
5 months later

Holy shit this is so boring. There is nothing here, no interesting people, no aliens and nothing actually happening. I could not find a single magical book. All of them were either fake or would disappear before I could get too them. Currently there are only 3 groups of aliens on planet earth that I know off.

1. Plumbers and their prisoners

2. Highbreed sleeper cells

3. Benwolf, Frankenstein and mummy.

I was hoping to go with the first option but grandpa max never visits for some reason. I have no clue why. Well that eliminates the first option so next, I am not a highbreed plus continuity will be fucked if I interfere and their problems have a simple fix so no worries about them for now. They are an important plot point and I shall leave them alone until they piss me off. We'll either that or until alien force rolls around cause they are not taking over earth on my watch. Get it, my Watch?

The third group is now my best option, they are isolated from future events, they have no plot significance in the future besides the original shows and they aren't too strong but not to weak. They are the ideal target. That is the very reason I am on a school trip to a museum. Well to my parents maybe but I am actually on a trip with Gwen and Kai to the area where blitzwolfer was reported to have been seen along with where the Frankenstein was also reported to have been seen.

Now you may be asking, why did I take both Gwen and Kai with me? Well cause kai's grandfather is an expert and I can't quite leave Gwen behind. Plus I need a team in the future and I don't think that Kevin will work with me, and Kai and Gwen are both badasses. Well Gwen has started showing signs of possible magical energy.

I started teaching her magic a few months ago, Ahh I still remember her and Kai's reactions reactions.

Flashback 1 month ago

A boy of 8 years old stood beside two girls of 7 in a desolate park during twilight.

"Hey guys, do you know why I have called you here?"

"No but I trust you big bro."

"Yeah I trust you to, Ben"

"Well do guys believe in magic and aliens"

"Ben, are you ok? Are you sure you aren't sick?"

"I trust you, what! My father is a massive alien fan and I won't see why it can't happen."

"Words are weaker then words."

As I said this, my eyes started glowing an emerald green and I floated into the air. The trees started growing and their vines created a throne onto which I sat down.

"Close your mouths, you might catch flies"

"What. That makes no sense, how could that happen? What about scienc-" Gwen was having a break down and I need to comfort her as a big bro

"Don't worry all laws are preserved but they are blended over backwards like Einstein's bitch."

"Really. Ok but what is a bitch?"

"You don't need to worry about that my little honey bear."

"That was so cool. Can I also do that? Ooh so many questions." Kai was pretty excited to learn more about magic.

"I can answer all of your questions but I shall start by explain what magic is."


"Sure but can you teach me!"

"I will get to that later. Let us start by telling you that magic is just energy that can be converted. There is an entire dimension of magic from which all mages pull their magical powers. All magic originated from here and it can be used in infinite many ways but I use it to physically enhance me, intimidation, magical barriers and a few other functions.

Magic welders are extremely rare and the strongest magical users are anodites who are aliens. And me and Gwen are part anodites.

Gwen is a magical natural along with me due to our heritage but Kai is sadly is not talented in magic. But I can still teach you martial arts and technology which is arguably much much more powerful and versatile."

Gwen was still processing the bomb dropped about out alien grandmother while Kai was still processing the fact that her best friend and crush are part aliens and the fact that she can't use magic.

"Well we are going to go and beat up some aliens. We have a blitzwolf, Frankenstein and mummies who are all aliens. Kai we shall need you grand fathers help do ditch the school during the 3 day school trip to hunt aliens and I need my two little girls to help me catch aliens"

Flashback end

Gwens has a massive talent for magic and Kai was practically born for martial arts. So I trained them both to their max potential and power, but the best part was their determination for power. They went beyond my expectation and still persevered through my hellish training which impressed me a lot since I was expecting them to back off after a few days.

Currently my main focus is building a mental defense. It isn't like just building a shield around your head. It is enhancing your mind and remembering and ordering all of your memories in a way that makes it impossible for anyone to read tour mind or thoughts. To explain this I have to tell you something that I learned.

People project their thoughts into the naturally flowing mana around their head. So if I think of chimichangas, than the mana in the mental plane bends in a specific manner that is an encoded version of chimichangas. A mind reader is just someone who reads the thoughts you give out passively. Well at least for mind readers in my theoretical scenario but I am slowly able to inch towards mind reading capabilities but that is a bit far in the distance. A better target/benchmark would be empathic senses.