"What is the one truth in the universe? Everyone has a different opnion on it.
Slowly, a dark void black tendril appeared on the floor.
"There is only one true truth in the universe.
Power can be taken away, it isn't absolute. It never will be. Just when you think you have peaked, someone stronger will appear. Power is bound by the infinite structure of the universe. The escalator of power.
Life will die. Maybe today, maybe a few trillion years later, all life will die. Even if you survive for that long, you will die one day. And what is life? Are A.I life? Are robots alive. In the end, you lose yourself but live or die.
Courage is useless without anything or use it with. A courageous mouse will die to a car no matter what happens. So what if you are the embodiment of courage if you don't have the strength to back it up.
Knowledge is constantly generated and even if you knew everything, you can always forget. I could easily erase all your memories(lie) and you wouldn't even notice. Knowledge could also be wrong. After all, history is written by the winner.
Goodness is just concept. The universe doesn't care about it. Even if you are the most kindhearted, you will die. Whether you do good or bad. You are subject to the same rules as everyone.
Evil is just a concept. The universe doesn't care about it either. Even if you are the most cruel hearted person, you will die one day. Whether you do good or bad. You are subject to the same rules as everyone."
By now I had enthralled everyone with my philosophical words and Gwen walked up to ask her own question.
"Then what truly is the one constant? Is it change? Stability?The future? C?"
The entire night soil had turned void black but none of the tennysons noticed.
"Change may seem inevitable but it will die in the end. One day, the universe will die and a new one will be born. Nothing will never be truly stable but never truly changing either. A limbo of not changing but not stable. Forever, too infinity
Stability may seem inevitable but it will die in the end. One day, the universe will die and a new one will be born. Nothing will never be truly stable but never truly changing either. A limbo of not changing but not stable. Forever, too infinity
The speed of light is just a number that lower beings are bound too. Just because human physics breaks down after C, doesn't mean that nothing can travel faster than C. Some can even bend light and slow it down. Not through refraction, not through time manipulation but stop light in its path."
This time Kevin stood up and asked, by now almost the entire field was covered in void and there was a small wave of power that burst though the plane of reality but none of the engrossed tennysons felt it.
"Is it potential? Facts? The physical laws? The dimensions? The universe?"
"Potential can be destroyed and nipped in the bud. Such things as potential make no change in the universe. You could have absolutely no potential and kill someone with near infinite potential.
Facts change. They aren't absolute. The universe rotated around the earth and that was a fact. America was once India. That was a fact. Humanity is alone in the universe. That was a fact. Science is absolute. It is a fact.
Laws of science are not absolute. They change. The laws of physics a are just the ones imposed by higher beings onto lower ones. You could completely ignore all the laws with power.
Dimensions collapse every moment. Some may seem infinite but outside of our little universe, blink and they are gone. They all will collapse, even universes will collapse and new ones will take their place.
This universe will die. It will be replaced and that one will die. You will never truly comprehend how small you are. An army of omnitrix users? Anhilargs? All child's players when there are infinite universes and infinite amount of universes collapse every moment and an infinite number are created with that same moment."
This time it was Max's turn to ask the same question and he did ask some wonderful questions.
"Is it ignorance? Greed? Betrayal? Death?"
By now almost everything in the small area had been covered in void.
"Ignorance May grow faster than knowledge but it is not absolute. I could kill every ignorant person on this planet and only let the scientists live, or better yet only let robots live and ignorance would perish.
Greed may be constant on a small scale but what is greed but a concept of life. What is the purpose of greed without life. Greed dies with life. But I will agree that greed is a constant in all of life.
Betrayal may be constant on a small scale but what is betrayal without greed and what is greed but a concept of life. What is the purpose of betrayal without life. Betrayal dies with life. But I will agree with you that betrayal is a constant in all of life.
Death, though it may seem like the only option, isn't constant. You could escape death forever. The entire universe could die and be reborn over a million times but one could live straight through it all. You would die from the inside, fo crazy and lose the essence of your very being, forced to roam and new cosmos for all of eternity. Chained to life by your own mistakes. You would die but you wouldn't."
"Then tell me what is the one constant. It was my original question."
Ben said as he looked me straight in the eyes.
"There is only one true constant in the universe. Not infinity.
Not bound by Infinity, like Power.
Not bound by Time, like Life.
Not bound by Life, like Courage.
Not bound by Power, like Knowledge.
Not bound by Equality, like Goodness.
Not bound by Equality, like Evil.
Not bound by Infinity, like Change.
Not bound by Infinity, like Stability.
Not bound by Understanding, like C.
Not bound by Time, like Potential.
Not bound by Understanding, like Facts.
Not bound by Power, like Laws.
Not bound by Time, like the Dimensions.
Not bound by Infinity like the Universe.
Not bound by Life, like Ignorance
Not bound by Life, like Greed.
Not bound by Life, like Betrayal.
Not bound by Infinity, like Death.
There is only one thing that is constant. That is
Sorry I got a bit philosophical there but it is a nice chapter. Also we hit top 20 in power stones for a short while so an extra chap is coming out tomorrow along with the normal schedule.
So. Today. Normal schedule.- Pokemon. Extra chap- Ben 10
Tomorrow. Normal schedule.- Avatar. Extra chap- Ben 10
Day after tomorrow. Normal schedule. Ben 10. Extra chap- Ben 10.
So Ben 10 upload tomorrow and double chapter day after tomorrow. Enjoy.