Chapter 22

Scarlett arrived home to find her wife Annabel peacefully working on a book with tears streaming down her face as Scarlett came up behind her saying,

"Baby, why are you crying?"

Annabel turned around from her computer looking at Scarlett replying,

"I...I am not sure who you are or even who I am. Jana is gone, you are working late every evening. We move a lot never stay in one place. This life is beyond my measurements."

Scarlett kneel down on one knee to look up at Annabel responding,

"You are Annabel, my sweet loving wife, and I am Scarlett, your beautiful wife. We move because of my job not due to anything else. I know Jana is gone but it is for the better, she's cause too much chaos trying to find Angel."

Annabel got up out of the chair pushing Scarlett down to the ground pacing back and forth in the living room replying,

"That's what I don't get, she is assuming I'm Angel Knight and I keep having these daydreams that I'm her also that I had a life with her and you would sexually abuse me. So, tell me Scarlett who am I really?"

Scarlett love this charade game when Annabel would assume she is Angel it was the best time to take much needed measures to keep Annabel around as she decided responding would be best,

"Babe, you are only have those daydreams because you have no memory of anything else, we have been the best couple since high school. We were crowned King and Queen at our Prom everyone loved us when they found out after graduation that we were going to be married it excited everyone including your friends."

Annabel had no recall of this whatsoever it had disturbed her badly that Scarlett kept this going with a long tale but she had no memory of Angel most the time either, she'd go days without a pop up of a memory. So she replied,

"Hmm...okay darling, it must be my depression over my book of "Making A Memory" that book has been eating my thought process and just carrying on for days on end I'm only halfway through on top of it."

Scarlett kissed her with passion then released replying,

"It's all okay darling just take a break you're emotions are way out of whack today let me go get you some medication and you can rest."

Annabel nodded just taking whatever Scarlett was going to give her just so she'd be calm and relax though that still doesn't explain her memories of being with Jana she so badly wanted to text Jana but then remembered she deleted the number due to Jana not wanting her since she wasn't Angel.

Scarlett came back with some weird medication she took it anyways then went to lay down as Scarlett helped her to bed. Annabel couldn't remember why she fell asleep so early as she rolled over to feel Scarlett next to her, she kissed her wife's forehead then went to her laptop to check her work progress as she shook the mouse a message popped up reading,


This is Anisa Powell, Scarlett's ex girlfriend well okay technically you were as Angel too but I'm not here to judge your opinion's, I'm emailing you to save your life before it gets to much later. Annabel, one thing I have learned about Scarlett is that she'll change you for it to make her better. She abused me for days on end until I had to call the law and get her out of my life. Scarlett is a conniving bitch, she had made me Angel Marie Knight for about a two years until I went back to my old self which is Anisa and not Angel because I'm not you or the name you were before.

Now, I don't know you're full history but I do know one thing you had a great love life with Jana you two did everything together which made Scarlett so pissed off. I will admit she did eventually stop abusing me, I had to go through some intense therapy to better myself against her as you will too I'm sure. Annabel, I'm not out to piss you off or anything that isn't my intent but Scarlett is not worth this lifestyle.

I am going to go since I know Scarlett will be up in about forty minutes so delete this email and forget about me until you are back Angel then email me. I am not going to give you a number or anything due to Scarlett so just try and walk out of that hell hole before it gets much worse. Goodbye Annabel...


Anisa Powell of Pennsylvania"

Annabel deleted the email as she heard Scarlett scramble out of bed that was when she went to her book and started working on it not thinking of Anisa's letter. She wasn't sure how to escape or even anything else at the moment since she still believes Scarlett is her one and only wife in the world who actually cared and have loved her with passion and desire hell they made love a week ago that was imaginable in records after three years together.

Scarlett came up behind Annabel saying,

"Good morning baby, you are up way early. Everything okay?"

Annabel stretched from writing her book even though it was ten minutes the most as she replied,

"After a good night's rest and stress free I feel amazing."

Scarlett kissed Annabel deeply then let go with a response,

"That's amazing, I'm going to brew some coffee and get breakfast made, how about pancakes,eggs,sausage and orange juice?"

Annabel smiled replying,

"Sure babe, sounds good, let me finish up here and I'll join you."

Annabel saved the sentence she left off at then shut down her laptop for the time being seeing that Scarlett would get on to her for not helping with breakfast.