Chapter 3

Scarlett watched Angel get plummeted by Carrie. As she watched Angel struggle her mind went into the future as it showed what could become of Angel. Angel, you are MY ANNABEL not ANGEL. You will be my wife whether you like it or not. I will make sure you're lovely fiancee Jana and your children Jonathan and Avery suffer from taking you from me. I am your everything not her.

Scarlett shook her head over and over then shoved Carrie away from Angel as they both rushed off as Angel turned Scarlett around saying,

"You are so lucky she didn't hurt me."

Scarlett looked down at her feet replying,

"I saw our future even after meeting today. I don't know who Annabel is but I am not risking you going to be put in danger by me."

Angel shook her head and kept on walking towards whatever class she needed next since Scarlett done forgot. Scarlett rushed toward Angel grabbing her by the elbow turning her around saying,

"Angel, tell me what are we to do?"

Angel released her elbow from Scarlett replying,

"What do you mean we?"

Scarlett sighed rubbing her temples responding,

"I am not sure, I need help alright."

Angel looked at Scarlett quizzically replying,

"Help with what? Scarlett, if this is about that stupid prediction, I can't say much because I have no idea what you would do to me future matters even if we did manage to date and what not."

Scarlett tried again replaying what she saw responding,

"Angel, my prediction was that I forced you to be my wife under a name Annabel and I made everyone you love suffer because of something that wasn't in detail but I don't want to find out what I did because it may end horribly."

Angel hugged Scarlett replying,

"I am sure it'll be okay whatever the prediction was, I mean it can't be that bad, you are really nice to help to class in which we are already tardy for but don't freak to much all will be okay."

Scarlett nodded with hugging Angel back. They walked to their next class in silence and the rest of the day went without another premonition of a future Scarlett didn't want to see again. Scarlett went on home that afternoon without a friend to speak with about everything once again. She knew her mom is going to wonder about her that keeps people away especially Carrie who had every parent loving her.

Scarlett got home dropping her backpack by the door as her mom hollered,

"Scarlett, baby is that you? If it is come into the kitchen and help me."

Scarlett had tons of homework to do, helping her mom came first and foremost. Scarlett hollered back,

"Coming mom."

Scarlett walked to the kitchen seeing that her mom was making a big dinner for some occasion again. Scarlett came up behind her mom saying,

"So who are we cooking for this time?"

Andrea smiled at her precious girl replying,

" friend is coming over."

Scarlett raised a brow at her mom responding,

"A friend, really? Are you going to be dating anyone eventually, dad would have appreciated it."

Andrea shook her head replying,

"After many years of your dad's passing, I can't seem to date anyone honey."

Scarlett shook her head no responding,

"Have you ever tried dating the same sex to see what happens?"

Andrea patted Scarlett's cheek replying,

"I did, my mid-wife Angelique Yates my goodness she was a beautiful black woman."

Scarlett smiled seeing her mom daydream over a woman that is one thing Scarlett wish she could tell her mom that they both like girls but that would probably ruin her mom's life. Andrea looked at Scarlett with a smile saying,

"Let's finish this lasagna up and the salad. I have started with sauce vinaigrette."

Scarlett nodded as they both worked quickly trying to get everything ready for her mom's "friend" it made Scarlett giggle at the thought of her mom just having friends and not dating anyone. Andrea and her talked about school as Scarlett brought up her prediction of Angel the new girl in school and her mom explained it could just be over analyzed or a simple future reference because no one can predict their own future.

Scarlett got dressed into a black dress with chains, fishnet stockings with black socks that hide in the boots and black hair band that went with her short black hair and then placed black eye shadow and red lipstick as she looked herself over in the mirror she smiled at the sight of her new look that her mom let her own. As she rushed downstairs to meet her mom's friend at the door, sure enough in no time as she reached behind her mother who is dressed in a red dress with red heels and perfect red lipstick even Scarlett couldn't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to date her mom. Her mom opened the door as a woman about thirty-five or thirty-six with a tomboy cut with brown hair, looked like she had deep brown eyes, she wore a white muscle shirt with a blue over shirt and blue jeans with a ball cap backwards. Scarlett couldn't help but stare the woman looked pure lesbian not straight or even the type that dates guys. Scarlett looked at her mom and the woman they were flirting as they stood at the door. Andrea brought the woman in as her mom introduced us turned out her name is Ronnie "Shane" White or nickname Romeo. Andrea cleared her throat saying,

"We have dinner ready Shane, my daughter just got home and helped me finish."

Shane nodded replying,

"Thank you for having me over Mrs. Thomas this is a lovely home."

Andrea blushed as Scarlett felt a little lost between the two as they flirted and carried on.

Scarlett couldn't leave her mom on her "date" with a "friend" it was already awkward enough. Scarlett decided to leave her mom alone after it was well past eight o'clock since she had homework to do and head to bed. Though if she knew her mom them two would possibly sleep together and hook up in the week, her mom deserved someone that is for sure even if it made her uncomfortable to see her mom flirt with women.