I need to make due with what I have even having her as just friend. Anyways, I will see you tonight, I love you."

Jana responded instantly,

"I love you too, see you tonight."

Angel sat the phone down then took care of the coffee with placing it on a tray along with sugar and creamer since she didn't know what Scarlett liked. Soon as she got back in the living room she saw Scarlett stripped to nothing and getting herself off saying her name over and over. Angel dropped everything right where she was at in the hallway almost to the living room that was when she held her chest heaving heavy sighs knowing she wasn't in the kitchen that long as peeked over again to see Scarlett still going knowing this isn't helping her hormones any seeing her ex girlfriend get off.

Angel heard Scarlett finish finally as she cleaned up the mess she made and hurry back to the kitchen to reset everything and taking multiple deep breaths saying to herself it is all okay, it is okay. Angel went back to the living room to find Scarlett and dressed and sitting properly again as Angel announced,

"Coffee is ready to go Scarlett, hope you don't mind me bringing creamer and sugar since I don't know what you like."

Scarlett breathed heavily then responded,

"That is fine Angel, thank you again for allowing me to stay with you."

Angel nodded as she sat down on the couch smelling Scarlett's strong pheromones that smelt sweet and knew that she had to hold herself from pouncing on the woman knowing this was going to end in sex if she didn't control herself soon. Angel watched Buffy The Vampire Slayer and seeing some of the lesbian scene made her on edge also listening to Scarlett sipping on her hot coffee.

Scarlett scooted closer to Angel knowing that she heard her drop the coffee and was making her nervous, she wanted her badly tasting the last kiss they shared in Michigan. She knew how to make Angel want her they were a perfect couple and she will win her from Jana once an for all even if it meant interrupting her wedding it would be perfect.

Scarlett could see Angel move to the further end of the couch as she whispered,

"You know how I promised to never kiss you or touch you, well unfortunately sweet Angel you can't run too far since you have no vehicle and you are stuck home. I can't help but sense when you walked in on me getting off that you were horny, so even though you deny not wanting me, I will make you want me again."

Angel pushed Scarlett away as she kept getting closer replying,

"Please Scarlett don't, I love Jana."

Scarlett hated that name with a passion that was when she decided to take Angel into her own hands, this is going to get interesting. Scarlett could see Angel needed and wanted her after the masturbate she did it always made Angel on edge. Scarlett then replied,

"Don't speak that name in front of me, I am the one for you not her."

Angel climbed off the couch then raced upstairs to her bedroom locking herself in their as she heard Scarlett's footsteps saying,

"You can hide from me but I'll always find you. Just know I'm going to sit right here until you open up."

Angel stayed in the room without her coffee or anything knowing Scarlett would stay put and keep the house locked from Jana and the kids which meant she could lose everything. Scarlett fell asleep as did Angel, so as soon as Angel heard a door close and the sound of book bags dropping Angel knew that Jana was home that Scarlett didn't have a chance to make it.

Scarlett got kicked by Jana and Jana kneel down speaking,

"What do you think your doing with my fiancee?"

Scarlett soon got up then responded,

"Oh hey Jana um...I was just resting near the door in case she needed anything while she rested since she felt sick to her stomach earlier."

Jana couldn't and wouldn't accept that from Scarlett so she knocked on the bedroom door saying,

"Angel, baby, open up please it's okay, I am home now."

Angel slowly unlocked the door seeing the kids surround Scarlett and Jana looking at her with fierce knowing something wasn't right as she replied,

"Babe, so glad you are home."

Scarlett scowled at Angel then left the house without much of a fight. Jonathan,Avery and Jana gave Angel a hug then guided her back to the room on to the bed. That was when Jonathan took it as cue for him and Avery to leave they both did leaving their mom's alone.

Jana then spoke once again,

"Angel, sweetheart, are you feeling okay?"

Angel nodded replying,

"Yes, I am fine."

Jana hugged her responding,

"Scarlett said you were sick so I thought you were down and you didn't bother to call me?"

Angel sighed looking at Jana fearing to tell the slightest truth replying,

"I...I..just didn't want to bother you knowing you had to work."

Jana raised an eyebrow replying,

"Angel, I would have been home instantly knowing you weren't feeling good, but locking yourself in here isn't smart either."

Angel shrugged responding,

"I just wanted to be alone from Scarlett is all since I didn't feel good, she laid by the door to take care of me."

Jana knew something was fishy but didn't force it out of Angel.