Chapter 11

Angel had fallen asleep in the backseat after Scarlett explained how their life is going to be without Jana and her children, she missed them badly but she had to leave with Scarlett to save her fiancee and children from this terrible heartache that has been wedged between it's bad enough Jana had kissed her boss, unfortunately her situation being caught with Scarlett having sex with her had made it worse because Scarlett literally masturbated in front of Angel again this time it was a seduction that made Angel weak.

Scarlett patted Angel awake saying,

"Well, we are here in Rose County finally and we are about a hour or so from where I live so come sit up front with me."

Angel climbed up to the front then replied,

"So what are we doing in Rose County and where do we need to go to?"

Scarlett smiled responding,

"I am going to change you of course and we are heading into clothing stores,hair salons and much more to get you set up as Annabel Thomas you will be my wife. You will no longer Angel Knight so prepare for new changes baby because you are now living your life back in Rose County as soon as we head to Berkeley for everything."

Angel sighed hating the outcome of changing who she is to please this woman but it is what it is until Jana and the kids can come to rescue hopefully before she is brainwashed to blathering, she rather be dead than being called Annabel Thomas. Angel replied after thinking it over,

"So pretty much you are going to have to get me a new ID,birth certificate,social security card and what not just so I can be that wife you wanted years ago...this is so fucking ridiculous, you can't be making me someone I don't want to be..I am sure you could find a real Annabel anywhere else without changing me."

Scarlett stopped the car once again then placed her hands around Angel's throat responding,

"You are going to be MY Annabel whether you approve or not, you are my everything and always will be as long as I make you my wife that damn whore of a woman you claim to love won't have you as long as you are with me."

Angel tried to release from Scarlett's grip so she could breath but Scarlett just held tighter making Angel lose her breath completely as she passed out in the front seat from loss of oxygen.

Scarlett put the car back in drive after releasing Angel making her suffer for claiming she couldn't be her Annabel,Annabel is going to be her love and will be with her forever not this damn Angel chick who's in love with Jana Johnson gosh damn it. Scarlett finished the drive in complete silence once more as she looked over to Angel every once and while to make sure she was breathing, thankfully she was.

They had arrived in Berkeley before heading into Rose so that way Angel can be changed to Annabel before it gets to much later it took them most of the day to change her hair from long wavy hair to short shoulder length,dye it auburn,change her eye color from blue to grey, and pick her out new clothes and shoes that would make her look unique so she went with short shorts and halter tops along with flip flops that Angel despised most of all.

Scarlett smiled each change come to Angel that it made her whole day that they discussed on how she would act because if she didn't she'd be beaten and that she would be working at Shauna's Midnight Cafe so she would be applying as Annabel Thomas to make it look reasonable, the worst part of it all is that she has to wear contacts to see because her original eye color wasn't good enough and anyone would notice who she was. So instead of being the famous Angel Knight of Rose County with the bookstore cafe called Windsong that is now Midnight which is going to throw her completely off.

Scarlett is so happy to see that Angel is now Annabel a perfect sweet imaginable love that she couldn't resist the urge wanting to make Annabel feel special by making love to her that she actually spoke,

"Annabel, you look so amazing even better than what you were before. This style fits you perfectly, I couldn't imagine a better wife for me."

Annabel replied,

"I wish you would have just left my image alone I loved being Angel not Annabel. Annabel sounds so plain and original."

Scarlett smacked Annabel across the cheek responding,

"You are ANNABEL not ANGEL and I will make sure it sticks in that pretty little head of yours. Now Annabel go to dinner and enjoy ourselves then go home to watch movies."

Annabel sighed replying,

"Yes, my wonderful gorgeous wife."

Annabel wanted to puke saying wife to Scarlett this is going to be so sickening and hard to adjust since she wanted Jana more than anything. Could she handle this twist of events and get to Jana before it became hell once more? Jana had finally came out as lesbian,she proposed to Jana and now she is stuck back in Rose County with her ex girlfriend from High School because she willingly gave in when she should have fought for herself.

Scarlett was extremely proud of the way Annabel replied as being her now wife even though they have to get everything ready for the law to see that she can be Mrs. Annabel Thomas for the rest of her life and never go back to Angel Knight.